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函数如下(************************************************************************** HtmlHelp.pas 版本:1999年3月13日,version 1.0 使用HTML 帮助的Delphi声明文件 声明: 0.本程序完全免费,在Delphi 4.0 C/S下通过,代码同样适用于Delphi3 所有内容均来自Microsoft公司提供的HTML Help Workshop 软件包。 本文件转换自该软件包的HTMLHelp.H文件,并加入针对Delphi的修改 1.本文件只能用于非盈利性质的自由开发。不能使用于商业应用。 对于违反该条件带来的法律纠纷,不符任何责任。 2.本程序不对任何由此开发的应用程序的安全性做出保证。这是程序开发者的责任。 3.本程序在传播中不得删除原作者的声明,但可以修改,修改者必须注明身份,写明 修改内容,并通知本人。 4.进一步的HTML Help的使用,HTML Help Workshop下载,请参考微软网站 http://www.microsoft.com/workshop/author/htmlhelp/ 或者HTML Help Workshop的联机帮助 5.这个文件及例程是我在工余研究了两天才搞定的,作为中国的程序员,望大家 齐心协力,共同进步。 作者: 陈刚(calf is my nickname) email: cgcalf@263.net, cgcalf@188.net Micorsoft 公司的HTML Help的版权声明: Copyright (c) 1999-1997, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.***************************************************************************)unit HTMLHelp_Decl;interfaceuses Windows;const // Commands to pass to HtmlHelp() HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC = $0000; HH_HELP_FINDER = $0000; // WinHelp equivalent HH_DISPLAY_TOC = $0001; // not currently implemented HH_DISPLAY_INDEX = $0002; // not currently implemented HH_DISPLAY_SEARCH = $0003; // not currently implemented HH_SET_WIN_TYPE = $0004; HH_GET_WIN_TYPE = $0005; HH_GET_WIN_HANDLE = $0006; HH_ENUM_INFO_TYPE = $0007; // Get Info type name, call repeatedly to enumerate, -1 at end HH_SET_INFO_TYPE = $0008; // Add Info type to filter. HH_SYNC = $0009; HH_RESERVED1 = $000A; HH_RESERVED2 = $000B; HH_RESERVED3 = $000C; HH_KEYWORD_LOOKUP = $000D; HH_DISPLAY_TEXT_POPUP = $000E; // display string resource id or text in a popup window HH_HELP_CONTEXT = $000F; // display mapped numeric value in dwData HH_TP_HELP_CONTEXTMENU = $0010; // text popup help, same as WinHelp HELP_CONTEXTMENU HH_TP_HELP_WM_HELP = $0011; // text popup help, same as WinHelp HELP_WM_HELP HH_CLOSE_ALL = $0012; // close all windows opened directly or indirectly by the caller HH_ALINK_LOOKUP = $0013; // ALink version of HH_KEYWORD_LOOKUP HH_GET_LAST_ERROR = $0014; // not currently implemented // See HHERROR.h HH_ENUM_CATEGORY = $0015; // Get category name, call repeatedly to enumerate, -1 at end HH_ENUM_CATEGORY_IT = $0016; // Get category info type members, call repeatedly to enumerate, -1 at end HH_RESET_IT_FILTER = $0017; // Clear the info type filter of all info types. HH_SET_INCLUSIVE_FILTER = $0018; // set inclusive filtering method for untyped topics to be included in display HH_SET_EXCLUSIVE_FILTER = $0019; // set exclusive filtering method for untyped topics to be excluded from display HH_INITIALIZE =$001C; // Initializes the help system. HH_UNINITIALIZE =$001D; // Uninitializes the help system. HH_PRETRANSLATEMESSAGE = $00fd; // Pumps messages. (NULL, NULL, MSG*). HH_SET_GLOBAL_PROPERTY = $00fc; // Set a global property. (NULL, NULL, HH_GPROP) HHWIN_PROP_TAB_AUTOHIDESHOW = (1 shl 0); // Automatically hide/show tri-pane window HHWIN_PROP_ONTOP = (1 shl 1); // Top-most window HHWIN_PROP_NOTITLEBAR = (1 shl 2); // no title bar HHWIN_PROP_NODEF_STYLES = (1 shl 3); // no default window styles (only HH_WINTYPE.dwStyles) HHWIN_PROP_NODEF_EXSTYLES = (1 shl 4); // no default extended window styles (only HH_WINTYPE.dwExStyles) HHWIN_PROP_TRI_PANE = (1 shl 5); // use a tri-pane window HHWIN_PROP_NOTB_TEXT = (1 shl 6); // no