Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!
option explicit
private type browseinfo
hwndowner as long
pidlroot as long
pszdisplayname as long
lpsztitle as long
ulflags as long
lpfncallback as long
lparam as long
iimage as long
end type
const bif_returnonlyfsdirs = 1
const max_path = 260
private declare function shobjectproperties lib "shell32" alias "#178" _
(byval hwndowner as long, _
byval uflags as long, _
byval lpstrname as string, _
byval lpstrpar as string) as long
private declare sub cotaskmemfree lib "ole32.dll" (byval hmem as long)
private declare function shbrowseforfolder lib "shell32" (lpbi _
as browseinfo) as long
private declare function shfindfiles lib "shell32" alias "#90" _
(byval pidlroot as long, _
byval pidlsavedsearch as long) as long
private declare function getfilenamefrombrowse lib "shell32" alias "#63" ( _
byval hwndowner as long, _
byval lpstrfile as string, _
byval nmaxfile as long, _
byval lpstrinitdir as string, _
byval lpstrdefext as string, _
byval lpstrfilter as string, _
byval lpstrtitle as string) as long
private declare sub pickicondlg lib "shell32" alias "#62" (byval hwndowner as long, _
byval lpstrfile as string, byval nmaxfile as long, lpdwiconindex as long)
private declare function shrunfiledlg lib "shell32" alias "#61" _
(byval howner as long, _
byval hicon as long, _
byval lpstrdirectory as string, _
byval sztitle as string, _
byval szprompt as string, _
byval uflags as long) as long
private sub command1_click()
shrunfiledlg form1.hwnd, form1.icon.handle, "c:", "运行程序演示", _
"在文本框中输入程序名或按浏览键查找程序", 0
end sub
private sub command2_click()
dim a as long
dim astr as string
astr = "c:.exe"
pickicondlg form1.hwnd, astr, 1, a
end sub
private sub command3_click()
dim astr as string * 256
dim bstr as string
bstr = "c:"
getfilenamefrombrowse form1.hwnd, astr, 256, bstr, "*.txt", _
"文本文件 *.txt", "open sample"
debug.print astr
end sub
private sub command4_click()
dim lpidlist as long
dim udtbi as browseinfo
with udtbi
.hwndowner = form1.hwnd
.ulflags = bif_returnonlyfsdirs
end with
lpidlist = shbrowseforfolder(udtbi)
if lpidlist then
shfindfiles lpidlist, 0
call cotaskmemfree(lpidlist)
end if
end sub
private sub command5_click()
shobjectproperties form1.hwnd, 2, "c:.exe", "samples"
end sub
private sub form_load()
command1.caption = "运行程序"
command2.caption = "更改图标"
command3.caption = "打开文件"
command4.caption = "查找文件"
command5.caption = "显示文件属性"
end sub
declare function shchangenotifyregister lib "shell32" alias "#2" _
(byval hwnd as long, _
byval uflags as shcn_itemflags, _
byval dweventid as shcn_eventids, _
byval umsg as long, _
byval citems as long, _
lpps as pidlstruct) as long
declare function shchangenotifyderegister lib "shell32" alias "#4" _
(byval hnotify as long) as boolean
option explicit
private sub form_load()
if subclass(hwnd) then '改变form1的消息处理函数
if iside then
text1.text = vbcrlf & _
"一个 windows的文件目录操作即时监视程序," & vbcrlf & "可以监视在explore中的重命名、新建、删除文" & _
vbcrlf & "件或目录;改变文件关联;插入、取出cd和添加" & vbcrlf & "删除网络共享都可以被该程序记录下来。"
end if
call shnotify_register(hwnd)
text1 = "系统不支持操作监视程序
end if
move screen.width - width, screen.height - height
end sub
private function iside() as boolean
on error goto out
