
> niexq 在 2002-1-30 15:05:35 提供了如下回答, 请您查阅和评估:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---
> 是不是见者有分啊?
> 其实讨论这个问题是很无聊地~~~~~~~~,管他什么语言,学好了都有前途!

老话题了,如果java没前途了,那微软还推出visual studio.net 有屁用。[:D]
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问题:.Net, Java or Delphi? ( 积分:1, 回复:14, 阅读:206 )
分类:前沿技术 ( 版主:robertcool, honghs )
来自:房客, 时间:2002-1-30 15:38:00, ID:895601 [显示:小字体 | 大字体]
.Net, Java or Delphi?
This is a response I gave to Mr. Angel Rosario, Jr. on borland.public.delphi.non-technical in regards of his concerns about the "best tool for the job".I wanted to include it in here for further reference.
"I will give you my personal point of view on the matter based on my history
and the things I have seen around me.
It is a difficult time but is possible to make technological decisions
*today*, that may turn good regardless of what is gonna happen. I made mine
and I will try to explain the whats and whys.
It's not easy to decide where to go and which boat to jump on. Neither one
of the two parties, Microsoft or Linux (let's put the others aside for a
second) are sure winners and I am not sure we should even attempt to predict
who will be the one at this point.
On this newsgroup the merits and the pitfalls of both have been discussed to
the extreme. Stability, scalability, speed, cost, etc etc etc have been the
heart of discussions for months in the non-tech.
Problem is that where the market will go is not about the most scalable or
stable system. It is about the perception the community has about that and
the services that it offers. The one that willdo
minate in this two matters,
will probably be the real winner but this won't mean the other will
The first concept (perception) is the heart of publicity and propaganda and
is the most important.
The second (services) backs the first up but is not a lead factor.
Consider what happened around us in our field in the past few years, and
look at history.
Windows 95 has taken the desktop, Office has become the fact the business
application suite everybody uses and finally Internet Explorer has won the
browser war with the 85% of installed and used browsers.
Has those products been an example of quality? I wouldn't say so, definitely
at the begin
ning. But even if they weren't, they had something to offer and
for sure they are not as bad as today's arguments make them appear. At least
they delivered a service and in order todo
that, they took advantage of a
favorable perception that Microsoft generated around them.
There are many reasons behind what happened but thedo
minant is the
perception users have. AOL has become what it is for the same reasons.
Napster is not a real piece of art either but still, through perception and
services has became so strong to deserve to be world wide news when things
started to go bad.
History is made by 2000 years of examples of this pattern that drove masses
to any kind of things, good and bad.
This really took more lines than what I was originally thinking and I
probably have gone tangents...
Why I said what I said? Because at the end, no tool is gonna be so unique
and revolutionary to be the one and only one. Is not like the movie
Highlander. At the end, there will be more than one <G>
You mentioned Design Patterns and UML... That made me smile, because the
selling reasons behind VB, .Net and Delphi are everything but things like
that. The promise is about a RAD tool trough which you can develop your
applications in less than 15 minutes, not a tool that allows you to apply
design patterns, object oriented architectures and things like that. Is all
about the perception of faster time to market, which is wrongfully
associated with OnClicks.
Now, having RAD environments is a great thing. No questions about it. The
problem is that this allowed the spread of all kind of bad results around
us. This is not Delphi's fault but the user's. In the case of VB is a little
different but still the concept applies to some degree. Many people wouldn't
have that much of a problem moving their code if they would have followed
the rules.
A few months ago we had to decide if we wanted to use Delphi or Visual Basic
for our development. The main reason behind this question was that since we
are almost 90% Microsoft based, then
why shouldn't we go all the way? Well,
I tell you what: at the time .Net was one of the decisional points of
sticking to Delphi.
VB changed a lot in version 7. The kind of changes that have been made are
more important than abandoning a set of components or introducing new ones.
The changes affected the language in itself: things that are today present
in every OO language such as real inheritance and OO capabilities, were not
present in VB6 and would have led to a corrupted design. Code is easy to change,
if things aredo
ne properly. Architectures are not.
In an ideal world, design would probably take 70% of the time while
implementation is just a mundane and repetitive task. Changing the second
should be easy, changing the first, most likely leads to disasters.
So we choose to Delphi because everything wedo
today (architecture wise)
are portable to .Net, Java or whatever in the future, in case we need to. I
will probably embrace .Net in the future. It has a lot to offer and I can
guarantee that I'd love todo
that having Delphi as underlying language. But
this reallydo
esn't matter much.
Doesn't matter if it is called ADO, JDBC, ODBC or BDE... The principles
behind them are the same.
I use SOAP today. I have webservices regardless of Microsoft (although I use
their SOAP toolkit since mine is not finished yet <G>). We are developing a
system that is scalable, well designed and efficient in Delphi using
Microsoft technologies and I can assure you that the majority of the things
we aredo
ing, are gonna stay the same even if we move to .Net. The
architecture is what really matters, not the tool you use to achieve the
result (take out from this VB6 and previous, PowerBuilder and a few other
Don't get fooled by perception, in either way. There's a lot of good stuff
in .Net as well in Delphi or Java and there are things that should bedo
better in all of them. Focus on the services they offer. See how you can
improve on what they offer if you need to. Borrow ideas from the others
because even if they are very similar, they are not the same.
Good luck"

来自:taozhiyu, 时间:2002-1-30 16:02:00, ID:895678 | 编辑

来自:taozhiyu, 时间:2002-1-30 16:06:00, ID:895692 | 编辑
Doesn't matter if it is called ADO, JDBC, ODBC or BDE... The principles
behind them are the same.

