H huizhang Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 1998-11-23 #21 Hello CFG, 你最好是把你作的东西拿出来让大伙看一看, 先做到随机就行, 在解决平滑问题
C CGF Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 1998-11-24 #22 我的还在摇篮中,其实我希望开发的就是我想大家下载的Screen Mate! http://www.eng.utoledo.edu/~hchia/screen/screen.htm
M Michael_Qu Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 1998-12-22 #23 use timer to move and random to decide the position but pay attention to 记录前一坐标 in random get 1..4 1 for up 1,2 for down 1,3 for left 1 ,ect.
use timer to move and random to decide the position but pay attention to 记录前一坐标 in random get 1..4 1 for up 1,2 for down 1,3 for left 1 ,ect.
C chenke Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 1999-01-06 #24 给你一个屏保的例子,可以随机平滑移动图像,非常好! 可到ftp.fortunecity.com, username:chenkeftp password:chenkeftp get d97saver.zip 300k
给你一个屏保的例子,可以随机平滑移动图像,非常好! 可到ftp.fortunecity.com, username:chenkeftp password:chenkeftp get d97saver.zip 300k
D delphi fan2 Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 1999-01-06 #25 你就一幅一幅的Draw,如果闪烁,升级电脑!