debug.print 1 / 0
iside = err
end function
private sub form_unload(cancel as integer)
call shnotify_unregister
call unsubclass(hwnd)
end sub
public sub notificationreceipt(wparam as long, lparam as long)
dim sout as string
dim shns as shnotifystruct
dim sdisplayname1 as string
dim sdisplayname2 as string
movememory shns, byval wparam, len(shns)
if shns.dwitem1 then
sdisplayname1 = getdisplaynamefrompidl(shns.dwitem1)
end if
if shns.dwitem2 then
sdisplayname2 = getdisplaynamefrompidl(shns.dwitem2)
end if
sout = shnotify_geteventstr(sdisplayname1, sdisplayname2, lparam) & vbcrlf
text1 = text1 & sout & vbcrlf
text1.selstart = len(text1)
end sub
option explicit
declare sub movememory lib "kernel32" alias "rtlmovememory" (pdest as any, _
psource as any, byval dwlength as long)
declare sub cotaskmemfree lib "ole32.dll" (byval pv as long)
public const max_path = 260
public const noerror = 0
declare function shgetspecialfolderlocation lib "shell32.dll" _
(byval hwndowner as long, _
byval nfolder as shspecialfolderids, _
pidl as long) as long
public enum shspecialfolderids '列出所有windows下特殊文件夹的id
csidl_desktop = &h0
csidl_internet = &h1
csidl_programs = &h2
csidl_controls = &h3
csidl_printers = &h4
csidl_personal = &h5
csidl_favorites = &h6
csidl_startup = &h7
csidl_recent = &h8
csidl_sendto = &h9
csidl_bitbucket = &ha
csidl_startmenu = &hb
csidl_desktopdirectory = &h10
csidl_drives = &h11
csidl_network = &h12
csidl_nethood = &h13
csidl_fonts = &h14
csidl_templates = &h15
csidl_common_startmenu = &h16
csidl_common_programs = &h17
csidl_common_startup = &h18
csidl_common_desktopdirectory = &h19
csidl_appdata = &h1a
csidl_printhood = &h1b
csidl_altstartup = &h1d
csidl_common_altstartup = &h1e
csidl_common_favorites = &h1f
csidl_internet_cache = &h20
csidl_cookies = &h21
csidl_history = &h22
end enum
declare function shgetpathfromidlist lib "shell32.dll" alias "shgetpathfromidlista" _
(byval pidl as long, _
byval pszpath as string) as long
declare function shgetfileinfopidl lib "shell32" alias "shgetfileinfoa" _
(byval pidl as long, _
byval dwfileattributes as long, _
psfib as shfileinfobyte, _
byval cbfileinfo as long, _
byval uflags as shgfi_flags) as long
public type shfileinfobyte
hicon as long
iicon as long
dwattributes as long
szdisplayname(1 to max_path) as byte
sztypename(1 to 80) as byte
end type
declare function shgetfileinfo lib "shell32" alias "shgetfileinfoa" _
(byval pszpath as string, _
byval dwfileattributes as long, _
psfi as shfileinfo, _
byval cbfileinfo as long, _
byval uflags as shgfi_flags) as long
public type shfileinfo
hicon as long
iicon as long
dwattributes as long
szdisplayname as string * max_path
sztypename as string * 80
end type
enum shgfi_flags
shgfi_largeicon = &h0
shgfi_smallicon = &h1
shgfi_openicon = &h2
shgfi_shelliconsize = &h4
shgfi_pidl = &h8
shgfi_usefileattributes = &h10
shgfi_icon = &h100
shgfi_displayname = &h200
shgfi_typename = &h400
shgfi_attributes = &h800
shgfi_iconlocation = &h1000
shgfi_exetype = &h2000
shgfi_sysiconindex = &h4000
shgfi_linkoverlay = &h8000
shgfi_selected = &h10000
end enum
public function getpidlfromfolderid(howner as long, nfolder as shspecialfolderids) as long
dim pidl as long
