Delphi6 New Features(转贴)(0分)

  • 主题发起人 wjiachun
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Delphi6 New Features
What’s new
Delphi 6 introduces new features and enhancements in the following areas:
Com/Active X
Note Some features may not be available in all versions of Delphi.

New IDE features
New menu
The New menu has changed. Currently it shows five types (Application, Form,
Frame, Data Module and Unit) along with 'other' which brings up the repository.
Packages in Project Manager
Now all open package projects will show up in the Project Manager view. These
package project reference nodes can be used to assist tracking the active
project as well as navigating to any open package, even when the Package is not
a member of the current project group.
Object Tree View
The tree view displays the object inspector's focus' owner component and its
children. For example, a button's owner is its form. The tree view is in lock
step with the object inspector so, as it changes focus the tree view reflects
the changes. All the capability of the data module designer is exposed. This
includes, but is not limited to, drag-n-drop support as well as the popup editor
menus. The tree view isdo
ckable to the object inspector. Right-clicking will
display the same options that appeared in the Data Module Designer.
Before, when an object was not complete it was displayed with a red circle
around it. Now it will show a red checkmark.
Ghost icons represent components implicitly created for you behind the scenes.
For example, Default Session.
Visual code editor with loadable views
The code editor now supports package-loaded custom views. These views are
accessible via tabs located in the status bar. The only built-in view is the
standard Code view. All the rest of the views will come from a package.
The first new view is the components view and is only visible if the current
module has an associated DFM file. This view consists of a list view that
displays the components associated with the module's DFM. If the module's DFM is
a data module derivative this view replaces the data module view. The old view
will not be visible;
any keys like F12 will simply activate this view instead.
If the module's DFM is a form/window derivative, this view is simply another way
to look at the DFM's components. Non-visual components are visible via this new
The components view supports modes similar to the repository. You can list the
components by icon, simple list, or detailed list. In detail list mode the
columns can represent any RTTI property or some simple types (i.e. ClassName,
etc.). Columnar sorting is also supported. The selection is synchronized with
the object inspector and tree view. All standard menu items appear in the popup
menu along with additional items to allow you to choose which display mode to
use and to access the property/column selector.
Finally, the components view also allows you to perform limited filtering. You
can limit the items displayed to only non-visual components or display all
Changes and additions to the Object Inspector
The instance list at the top now shows the type of the selected object. And when
the instance list is redundant, it can be hidden by right clicking and selecting
an instance.
The properties that reference an object are now a different color and may be
expanded without changing the selection.
The Object Inspector now supports expanding of component references inline. This
provides access to the properties of the referenced component without having to
select the component on the form. This has been added to support sub-components
and to increase usability.
The instance list at the top of the object inspector is now optional (see the
OI's popup menu).
Component references can now be expanded inline, similar to how TFont works.
Additionally they show up on the events page and then
show the events of the
referred component.
The instance list now displays the class types in the dropdown.
The Instance list box has a hint that shows the contents in case the box is too
small to show everything.
The dropdo
wn lists (instance and property value) collapse when the arrow is
clicked on a second time.
The tabs have been moved around so that the left most edge is shown all the

Code Insight Code completion now works in the interface section of a
Displays inherited virtual methods, interface methods and properties
Supports multi-select and adds all selected items
Also supports filtering and automatically removes the text used to filter the
Supports WM_xxx, CM_xxx and CN_xxx message methods based on like named
constants from all units in the uses clause
Code Completion
The popup window is now sizable
The list now filters based on what has been typed in the editor
Colors have been added to help distinguish different items
Abstract methods appear in red and have the word "abstract" appear after the
Item declarations appear more like Pascal than previously
If the typed text matches an item exactly then
that item is selected
If the item is a procedure/function with parameters a "(" is included and a
code parameter hint is displayed immediately
Directories Dialog
The directories dialog for editing items such as Library Path now displays
invalid paths in gray.
There is now a button to remove all invalid paths.
New internet features
Apache Web Server application
WebBroker now supports Apache in addition to ISAPI, WinCGI, and CGI.
The COM WebBroker application provides a convenient environment for developing
WebBroker applications.
Test Server
TestSvr enables you to monitor HTTP requests and responses and develop WebBroker
applications without installing a commercial web server.