text on toolbar buttons HHWIN_PROP_POST_QUIT = (1 shl 7); // post WM_QUIT message when window closes HHWIN_PROP_AUTO_SYNC = (1 shl 8); // automatically ssync contents and index HHWIN_PROP_TRACKING = (1 shl 9); // send tracking notification messages HHWIN_PROP_TAB_SEARCH = (1 shl 10); // include search tab in navigation pane HHWIN_PROP_TAB_HISTORY = (1 shl 11); // include history tab in navigation pane HHWIN_PROP_TAB_FAVORITES = (1 shl 12); // include favorites tab in navigation pane HHWIN_PROP_CHANGE_TITLE = (1 shl 13); // Put current HTML title in title bar HHWIN_PROP_NAV_ONLY_WIN = (1 shl 14); // Only display the navigation window HHWIN_PROP_NO_TOOLBAR = (1 shl 15); // Don't display a toolbar HHWIN_PROP_MENU = (1 shl 16); // Menu HHWIN_PROP_TAB_ADVSEARCH = (1 shl 17); // Advanced FTS UI. HHWIN_PROP_USER_POS = (1 shl 18); // After initial creation, user controls window size/position HHWIN_PROP_TAB_CUSTOM1 = (1 shl 19); // Use custom tab #1 HHWIN_PROP_TAB_CUSTOM2 = (1 shl 20); // Use custom tab #2 HHWIN_PROP_TAB_CUSTOM3 = (1 shl 21); // Use custom tab #3 HHWIN_PROP_TAB_CUSTOM4 = (1 shl 22); // Use custom tab #4 HHWIN_PROP_TAB_CUSTOM5 = (1 shl 23); // Use custom tab #5 HHWIN_PROP_TAB_CUSTOM6 = (1 shl 24); // Use custom tab #6 HHWIN_PROP_TAB_CUSTOM7 = (1 shl 25); // Use custom tab #7 HHWIN_PROP_TAB_CUSTOM8 = (1 shl 26); // Use custom tab #8 HHWIN_PROP_TAB_CUSTOM9 = (1 shl 27); // Use custom tab #9 HHWIN_TB_MARGIN = (1 shl 28); // the window type has a margin HHWIN_PARAM_PROPERTIES = (1 shl 1); // valid fsWinProperties HHWIN_PARAM_STYLES = (1 shl 2); // valid dwStyles HHWIN_PARAM_EXSTYLES = (1 shl 3); // valid dwExStyles HHWIN_PARAM_RECT = (1 shl 4); // valid rcWindowPos HHWIN_PARAM_NAV_WIDTH = (1 shl 5); // valid iNavWidth HHWIN_PARAM_SHOWSTATE = (1 shl 6); // valid nShowState HHWIN_PARAM_INFOTYPES = (1 shl 7); // valid apInfoTypes HHWIN_PARAM_TB_FLAGS = (1 shl 8); // valid fsToolBarFlags HHWIN_PARAM_EXPANSION = (1 shl 9); // valid fNotExpanded HHWIN_PARAM_TABPOS = (1 shl 10); // valid tabpos HHWIN_PARAM_TABORDER = (1 shl 11); // valid taborder HHWIN_PARAM_HISTORY_COUNT = (1 shl 12); // valid cHistory HHWIN_PARAM_CUR_TAB = (1 shl 13); // valid curNavType HHWIN_BUTTON_EXPAND = (1 shl 1); // Expand/contract button HHWIN_BUTTON_BACK = (1 shl 2); // Back button HHWIN_BUTTON_FORWARD = (1 shl 3); // Forward button HHWIN_BUTTON_STOP = (1 shl 4); // Stop button HHWIN_BUTTON_REFRESH = (1 shl 5); // Refresh button HHWIN_BUTTON_HOME = (1 shl 6); // Home button HHWIN_BUTTON_BROWSE_FWD = (1 shl 7); // not implemented HHWIN_BUTTON_BROWSE_BCK = (1 shl 8); // not implemented HHWIN_BUTTON_NOTES = (1 shl 9); // not implemented HHWIN_BUTTON_CONTENTS = (1 shl 10); // not implemented HHWIN_BUTTON_SYNC = (1 shl 11); // Sync button HHWIN_BUTTON_OPTIONS = (1 shl 12); // Options button HHWIN_BUTTON_PRINT = (1 shl 13); // Print button HHWIN_BUTTON_INDEX = (1 shl 14); // not implemented HHWIN_BUTTON_SEARCH = (1 shl 15); // not implemented HHWIN_BUTTON_HISTORY = (1 shl 16); // not implemented HHWIN_BUTTON_FAVORITES = (1 shl 17); // not implemented HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP1 = (1 shl 18); HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP2 = (1 shl 19); HHWIN_BUTTON_ZOOM = (1 shl 20); HHWIN_BUTTON_TOC_NEXT = (1 shl 21); HHWIN_BUTTON_TOC_PREV = (1 shl 22); HHWIN_DEF_BUTTONS = ( HHWIN_BUTTON_EXPAND