if shgetspecialfolderlocation(howner, nfolder, pidl) = noerror then
getpidlfromfolderid = pidl
end if
end function
public function getdisplaynamefrompidl(pidl as long) as string
dim sfib as shfileinfobyte
if shgetfileinfopidl(pidl, 0, sfib, len(sfib), shgfi_pidl or shgfi_displayname) then
getdisplaynamefrompidl = getstrfrombuffera(strconv(sfib.szdisplayname, vbunicode))
end if
end function
public function getpathfrompidl(pidl as long) as string
dim spath as string * max_path
if shgetpathfromidlist(pidl, spath) then
getpathfrompidl = getstrfrombuffera(spath)
end if
end function
public function getstrfrombuffera(sz as string) as string
if instr(sz, vbnullchar) then
getstrfrombuffera = left$(sz, instr(sz, vbnullchar) - 1)
getstrfrombuffera = sz
end if
end function
option explicit
private m_hshnotify as long '系统消息通告句柄
private m_pidldesktop as long
public const wm_shnotify = &h401
public type pidlstruct
pidl as long
bwatchsubfolders as long
end type
declare function shchangenotifyregister lib "shell32" alias "#2" _
(byval hwnd as long, _
byval uflags as shcn_itemflags, _
byval dweventid as shcn_eventids, _
byval umsg as long, _
byval citems as long, _
lpps as pidlstruct) as long
type shnotifystruct
dwitem1 as long
dwitem2 as long
end type
declare function shchangenotifyderegister lib "shell32" alias "#4" _
(byval hnotify as long) as boolean
declare sub shchangenotify lib "shell32" _
(byval weventid as shcn_eventids, _
byval uflags as shcn_itemflags, _
byval dwitem1 as long, _
byval dwitem2 as long)
public enum shcn_eventids
shcne_renameitem = &h1
shcne_create = &h2
shcne_delete = &h4
shcne_mkdir = &h8
shcne_rmdir = &h10
shcne_mediainserted = &h20
shcne_mediaremoved = &h40
shcne_driveremoved = &h80
shcne_driveadd = &h100
shcne_netshare = &h200
shcne_netunshare = &h400
shcne_attributes = &h800
shcne_updatedir = &h1000
shcne_updateitem = &h2000
shcne_serverdisconnect = &h4000
shcne_updateimage = &h8000&
shcne_driveaddgui = &h10000
shcne_renamefolder = &h20000
shcne_freespace = &h40000
shcne_assocchanged = &h8000000
shcne_diskevents = &h2381f
shcne_globalevents = &hc0581e0
shcne_allevents = &h7fffffff
shcne_interrupt = &h80000000
end enum
#if (win32_ie >= &h400) then
public const shcnee_orderchanged = &h2
#end if
public enum shcn_itemflags
shcnf_idlist = &h0
shcnf_patha = &h1
shcnf_printera = &h2
shcnf_dword = &h3
shcnf_pathw = &h5
shcnf_printerw = &h6
shcnf_type = &hff
shcnf_flush = &h1000
shcnf_flushnowait = &h2000
#if unicode then
shcnf_path = shcnf_pathw
shcnf_printer = shcnf_printerw
shcnf_path = shcnf_patha
shcnf_printer = shcnf_printera
#end if
end enum
public function shnotify_register(hwnd as long) as boolean
dim ps as pidlstruct
if (m_hshnotify = 0) then
m_pidldesktop = getpidlfromfolderid(0, csidl_desktop)
if m_pidldesktop then
ps.pidl = m_pidldesktop
ps.bwatchsubfolders = true
m_hshnotify = shchangenotifyregister(hwnd, shcnf_type or shcnf_idlist, _
shcne_allevents or shcne_interrupt, _
wm_shnotify, 1, ps)
shnotify_register = cbool(m_hshnotify)
call cotaskmemfree(m_pidldesktop)
end if
end if
end function
public function shnotify_unregister() as boolean
if m_hshnotify then
if shchangenotifyderegister(m_hshnotify) then
m_hshnotify = 0
call cotaskmemfree(m_pidldesktop)
