
Public Declare Function mciExecute Lib "winmm.dll" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String) As Long 'Alias "mciExecute"
Public Declare Function auxGetNumDevs Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long
Public SoundCa As Boolean '计算是否有声卡
Public ZHConfKey As Integer '1接收站号设置,2发送站号设置
Public EditFileName As String '编辑器编辑的文件名
Public BHSendTimes As Integer '自动拨号发送次数
Public YYSendTimes As Integer '自动语音发送次数
Public CommPortCode As Integer 'Comm端口号
Public ZW(5, 500), ZWn
Public ReplyDialKey As Boolean '取回拨控制变量
Public musicURLL As String
Public AlarmKey As Boolean
Global ColorConf(6, 2) As Long '颜色
Global FontConf(6, 2) As String '字体
Public tWaitTime As DelayTime '等待时间

Function FilterErrTel(db$)
FilterErrTel = 0

If Asc(Left$(db$, 1)) = 32 then
FilterErrTel = 1: Exit Function

ttd$ = ""
llen = Len(db$)
For j = 1 To llen
If Asc(Mid$(db$, j, 1)) <> 32 then
ttd$ = ttd$ + Mid$(db$, j, 1)
If Len(ttd$) <> 5 then
FilterErrTel = 2: Exit Function
ttd$ = ""
End If
Next j
If Len(ttd$) <> 5 And Len(ttd$) > 1 then
FilterErrTel = 2: Exit Function
For j = 1 To llen
txp$ = Mid$(db$, j, 1)
If Asc(txp$) <> 32 then
If Asc(txp$) < 48 Or Asc(txp$) > 57 then
If Asc(txp$) <> 88 then
FilterErrTel = 3: Exit Function
Next j
End Function
Sub GetDelayTime()
tWaitTime.tConnect = 40 '等待连接时间
tWaitTime.tJiaoDui = 15 '等待校对时间
tWaitTime.tNextDial = 20 '等待下次发送时间
tWaitTime.tFuWei = 40 '等待Modem复位时间

End Sub

Sub GetErrTel()
Nu = FreeFile
xx$ = Trim$(MainFrm.ErrDbTxt.Text)

Open App.Path &
"/errdb.txt" For Input As Nu
Until EOF(Nu)
Line Input #Nu, tmp$
If xx$ = "" then
xx$ = tmp$ else
xx$ = xx$ + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + tmp$

Close #Nu
MainFrm.ErrDbTxt.Text = xx$ + Chr(13) + Chr(10)

End Sub
Sub GetMusicURLL()
Dim MKey As Integer
Nu = FreeFile
Open App.Path &
"/par/MusicURLL.txt" For Input As Nu
Input #Nu, MKey
Input #Nu, musicURLL
If MKey = 1 then
SoundCa = True else
SoundCa = False
End Sub
Sub GetReplyDialKey()
Dim x As Integer
Nu = FreeFile
Open App.Path &
"/par/ReplyDial.txt" For Input Shared As #Nu
Input #Nu, x
Close #Nu

If x = 1 then
ReplyDialKey = True else
ReplyDialKey = False

End Sub
Sub PutMusicURLL(MKey As Integer, musicURLL1 As String)
Nu = FreeFile
Open App.Path &
"/par/MusicURLL.txt" For Output As Nu
Print #Nu, MKey
Print #Nu, musicURLL1
musicURLL = musicURLL1
If MKey = 1 then
SoundCa = True else
SoundCa = False
End Sub
Sub GetAlarmKey(n, db() As String)
For i = 1 To n
If Left$(Trim(db(i)), 5) = "01110" then
AlarmKey = True: Exit For
Next i
If AlarmKey then
MainFrm.Toolbar2.Buttons(11).Enabled = True '报警按钮可用
End Sub
Sub WriteDialInf(Frm As Form, txt As String)
Frm.StatusBar1.Panels(4).Text = txt
End Sub
to coldew:多谢关注,我试了同样报错误命令,可能在xp下没有这样的命令吧。