or HHWIN_BUTTON_BACK or HHWIN_BUTTON_OPTIONS or HHWIN_BUTTON_PRINT );// Button IDs IDTB_EXPAND = 200; IDTB_CONTRACT = 201; IDTB_STOP = 202; IDTB_REFRESH = 203; IDTB_BACK = 204; IDTB_HOME = 205; IDTB_SYNC = 206; IDTB_PRINT = 207; IDTB_OPTIONS = 208; IDTB_FORWARD = 209; IDTB_NOTES = 210; // not implemented IDTB_BROWSE_FWD = 211; IDTB_BROWSE_BACK = 212; IDTB_CONTENTS = 213; // not implemented IDTB_INDEX = 214; // not implemented IDTB_SEARCH = 215; // not implemented IDTB_HISTORY = 216; // not implemented IDTB_FAVORITES = 217; // not implemented IDTB_JUMP1 = 218; IDTB_JUMP2 = 219; IDTB_CUSTOMIZE = 221; IDTB_ZOOM = 222; IDTB_TOC_NEXT = 223; IDTB_TOC_PREV = 224;// Notification codes HHN_FIRST = (0-860); HHN_LAST = (0-879); HHN_NAVCOMPLETE = (HHN_FIRST-0); HHN_TRACK = (HHN_FIRST-1); HHN_WINDOW_CREATE =(HHN_FIRST-2);type tagHHN_NOTIFY = record hdr : NMHDR; pszUrl:pChar; // Multi-byte, null-terminated string end; HHN_NOTIFY = tagHHN_NOTIFY; tagHH_POPUP = record cbStruct: integer; // sizeof this structure hinst: longint; // instance handle for string resource idString: UINT; // string resource id, or text id if pszFile is specified in HtmlHelp call pszText: LPCTSTR; // used if idString is zero pt: TPOINT; // top center of popup window clrForeground: COLORREF; // use -1 for default clrBackground: COLORREF; // use -1 for default rcMargins: TRECT; // amount of space between edges of window and text, -1 for each member to ignore pszFont: LPCTSTR; // facename, point size, char set, BOLD ITALIC UNDERLINE end; HH_POPUP = tagHH_POPUP; tagHH_AKLINK = record cbStruct: integer; // sizeof this structure fReserved: BOOL; // must be FALSE (really!) pszKeywords: LPCTSTR; // semi-colon separated keywords pszUrl: LPCTSTR; // URL to jump to if no keywords found (may be NULL) pszMsgText: LPCTSTR; // Message text to display in MessageBox if pszUrl is NULL and no keyword match pszMsgTitle: LPCTSTR; // Message text to display in MessageBox if pszUrl is NULL and no keyword match pszWindow: LPCTSTR; // Window to display URL in fIndexOnFail:BOOL; // Displays index if keyword lookup fails. end; HH_AKLINK = tagHH_AKLINK;const HHWIN_NAVTYPE_TOC = 0; HHWIN_NAVTYPE_INDEX = 1; HHWIN_NAVTYPE_SEARCH = 2; HHWIN_NAVTYPE_FAVORITES = 3; HHWIN_NAVTYPE_HISTORY = 4; // not implemented HHWIN_NAVTYPE_AUTHOR = 5; HHWIN_NAVTYPE_CUSTOM_FIRST = 11; IT_INCLUSIVE = 0; IT_EXCLUSIVE = 1; IT_HIDDEN = 2;type tagHH_ENUM_IT=record cbStruct : integer; // size of this structure iType: integer; // the type of the information type ie. Inclusive, Exclusive, or Hidden pszCatName: LPCSTR; // Set to the name of the Category to enumerate the info types in a category; else NULL pszITName: LPCSTR; // volitile pointer to the name of the infotype. Allocated by call. Caller responsible for freeing pszITDescription:LPCSTR; // volitile pointer to the description of the infotype. end; HH_ENUM_IT = tagHH_ENUM_IT; PHH_ENUM_IT = ^tagHH_ENUM_IT; tagHH_ENUM_CAT = record cbStruct: integer; // size of this structure pszCatName: LPCSTR; // volitile pointer to the category name pszCatDescription: LPCSTR; // volitile pointer to the category description end; HH_ENUM_CAT = tagHH_ENUM_CAT; PHH_ENUM_CAT = ^tagHH_ENUM_CAT; tagHH_SET_INFOTYPE = record cbStruct: integer; // the size of this structure pszCatName: LPCSTR ; // the name of the category, if any, the InfoType is a member