m_pidldesktop = 0
shnotify_unregister = true
end if
end if
end function
public function shnotify_geteventstr(strpath1, strpath2 as string, dweventid as long) as string
dim sevent as string
select case dweventid
case shcne_renameitem: sevent = "重命名文件" + strpath1 + "为" + strpath2
case shcne_create: sevent = "建立文件 文件名:" + strpath1
case shcne_delete: sevent = "删除文件 文件名:" + strpath1
case shcne_mkdir: sevent = "新建目录 目录名:" + strpath1
case shcne_rmdir: sevent = "删除目录 目录名:" + strpath1
case shcne_mediainserted: sevent = strpath1 + "中插入可移动存储介质"
case shcne_mediaremoved: sevent = strpath1 + "中移去可移动存储介质"
case shcne_driveremoved: sevent = "移去驱动器" + strpath1
case shcne_driveadd: sevent = "添加驱动器" + strpath1
case shcne_netshare: sevent = "改变目录" + strpath1 + "的共享属性"
case shcne_updatedir: sevent = "更新目录" + strpath1
case shcne_updateitem: sevent = "更新文件 文件名:" + strpath1
case shcne_serverdisconnect: sevent = "断开与服务器的连" + strpath1 + " " + strpath2
case shcne_updateimage: sevent = "shcne_updateimage"
case shcne_driveaddgui: sevent = "shcne_driveaddgui"
case shcne_renamefolder: sevent = "重命名文件夹" + strpath1 + "为" + strpath2
case shcne_freespace: sevent = "磁盘空间大小改变"
case shcne_assocchanged: sevent = "改变文件关联"
end select
shnotify_geteventstr = sevent
end function
option explicit
private const wm_ncdestroy = &h82
private const gwl_wndproc = (-4)
private const oldwndproc = "oldwndproc"
private declare function getprop lib "user32" alias "getpropa" (byval _
hwnd as long, byval lpstring as string) as long
private declare function setprop lib "user32" alias "setpropa" (byval _
hwnd as long, byval lpstring as string, byval hdata as long) as long
private declare function removeprop lib "user32" alias "removepropa" (byval _
hwnd as long, byval lpstring as string) as long
private declare function setwindowlong lib "user32" alias "setwindowlonga" _
(byval hwnd as long, byval nindex as long, byval dwnewlong as long) as long
private declare function callwindowproc lib "user32" alias "callwindowproca" _
(byval lpprevwndfunc as long, byval hwnd as long, byval umsg as long, _
byval wparam as long, byval lparam as long) as long
public function subclass(hwnd as long) as boolean
dim lpfnold as long
dim fsuccess as boolean
if (getprop(hwnd, oldwndproc) = 0) then
lpfnold = setwindowlong(hwnd, gwl_wndproc, addressof wndproc)
if lpfnold then
fsuccess = setprop(hwnd, oldwndproc, lpfnold)
end if
end if
if fsuccess then
subclass = true
if lpfnold then call unsubclass(hwnd)
msgbox "unable to successfully subclass &h" & hex(hwnd), vbcritical
end if
end function
public function unsubclass(hwnd as long) as boolean
dim lpfnold as long
lpfnold = getprop(hwnd, oldwndproc)
if lpfnold then
if removeprop(hwnd, oldwndproc) then
unsubclass = setwindowlong(hwnd, gwl_wndproc, lpfnold)
end if
end if
end function
public function wndproc(byval hwnd as long, byval umsg as long, byval wparam as _
long, byval lparam as long) as long
select case umsg
case wm_shnotify '处理系统消息通告函数
call form1.notificationreceipt(wparam, lparam)
case wm_ncdestroy
call unsubclass(hwnd)
msgbox "unubclassed &h" & hex(hwnd), vbcritical, "wndproc error"
end select
wndproc = callwindowproc(getprop(hwnd, oldwndproc), hwnd, umsg, wparam, lparam)