来自:honghs, 时间:2002-2-1 9:47:00, ID:899942

来自:taozhiyu, 时间:2002-2-1 14:03:00, ID:900723 | 编辑
建议 房客 同志翻译一下!

来自:jrq, 时间:2002-2-1 14:07:00, ID:900736
但是最好有那位翻译一下!我E文差, 看着费劲~

来自:xdzhan, 时间:2002-2-1 15:06:00, ID:900900
(take out from this VB6 and previous, PowerBuilder and a few other

来自:taozhiyu, 时间:2002-2-1 15:12:00, ID:900915 | 编辑

来自:zhaohai9, 时间:2002-2-1 15:18:00, ID:900928

来自:javaasp, 时间:2002-2-1 15:31:00, ID:900983

来自:snjat, 时间:2002-2-1 15:37:00, ID:901000

来自:曹晓钢, 时间:2002-2-1 16:17:00, ID:901129
为什么大家有了Windows 95,还要windows XP?为什么有了office 97还要office XP??

来自:expect, 时间:2002-2-1 16:18:00, ID:901131

来自:taozhiyu, 时间:2002-2-1 16:54:00, ID:901251 | 编辑
什么都不知道!就好像老外说的“Doesn't matter if it is called ADO, JDBC, ODBC or BDE... The principles
behind them are the same.” 我就说,你管什么vc,vb,java,pb,delphi是什么啊!学好编译原来再说!
win31->winme delphi2->delphi6等等!
来看待问题,他说“Doesn't matter if it is called ADO, JDBC, ODBC or BDE... The principles
behind them are the same.”看到了吗?从本质上来说delphi,vc,pb都是一样的。所以我们应该重视学习

来自:taozhiyu, 时间:2002-2-1 17:24:00, ID:901343 | 编辑

The first concept (perception) is the heart of publicity and propaganda and
is the most important.
The second (services) backs the first up but is not a lead factor.
然后作者举MS的例子说明office ,windows的深入人心正是因为MS抓住了这两点。事实上
美妙而有力的。C#也是一样。所以选择Java和C#,或者说选择java VM或者.NET,就是
关于taozhiyu 楼上帖子中的管理的问题,仿照原文
The architecture is what really matters, not the tool you use to achieve the
result的说法,同样的我们也可以说, The management is what really matters,
not the man or tool you used to achieve the result。
BTW:to taozhiyu ,我不是先生,说yysun是先生还差不多 :) 我才25.
讨论问题,大家不用这么客气了 ^_^
> 来自:ngkai, 时间:2002-1-14 9:41:00, ID:855361
> 我的几点看法:
> 1、JAVA是支持OOP的,同时也是限制你只能用OOP的,就语言角度来说太死板了点。
> 2、JAVA的慢是有目共睹的,所以现在的JAVA应用大部分在服务端。
> 4、在商业上IBM,SUN大力推JAVA,一是Application Server可以有高额利润;二是为
> 了对抗M$。
> 有没有前途,是一个无法回答的问题。几年前的Foxpro,当时有人认为是有还是没有呢?
BTW: 曹晓钢,25就不是先生,是小姐了?哈哈!
Java guru: C# misses the point
By Wylie Wong
January 22, 2002
Java inventor James Gosling says he isn't losing much sleep over
Microsoft these days, despite the software giant's effort to stem
Java's popularity with its own Java-like language.

The next battle in Web services software development pits Microsoft
against Java creator Sun Microsystems, along with Java adherents IBM,
Oracle and others. Crucial to Microsoft's effort is C#, a Java-like
language that will soon be part of the company's new Visual Studio.Net
package of software-development tools, which was released to
developers Wednesday.
"The trite answer is, 'Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery--
thank you very much,'" he said this week. "But the other answer is,
'You guys (at Microsoft) stilldo
n't get it,' because it's sort of
Java with reliability, productivity and security deleted."
In an interview with CNET News.com, Gosling dissects C#, discusses
Java's popularity and explains what it's like to be a "superstar."
Q: Whydo
you say Microsoft's C# is Java without the reliability,
productivity or security?
A: You find stuff in it that has essentially loopholes for everything.
They had this problem in their design rules that they had to support
C and C++, which means you have to have a memory model where you can
access everything at all times. It's the existence of those loopholes
that is the source of security, reliability and productivity problems
for developers. So on the one hand, they copied Java, and on the other
hand, they added gratuitous things and other things that are outright
stupid. That's amusing.
We were panicked (about C#) a while ago. And we've gotten somewhat more
relaxed about it. It's certainly something to be concerned about,
given the amount of resources Microsoft can bring to bear. But I've
had conversations with developers. It has not been that big an issue
with developers. It's actually been much more a public relations issue
than a reality issue.
Where is the growth in Java development? Is it still mostly on the
server side? What about the desktop?
It's both. You can't actually separate them because these networks
that we're building are a bunch of things that communicate and are
interdependent. Anytime someone builds a little application that runs
on a cell phone, there's something that goes on the server. It's kind
of like saying, "Is the blood pumping in your left arm or your right
arm?" It's both.
Wireless has been very active because it's been particularly sexy. But
desktop stuff has huge activity too. I suspect the amount of activity
on the desktop is much huger than what's going on in wireless. You
see peopledo
ing Java-based internal applications all over the place,
regular desktop applications that are sort of front-ends to the things
in the back, or standalone things.
The level of activity is just amazing;
it's like every year I think
it's going to slowdo
wn. The Java world has just been accelerating,
and it's amazing how essentially anywhere there is a digital system,
there's someone building something in it with Java. It's become this
development environment and tool that gives you the unifying
framework that colors everything, from supercomputers to smart cards.