of. pszInfoTypeName: LPCSTR ; // the name of the info type to add to the filter end; HH_SET_INFOTYPE = tagHH_SET_INFOTYPE; PHH_SET_INFOTYPE = ^tagHH_SET_INFOTYPE; HH_INFOTYPE = DWORD; PHH_INFOTYPE = ^HH_INFOTYPE;const HHWIN_NAVTAB_TOP = 0; HHWIN_NAVTAB_LEFT = 1; HHWIN_NAVTAB_BOTTOM = 2; HH_MAX_TABS = 19; // maximum number of tabs HH_TAB_CONTENTS = 0; HH_TAB_INDEX = 1; HH_TAB_SEARCH = 2; HH_TAB_FAVORITES = 3; HH_TAB_HISTORY = 4; HH_TAB_AUTHOR = 5; HH_TAB_CUSTOM_FIRST = 11; HH_TAB_CUSTOM_LAST = HH_MAX_TABS; HH_MAX_TABS_CUSTOM = HH_TAB_CUSTOM_LAST - HH_TAB_CUSTOM_FIRST + 1; // HH_DISPLAY_SEARCH Command Related Structures and Constants HH_FTS_DEFAULT_PROXIMITY = -1;type tagHH_FTS_QUERY=record cbStruct: integer; // Sizeof structure in bytes. fUniCodeStrings: BOOL; // TRUE if all strings are unicode. pszSearchQuery: LPCTSTR;// String containing the search query. iProximity: LongInt; // Word proximity. fStemmedSearch: BOOL; // TRUE for StemmedSearch only. fTitleOnly: BOOL; // TRUE for Title search only. fExecute: BOOL; // TRUE to initiate the search. pszWindow: LPCTSTR;// Window to display in end; HH_FTS_QUERY = tagHH_FTS_QUERY;// HH_WINTYPE StructuretagHH_WINTYPE =record cbStruct: integer; // IN: size of this structure including all Information Types fUniCodeStrings: BOOL; // IN/OUT: TRUE if all strings are in UNICODE pszType: LPCTSTR; // IN/OUT: Name of a type of window fsValidMembers: DWORD; // IN: Bit flag of valid members (HHWIN_PARAM_) fsWinProperties: DWORD; // IN/OUT: Properties/attributes of the window (HHWIN_) pszCaption: LPCTSTR; // IN/OUT: Window title dwStyles: DWORD; // IN/OUT: Window styles dwExStyles: DWORD; // IN/OUT: Extended Window styles rcWindowPos: TRECT; // IN: Starting position, OUT: current position nShowState: integer; // IN: show state (e.g., SW_SHOW) hwndHelp: HWND; // OUT: window handle hwndCaller: HWND; // OUT: who called this window paInfoTypes: ^HH_INFOTYPE; // IN: Pointer to an array of Information Types // The following members are only valid if HHWIN_PROP_TRI_PANE is set hwndToolBar: HWND; // OUT: toolbar window in tri-pane window hwndNavigation: HWND; // OUT: navigation window in tri-pane window hwndHTML: HWND; // OUT: window displaying HTML in tri-pane window iNavWidth: integer; // IN/OUT: width of navigation window rcHTML: TRECT; // OUT: HTML window coordinates pszToc: LPCTSTR; // IN: Location of the table of contents file pszIndex: LPCTSTR; // IN: Location of the index file pszFile: LPCTSTR; // IN: Default location of the html file pszHome: LPCTSTR; // IN/OUT: html file to display when Home button is clicked fsToolBarFlags: DWORD; // IN: flags controling the appearance of the toolbar fNotExpanded: BOOL; // IN: TRUE/FALSE to contract or expand, OUT: current state curNavType: integer; // IN/OUT: UI to display in the navigational pane tabpos: integer; // IN/OUT: HHWIN_NAVTAB_TOP, HHWIN_NAVTAB_LEFT, or HHWIN_NAVTAB_BOTTOM idNotify: integer; // IN: ID to use for WM_NOTIFY messages tabOrder: array[0..HH_MAX_TABS]of BYTE; // IN/OUT: tab order: Contents, Index, Search, History, Favorites, Reserved 1-5, Custom tabs cHistory: integer; // IN/OUT: number of history items to keep (default is 30) pszJump1: LPCTSTR; // Text for HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP1 pszJump2: LPCTSTR; // Text for HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP2 pszUrlJump1: LPCTSTR; // URL for HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP1 pszUrlJump2: LPCTSTR; // URL for HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP2 rcMinSize: TRECT; // Minimum size for window (ignored in version 1) cbInfoTypes: integer; // size of paInfoTypes: pszCustomTabs: LPCTSTR; // multiple zero-terminated stringsend;HH_WINTYPE = tagHH_WINTYPE;PHH_WINTYPE = ^tagHH_WINTYPE;THHACT = ( HHACT_TAB_CONTENTS, HHACT_TAB_INDEX, HHACT_TAB_SEARCH, HHACT_TAB_HISTORY, HHACT_TAB_FAVORITES, HHACT_EXPAND, HHACT_CONTRACT, HHACT_BACK, HHACT_FORWARD, HHACT_STOP, HHACT_REFRESH, HHACT_HOME, HHACT_SYNC, HHACT_OPTIONS, HHACT_PRINT, HHACT_HIGHLIGHT, HHACT_CUSTOMIZE, HHACT_JUMP1, HHACT_JUMP2, HHACT_ZOOM, HHACT_TOC_NEXT, HHACT_TOC_PREV, HHACT_NOTES, HHACT_LAST_ENUM);tagHHNTRACK=record hdr: NMHDR; pszCurUrl: PChar; // Multi-byte, null-terminated string idAction: integer; // HHACT_ value phhWinType: ^HH_WINTYPE; // Current window type structureend;HHNTRACK = tagHHNTRACK;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Global Control Properties.//// tagHH_GPROPID = (const HH_GPROPID_SINGLETHREAD =1; // VARIANT_BOOL: True for single thread HH_GPROPID_TOOLBAR_MARGIN =2; // long: Provides a left/right margin around the toolbar. HH_GPROPID_UI_LANGUAGE =3; // long: LangId of the UI. HH_GPROPID_CURRENT_SUBSET =4; // BSTR: Current subset. HH_GPROPID_CONTENT_LANGUAGE =5; // long: LandId for desired content.// );// HH_GPROPID = tagHH_GPROPID;type HH_GPROPID = integer;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Global Property structure// tagHH_GLOBAL_PROPERTY=record id: HH_GPROPID; vari: Variant; end; HH_GLOBAL_PROPERTY = tagHH_GLOBAL_PROPERTY; DWORD_PTR = ^DWORD;(********************** Declarations (newly added by Chen Gang) ***********************)function HtmlHelp( hwndCaller:HWND; strFile:String; uCommand:UINT; dwData:DWORD_PTR ):HWND;procedure CloseHtmlHelpSystem;(********************** Declarations finished(newly added by Chen Gang) ***********************)implementationuses SysUtils;const HHControlInstance:THandle=0; dwCookie :DWORD = 0;var HtmlHelpA:function ( hwndCaller:HWND; pszFile:pChar ; uCommand:UINT; dwData:DWORD_PTR ):HWND;stdcall;(* function implementatoins *)function HtmlHelp( hwndCaller:HWND; strFile:String; uCommand:UINT; dwData:DWORD_PTR ):HWND;var OcxFileName:String; p:pChar; HHControlInstance:integer;begin if HHControlInstance=0 then begin OcxFileName := StringOfChar( ' ', 256); p := PChar( OcxFilename ); GetSystemDirectory(p,255); StrCat(p,'/HHCTRL.OCX'); HHControlInstance:=LoadLibrary( P ); if HHControlInstance = 0 then raise exception.Create('HHCtrl.OCX not installed!'#13' HTMLHELP cannot displayed!'); @HtmlHelpA := GetProcAddress( HHControlInstance, 'HtmlHelpA'); if @HtmlHelpA = nil then raise exception.Create('Function HTMLHELP cannot loaded!'); HtmlHelpA( 0, nil, HH_INITIALIZE, (@dwCookie)); end; result := HtmlHelpA( hwndCaller, PChar( strFile ), uCommand, dwData );end;procedure CloseHtmlHelpSystem;begin if HHControlInstance<>0 then begin HtmlHelpA( 0, nil, HH_UNINITIALIZE, DWORD_PTR(dwCookie)); FreeLibrary(HHControlInstance); end;end;end.调用如下:HtmlHelp( handle, GetAppDir+'/erp.chm', 0, nil);但是出现以下情况:页面自动转到索引不能打开指定的页面,即使打开了 图片不显示!请教如何执行?
无论什么都要搞得很复杂??Help & Manual等就可以制作Help文件,简单地放到Delphi里面就ok了。
To,zkktom,当然可以啦!------------------------看看这里 www.gimido.com
说明白才可以啊 cdyxl,别忽悠我