end function
option explicit
private type browseinfo
hwndowner as long
pidlroot as long
pszdisplayname as long
lpsztitle as long
ulflags as long
lpfncallback as long
lparam as long
iimage as long
end type
const bif_returnonlyfsdirs = 1
const max_path = 260
private declare function shobjectproperties lib "shell32" alias "#178" _
(byval hwndowner as long, _
byval uflags as long, _
byval lpstrname as string, _
byval lpstrpar as string) as long
private declare sub cotaskmemfree lib "ole32.dll" (byval hmem as long)
private declare function shbrowseforfolder lib "shell32" (lpbi _
as browseinfo) as long
private declare function shfindfiles lib "shell32" alias "#90" _
(byval pidlroot as long, _
byval pidlsavedsearch as long) as long
private declare function getfilenamefrombrowse lib "shell32" alias "#63" ( _
byval hwndowner as long, _
byval lpstrfile as string, _
byval nmaxfile as long, _
byval lpstrinitdir as string, _
byval lpstrdefext as string, _
byval lpstrfilter as string, _
byval lpstrtitle as string) as long
private declare sub pickicondlg lib "shell32" alias "#62" (byval hwndowner as long, _
byval lpstrfile as string, byval nmaxfile as long, lpdwiconindex as long)
private declare function shrunfiledlg lib "shell32" alias "#61" _
(byval howner as long, _
byval hicon as long, _
byval lpstrdirectory as string, _
byval sztitle as string, _
byval szprompt as string, _
byval uflags as long) as long
private sub command1_click()
shrunfiledlg form1.hwnd, form1.icon.handle, "c:", "运行程序演示", _
"在文本框中输入程序名或按浏览键查找程序", 0
end sub
private sub command2_click()
dim a as long
dim astr as string
astr = "c:.exe"
pickicondlg form1.hwnd, astr, 1, a
end sub
private sub command3_click()
dim astr as string * 256
dim bstr as string
bstr = "c:"
getfilenamefrombrowse form1.hwnd, astr, 256, bstr, "*.txt", _
"文本文件 *.txt", "open sample"
debug.print astr
end sub
private sub command4_click()
dim lpidlist as long
dim udtbi as browseinfo
with udtbi
.hwndowner = form1.hwnd
.ulflags = bif_returnonlyfsdirs
end with
lpidlist = shbrowseforfolder(udtbi)
if lpidlist then
shfindfiles lpidlist, 0
call cotaskmemfree(lpidlist)
end if
end sub
private sub command5_click()
shobjectproperties form1.hwnd, 2, "c:.exe", "samples"
end sub
private sub form_load()
command1.caption = "运行程序"
command2.caption = "更改图标"
command3.caption = "打开文件"
command4.caption = "查找文件"
command5.caption = "显示文件属性"
end sub
declare function shchangenotifyregister lib "shell32" alias "#2" _
(byval hwnd as long, _
byval uflags as shcn_itemflags, _
byval dweventid as shcn_eventids, _
byval umsg as long, _
byval citems as long, _
lpps as pidlstruct) as long
declare function shchangenotifyderegister lib "shell32" alias "#4" _
(byval hnotify as long) as boolean
option explicit
private sub form_load()
if subclass(hwnd) then '改变form1的消息处理函数
if iside then
text1.text = vbcrlf & _
"一个 windows的文件目录操作即时监视程序," & vbcrlf & "可以监视在explore中的重命名、新建、删除文" & _
vbcrlf & "件或目录;改变文件关联;插入、取出cd和添加" & vbcrlf & "删除网络共享都可以被该程序记录下来。"
end if
call shnotify_register(hwnd)
text1 = "系统不支持操作监视程序

end if
move screen.width - width, screen.height - height
end sub
private function iside() as boolean
on error goto out
debug.print 1 / 0
iside = err