What projects are you working on now for Sun?
For me, (inventing) Java is 10 years ago, so I decided a couple of
years ago, it's time to get on with my life. So I went back to the
research lab at Sun, and lately I've been on a developer-tool project.
There aren't a lot of people building IDEs (integrated development
environments). And IDEs are generally targeted at low-end developers
--people who are not experts at writing code. And if you look for
tools that are oriented toward (those) people, you basically find
nothing. The No. 1 tool (in that area) is Emacs, and I was kind of
the guy responsible for the original Emacs, 23 years ago. One of the
things I find frightening is it's still around, and in many ways it
hasn't really changed. Is that the best you cando
for a (low-end)
developer? Ido
n't think so.
We have a development (tool) called NetBeans that Sun bought. It was
architected from the begin
ning to be a framework. It's a flexible
system we open sourced a year and a half ago. And so I'm building a
plug-in for NetBeans.
IBM created its own open-source project called Eclipse, which aims
to integrate Java development tools so a software developer can
choose tools from different software makers, plug them together, and
have them work together. While nearly every toolmaker has joined the
Eclipse project, Sun hasn't--and IBM executives have complained about
that. What's going on?
NetBeans is very much like Eclipse. They said we were being bad
because we didn't join Eclipse. But they didn't even ask us. We didn't
find out about it until they announced it. It's been a little weird.
To us, Eclipse feels like something very "me too" and derivative,
backed up by a really strange marketing campaign.
Do you see the two open-source projects coming together?
They may. I mean, I'm sure there're people looking at what it will
take. It's hard to tell how these things go. The important thing is
to come up with a common set of APIs (application programming
interfaces). We've been working on APIs for the last year and a half.
It would have been nice if IBM had actually joined into our
open-source effort that's been going on for a very long time.
Microsoft is making aggressive moves on the Web services front.
There's some talk that Java is trailing in the Web services game,
since the Java supporters, through the Java Community Process, won't
come up with a Web services standards until later this year. Your
We get asked about slowness a lot. I've made the comment that
democracies work slower than dictatorships. That's a true thing. One
of the key aspects of Web services is that it's all about cooperation.
So if you are building a standard airline reservation system you have
to get Travelocity, Orbitz and Expedia into a room, and they have to
agree on a common schema in the Extensible Markup Language (XML)
world for describing what is a flight and what is a request for a
flight. One could try to dictate to the airline industry what all
their reservation systems should look like, but they would not be
real happy about that. Ido
n't think that would be successful, because
Web services is inherently about cooperating, so there has to be some
kind of democratic process.
When you try to get Visa, MasterCard, Citibank and American Express,
and the list of people in the Liberty Alliance (to create a standard
for an authen
tication service over the Web), getting them to agree
is going to be hard. But they are actually committed to agreeing. They
understand they have their own agendas, but to further their own
personal agendas they have to cooperate. So they are actuallydo
some good work.
The last time we interviewed you, about four years ago, you mentioned
that when you made public appearances at conferences, Java developers
always asked you for your autograph. Are you still treated like a
superstar, and if so, howdo
es it feel to still evangelize Java?
It's flattering. Just before Christmas, I signed a T-shirt while the
person was wearing it. Someone had an ink marker and asked, "Can you
sign my laptop?" I signed the laptop cover. It's mostly (signing)
pieces of paper.
I enjoy evangelizing Java. In my heart of hearts, I'm an engineer,
and what makes me happy is building something that works and having
someone use it. That's cool. But when evangelism takes over my life,
which it did, life becomes unpleasant. For a while, I was (focusing
on the evangelism) for medical reasons, because I had really bad
carpal tunnel and RSI problems (and couldn't use a keyboard). And a
couple of years ago, I went through a bunch of surgeries and it was
like magic. I could work again. I've had a lot of fun since then
你把你的Delphi核心算法翻译成 Java,要花多少时间!数据类型不一样,函数用法不一样,编程框架不一样,