New VCL features
The TValueListEditor is a custom grid used for editing TStrings that contain
key/value pairs. Operation is similar to the object inspector. It can be
associated at design time with a component such as TDatabase that contains a
published TStrings property (params) by setting the Component and
ComponentProperty properties.
TXMLDocument is a component used for programming XMLdo
cuments. It takes care of
getting an instance of a IDOMDocument interface and loading and saving xml
files. After setting the filename property and setting Active to true, use the
DOMDocument property to access the contents of the file.
TIPAddress Component
TIPAddress is a new Windows Common Control wrapper for IPAddress class. This
control is used for editing IP Addresses.
TLabeledEdit Component
TLabeledEdit is an addition to the ExtCtrls.pas unit and demonstrates using
sub-components. It is an Edit control that has a label attached to it. The Label
appears as a property of the control.
TPageSetupDialog Component
TPageSetupDialog is an addition to the existing supported common dialogs and is
the preferred dialog for printer setup under Windows 2000, although this dialog
works on WinNT/98 as well. This component provides the ability to paint the page
representation on the dialog itself.
Sub-component demo
Components can now own other components which creates sub-components. For
example, a component can have a property which is a component reference which
can be either internal (a sub-component) or external (a normal component
reference). If the reference is internal then
the sub-component is not owned by
the form but by the component on the form. This means that components can now
publish the properties of the sub-component and they will be streamed correctly.
Additionally, the object inspector has been modified to allow you to view the
properties of component references inline (i.e. the Font property). To create a
component that has a sub-component requires a call to
Publishable interface properties
Interface properties (properties whose type is an interface) can now be
published if and only if the implementor of the property is a streamable
This means you can now see properties that take an interface in the Object
Inspector, which will provide a drop-down list of components that support the
New actions
The following actions have been added to VCL:
File Actions
TShellExecute - ShellExecutes a command
Search Actions
Rich Edit actions
Tab actions
Dialog actions
Misc. actions
Improved features include:
TCustomAction—Now has a GroupIndex property which allows Actions to work
together as a group the same way GroupIndex works for speedbuttons. Set
GroupIndex to determine how the action behaves when clicked. When GroupIndex is
0, the button behaves independently of all other actions in the ActionList
containing the action. When the user clicks such an action it's Checked property
is not changed. When GroupIndex is greater than 0, setting the action's checked
property to true causes all other actions with the same GroupIndex to be
TImage—A Proportional property has been added which maintains the aspect ratio
of the image regardless of the size of the TImage control.
Controls (TEdit, TMemo, TListBox, TListView, TTreeView, TMaskEdit, TDBEdit
TDBMemo, TDBListBox)—Most of the VCL controls now publish the following Bevel
MS-Office style menus
A system of menusmenus that mimics Microsoft Office 2000 style menus has been
implemented. The menus are easy to create, customize and maintain.
Shell Controls
There are three new components that replace DirectoryListBox, FileListBox, and
DriveComboBox, respectively. They are:
ShellTreeView—This displays a hierarchical view of the file system.
ShellListView—This provides details on single objects in the file system.
ShellComboBox—This dropsdo
wn a list of locations. (not possible to type into
it yet)
Note: Shell controlsdo