end function
private sub form_unload(cancel as integer)
call shnotify_unregister
call unsubclass(hwnd)
end sub
public sub notificationreceipt(wparam as long, lparam as long)
dim sout as string
dim shns as shnotifystruct
dim sdisplayname1 as string
dim sdisplayname2 as string
movememory shns, byval wparam, len(shns)
if shns.dwitem1 then
sdisplayname1 = getdisplaynamefrompidl(shns.dwitem1)
end if
if shns.dwitem2 then
sdisplayname2 = getdisplaynamefrompidl(shns.dwitem2)
end if
sout = shnotify_geteventstr(sdisplayname1, sdisplayname2, lparam) & vbcrlf
text1 = text1 & sout & vbcrlf
text1.selstart = len(text1)
end sub
option explicit
declare sub movememory lib "kernel32" alias "rtlmovememory" (pdest as any, _
psource as any, byval dwlength as long)
declare sub cotaskmemfree lib "ole32.dll" (byval pv as long)
public const max_path = 260
public const noerror = 0
declare function shgetspecialfolderlocation lib "shell32.dll" _
(byval hwndowner as long, _
byval nfolder as shspecialfolderids, _
pidl as long) as long
public enum shspecialfolderids '列出所有windows下特殊文件夹的id
csidl_desktop = &h0
csidl_internet = &h1
csidl_programs = &h2
csidl_controls = &h3
csidl_printers = &h4
csidl_personal = &h5
csidl_favorites = &h6
csidl_startup = &h7
csidl_recent = &h8
csidl_sendto = &h9
csidl_bitbucket = &ha
csidl_startmenu = &hb
csidl_desktopdirectory = &h10
csidl_drives = &h11
csidl_network = &h12
csidl_nethood = &h13
csidl_fonts = &h14
csidl_templates = &h15
csidl_common_startmenu = &h16
csidl_common_programs = &h17
csidl_common_startup = &h18
csidl_common_desktopdirectory = &h19
csidl_appdata = &h1a
csidl_printhood = &h1b
csidl_altstartup = &h1d
csidl_common_altstartup = &h1e
csidl_common_favorites = &h1f
csidl_internet_cache = &h20
csidl_cookies = &h21
csidl_history = &h22
end enum
declare function shgetpathfromidlist lib "shell32.dll" alias "shgetpathfromidlista" _
(byval pidl as long, _
byval pszpath as string) as long
declare function shgetfileinfopidl lib "shell32" alias "shgetfileinfoa" _
(byval pidl as long, _
byval dwfileattributes as long, _
psfib as shfileinfobyte, _
byval cbfileinfo as long, _
byval uflags as shgfi_flags) as long
public type shfileinfobyte
hicon as long
iicon as long
dwattributes as long
szdisplayname(1 to max_path) as byte
sztypename(1 to 80) as byte
end type
declare function shgetfileinfo lib "shell32" alias "shgetfileinfoa" _
(byval pszpath as string, _
byval dwfileattributes as long, _
psfi as shfileinfo, _
byval cbfileinfo as long, _
byval uflags as shgfi_flags) as long
public type shfileinfo
hicon as long
iicon as long
dwattributes as long
szdisplayname as string * max_path
sztypename as string * 80
end type
enum shgfi_flags
shgfi_largeicon = &h0
shgfi_smallicon = &h1
shgfi_openicon = &h2
shgfi_shelliconsize = &h4
shgfi_pidl = &h8
shgfi_usefileattributes = &h10
shgfi_icon = &h100
shgfi_displayname = &h200
shgfi_typename = &h400
shgfi_attributes = &h800
shgfi_iconlocation = &h1000
shgfi_exetype = &h2000
shgfi_sysiconindex = &h4000
shgfi_linkoverlay = &h8000
shgfi_selected = &h10000
end enum
public function getpidlfromfolderid(howner as long, nfolder as shspecialfolderids) as long
dim pidl as long
if shgetspecialfolderlocation(howner, nfolder, pidl) = noerror then