not work on Windows 95.
Unit additions
An assign procedure7okfkm has been added to TList that not only copies but also
allows for primitive set operations.
AddObject override has been added to TStringList that correctly implements
ClientToParent and ParentToClient have been added so you can map your pixels to
one of the parents or children. They work very similarly to ClientToScreen and
TTreeView—CreateTreeNodes has been added.
Generalized the creation of nodes and made an event so that simple tree users
won't have to create a descendent just to override the node class. Also AddNode
has been changed so you can now pass in the node (of whatever class) you want
Added CreateWndRestores which allows you to say that CreateWnddo
esn't need to
restore things.
Added MultiSelectIDH7t6x2v with four properties and eight methods.
TListView—CreateListItems has been added, which matches TTreeView's
TStatusBar—The size grip now appears even if the status panel is not directly
parented by its form. As long as the lower right corner of the status bar is in
the lower right corner of the form then
the size grip will appear.
Last and First have been added to TObjectList, TComponentList and TClassList.
These are typecast functions.
TNamedObjectList, TNamedComponentList and TNamedClassList have been added. These
are binary sorted lists that work similarly to TStringList.
TStack, TQueue, TObjectStack and TObjectQueue's Push is now a function that
simply returns the item pushed on to the stack. Think of it as a Push/Peek. This
is very useful when pushing things that are created when pushed.
AutoDragDocking support has been added. This allows you to turn off auto-docking
for your application. Additionally a flag has been added to Delphi's options
dialog that allows you to set this property.
TFontRecall, TPenRecall and TBrushRecall have been added. These allow quick
saving off and restoring of fonts, pens and brushes. They descend from TRecall
(from Classes) which works with TPersistent classes in general.
The system colors have been have sorted to make things easier to find.
Four colors have been added to the standard sixteen:
EditMask and Text now use custom types so their property editors are more
Added procedure MetaPrint(APopulate: TMetaPopulateProc;
const AHeaderCaption:
APrintHeader, APrintBorders, APrintToSingle: Boolean;
AFont: TFont);
This function wraps the printing of data to a meta file. It handles multi-page
printing as well as caption and border printing. Support for progress updating
(via a call back) and custom font are also included.
It is now safe to call GetPropInfo with an object thatdo
es not have any RTTI
information. It simply returns a nil.
FreeAndNilProperties has been added. This will take any RTTI enabled object and
free and nil out each of its object properties. Note that it will also clear any
objects this object may have property references to, so nil those out first.
Modifications have been made to accommodate the new object treeview.
More try..finally(s) have been added.
VCL-DB—New Native DB/Midas framework
The connection between the client dataset and the unidirectional dataset is
provided by a dataset provider. Multi-tier Distributed Application Services
Suite (MIDAS). MIDAS defines the mechanism by which provider components package
database information into transportable data packets (which can be used by
client datasets) and apply updates received in delta packets (which client
datasets create) back to a database server.
DBExpress is a set of lightweight database drivers that provide fast access to
SQL database servers. For each supported database, DBExpress provides a driver
that adapts the server-specific software to a set of uniform DBExpress
interfaces. When you deploy your application, you need only include a single DLL
(the server-specific driver) with the application files you build.
Driver File name