getpidlfromfolderid = pidl
end if
end function
public function getdisplaynamefrompidl(pidl as long) as string
dim sfib as shfileinfobyte
if shgetfileinfopidl(pidl, 0, sfib, len(sfib), shgfi_pidl or shgfi_displayname) then
getdisplaynamefrompidl = getstrfrombuffera(strconv(sfib.szdisplayname, vbunicode))
end if
end function
public function getpathfrompidl(pidl as long) as string
dim spath as string * max_path
if shgetpathfromidlist(pidl, spath) then
getpathfrompidl = getstrfrombuffera(spath)
end if
end function
public function getstrfrombuffera(sz as string) as string
if instr(sz, vbnullchar) then
getstrfrombuffera = left$(sz, instr(sz, vbnullchar) - 1)
getstrfrombuffera = sz
end if
end function
option explicit
private m_hshnotify as long '系统消息通告句柄
private m_pidldesktop as long
public const wm_shnotify = &h401
public type pidlstruct
pidl as long
bwatchsubfolders as long
end type
declare function shchangenotifyregister lib "shell32" alias "#2" _
(byval hwnd as long, _
byval uflags as shcn_itemflags, _
byval dweventid as shcn_eventids, _
byval umsg as long, _
byval citems as long, _
lpps as pidlstruct) as long
type shnotifystruct
dwitem1 as long
dwitem2 as long
end type
declare function shchangenotifyderegister lib "shell32" alias "#4" _
(byval hnotify as long) as boolean
declare sub shchangenotify lib "shell32" _
(byval weventid as shcn_eventids, _
byval uflags as shcn_itemflags, _
byval dwitem1 as long, _
byval dwitem2 as long)
public enum shcn_eventids
shcne_renameitem = &h1
shcne_create = &h2
shcne_delete = &h4
shcne_mkdir = &h8
shcne_rmdir = &h10
shcne_mediainserted = &h20
shcne_mediaremoved = &h40
shcne_driveremoved = &h80
shcne_driveadd = &h100
shcne_netshare = &h200
shcne_netunshare = &h400
shcne_attributes = &h800
shcne_updatedir = &h1000
shcne_updateitem = &h2000
shcne_serverdisconnect = &h4000
shcne_updateimage = &h8000&
shcne_driveaddgui = &h10000
shcne_renamefolder = &h20000
shcne_freespace = &h40000
shcne_assocchanged = &h8000000
shcne_diskevents = &h2381f
shcne_globalevents = &hc0581e0
shcne_allevents = &h7fffffff
shcne_interrupt = &h80000000
end enum
#if (win32_ie >= &h400) then
public const shcnee_orderchanged = &h2
#end if
public enum shcn_itemflags
shcnf_idlist = &h0
shcnf_patha = &h1
shcnf_printera = &h2
shcnf_dword = &h3
shcnf_pathw = &h5
shcnf_printerw = &h6
shcnf_type = &hff
shcnf_flush = &h1000
shcnf_flushnowait = &h2000
#if unicode then
shcnf_path = shcnf_pathw
shcnf_printer = shcnf_printerw
shcnf_path = shcnf_patha
shcnf_printer = shcnf_printera
#end if
end enum
public function shnotify_register(hwnd as long) as boolean
dim ps as pidlstruct
if (m_hshnotify = 0) then
m_pidldesktop = getpidlfromfolderid(0, csidl_desktop)
if m_pidldesktop then
ps.pidl = m_pidldesktop
ps.bwatchsubfolders = true
m_hshnotify = shchangenotifyregister(hwnd, shcnf_type or shcnf_idlist, _
shcne_allevents or shcne_interrupt, _
wm_shnotify, 1, ps)
shnotify_register = cbool(m_hshnotify)
call cotaskmemfree(m_pidldesktop)
end if
end if
end function
public function shnotify_unregister() as boolean
if m_hshnotify then
if shchangenotifyderegister(m_hshnotify) then
m_hshnotify = 0
call cotaskmemfree(m_pidldesktop)
m_pidldesktop = 0
shnotify_unregister = true
end if
end if
end function
public function shnotify_geteventstr(strpath1, strpath2 as string, dweventid as long) as string
dim sevent as string
select case dweventid
case shcne_renameitem: sevent = "重命名文件" + strpath1 + "为" + strpath2
case shcne_create: sevent = "建立文件 文件名:" + strpath1
case shcne_delete: sevent = "删除文件 文件名:" + strpath1
case shcne_mkdir: sevent = "新建目录 目录名:" + strpath1
case shcne_rmdir: sevent = "删除目录 目录名:" + strpath1
case shcne_mediainserted: sevent = strpath1 + "中插入可移动存储介质"
case shcne_mediaremoved: sevent = strpath1 + "中移去可移动存储介质"
case shcne_driveremoved: sevent = "移去驱动器" + strpath1
case shcne_driveadd: sevent = "添加驱动器" + strpath1
case shcne_netshare: sevent = "改变目录" + strpath1 + "的共享属性"
case shcne_updatedir: sevent = "更新目录" + strpath1
case shcne_updateitem: sevent = "更新文件 文件名:" + strpath1
case shcne_serverdisconnect: sevent = "断开与服务器的连" + strpath1 + " " + strpath2
case shcne_updateimage: sevent = "shcne_updateimage"
case shcne_driveaddgui: sevent = "shcne_driveaddgui"
case shcne_renamefolder: sevent = "重命名文件夹" + strpath1 + "为" + strpath2
case shcne_freespace: sevent = "磁盘空间大小改变"
case shcne_assocchanged: sevent = "改变文件关联"
end select
shnotify_geteventstr = sevent
end function
option explicit
private const wm_ncdestroy = &h82
private const gwl_wndproc = (-4)
private const oldwndproc = "oldwndproc"
private declare function getprop lib "user32" alias "getpropa" (byval _
hwnd as long, byval lpstring as string) as long
private declare function setprop lib "user32" alias "setpropa" (byval _
hwnd as long, byval lpstring as string, byval hdata as long) as long
private declare function removeprop lib "user32" alias "removepropa" (byval _
hwnd as long, byval lpstring as string) as long
private declare function setwindowlong lib "user32" alias "setwindowlonga" _
(byval hwnd as long, byval nindex as long, byval dwnewlong as long) as long
private declare function callwindowproc lib "user32" alias "callwindowproca" _
(byval lpprevwndfunc as long, byval hwnd as long, byval umsg as long, _
byval wparam as long, byval lparam as long) as long
public function subclass(hwnd as long) as boolean
dim lpfnold as long
dim fsuccess as boolean
if (getprop(hwnd, oldwndproc) = 0) then
lpfnold = setwindowlong(hwnd, gwl_wndproc, addressof wndproc)
if lpfnold then
fsuccess = setprop(hwnd, oldwndproc, lpfnold)
end if
end if
if fsuccess then
subclass = true
if lpfnold then call unsubclass(hwnd)
msgbox "unable to successfully subclass &h" & hex(hwnd), vbcritical
end if
end function
public function unsubclass(hwnd as long) as boolean
dim lpfnold as long
lpfnold = getprop(hwnd, oldwndproc)
if lpfnold then
if removeprop(hwnd, oldwndproc) then
unsubclass = setwindowlong(hwnd, gwl_wndproc, lpfnold)
end if
end if
end function
public function wndproc(byval hwnd as long, byval umsg as long, byval wparam as _
long, byval lparam as long) as long
select case umsg
case wm_shnotify '处理系统消息通告函数
call form1.notificationreceipt(wparam, lparam)
case wm_ncdestroy
call unsubclass(hwnd)
msgbox "unubclassed &h" & hex(hwnd), vbcritical, "wndproc error"
end select
wndproc = callwindowproc(getprop(hwnd, oldwndproc), hwnd, umsg, wparam, lparam)
end function