InterBase driver DBEXPINT.DLL
Each DBExpress connection is encapsulated by a component. TSQLConnection
provides all the information necessary to establish a database connection using
DBExpress, and is designed to work with unidirectional dataset components. A
single SQL connection component can be shared by multiple unidirectional
datasets, or the datasets can each use their own connection.
Unidirectional datasets provide the mechanism by which an application reads data
from an SQL database table. Unidirectional datasets send an SQL command to the
database server, and if the command returns a set of records, obtain a
unidirectional cursor for accessing those records. Theydo
not buffer data in
memory, which makes them faster and less resource-intensive than other types of
dataset. However, because there are no buffered records, unidirectional datasets
are also less flexible than other datasets. Many of the capabilities introduced
by TDataSet are either unimplemented in unidirectional datasets, or cause them
to raise exceptions.
Despite the limitations, unidirectional datasets are a powerful way to access
data. They are fast, and very simple to use and deploy.
The main components of DBExpress include:
A modified version of TDataset
TSQLConnection, a wrapper around a DBExpress driver
TSQLDataset, a unidirectional dataset
TSQLQuery, TSQLStoredProc, and TSQLTable, which are compatible with existing
elements if you want to port an application

The goal
The main idea is to create a set of classes/components that implement menus
which are easier to create, customize and maintain than the current set of
controls (TMainMenu, TToolbar etc). Additionally, this new system mimic
Microsoft Office 2000 style menus as closely as possible.
The problems
Delphi makes it possible to implement a UI using buttons and menus however, it
is difficult to keep all of these various UI elements in sync. Therefore,
actions were invented to help solve this problem. Now it is possible to point
various controls at an action which manipulates the state of all the controls
attached to it. While this is a marked improvement it is still quite tedious to
create a complicated UI using these components. An example of creating an
application like this is as follows:
wn an action list
wn an image list
3.Connect the image list to the action list
4.Drop a TMainMenu
5.Connect the main menu to the image list
6.Build a menu hierarchy connecting each item to an action
At this point, the above steps are repeated for each new menu necessary for the
application. This mechanism as the following drawbacks:
not maintain any "layout" information meaning theydo
n't have any
knowledge of where or in what order they should appear in the UI
Menus and toolbars are very time consuming to setup each requiring the same
number of steps necessary to connect a single item
Layout information in a main menu cannot be reused to setup a similar set of
toolbars and vise versa
Customizing both design-time and run-time appearance is very tedious
Streaming customizations to UI elements has to bedo
ne manually
A solution
One way to solve this problem is to develop a mechanism which allows you to
specify layout information and a set of controls which can "render" this
information as UI elements.
In this solution, the following have been developed:
A mechanism for storing layout (ordering) information for actions
A set of controls capable of rendering actions (items) on screen (similar to
A set of containers for the above controls (Bands) used to present a
collection of associated items
Since Actionsdo
not maintain any "layout" (either appearance or positional)
information a data structure capable of storing this data is needed. To
accomplish this, a component with a collection property to hold this data called
TBandManager was created.
The Band (Layout) Manager
The Band Manager contains all of the layout information necessary to create
menus. Layout information includes:
Order of appearance
Reference to an Action which includes Caption, ShortCut, Visible etc.
Additionally, the Band Manager maintains usage data allowing you to hide
infrequently used items of the UI making for a cleaner more effective UI using a
process called aging.
Bands and Band Items
Bands are specialized containers (like TPanel) that render a group of items on
screen in the order specified in the Band Manager. The items themselves are
components (similar to TSpeedButton) created by the Band and appear consistent
with the look and function of the Band (ie. main menu or a toolbar). The layout
of the items in the container is managed automatically and specified by the Band
Manager and the orientation of the Band itself.
Band Manager
The Band Manager is essentially a database of layout and usage information for
all menus within an application. It:
Specifies the order of items as they should appear in the UI
Acts as a "database" of usage/customization information
ckable/sizable windowed controls
Contain Band Item controls
Provide methods to find/manipulate contained items
Allow wrapping of items within their client region
Persist size/location anddo
ck state
Support hiding least recently used band items
Support vertical and horizontal orientation
Menu Bands:
Provide top-level (main) menu functionality
Checked menu items
Grouped menu items
Provide popup menu functionality
Support hiding of least recently used items with an option to expand the menu
to view all items (as in Office 2000)
Support window animations as in Office 2000/W2K (Random, Unfold, Slide)
Support standard menu sounds
Support for delayed popup menus

TList.Assign(ListA: TList;
Operation: TListAssignOp = laCopy;
ListB: TList =
By default this copies the contents of a list onto another list, but optionally
a particular operation can be requested. The additional operations are basically
set operations and work similarly to the boolean/set operations of similar
A third syntax is available that takes two lists. In that case the operation is
performed between the specified lists (but their contents are left untouched)
and the result is copied to the instance list. It is the equivalent to the
following code:
Assign(ListA, laCopy);
Assign(ListB, Operation);
Item Description

LaCopy dest becomes a copy of the source (same as a normal assign), dest's
original content is forgotten
LaAnd intersection of the two lists
LaOr union of the two lists
LaXor only those not in both lists
LaSrcUnique only those unique to source (same as laAnd followed by laXor, but
LaDestUnique only those unique to dest (same as laOr followed by laXor, but

Access Syntax Description

R/W MultiSelect: Boolean;
Turns on/off multi-select
R/W MultiSelectStyle: TMultiSelectStyle;
Specifies how multi-select should work.
msControlSelect—Additive selecting is allowed
msShiftSelect—Range selecting is allowed
msVisibleOnly—Only visible nodes can be selected
msSiblingOnly—Only siblings to the primary node can be selected
R SelectionCount: Integer;
How many nodes are selected
R Selections[Index: Integer]: TTreeNode Access to the individually selected
Select(Node: TTreeNode;
ShiftState: TShiftState = []);
This procedure allows you to programmatically select a node and have selection
happen just like the user had clicked on the node.
Subselect(Node: TTreeNode;
Validate: Boolean = False);
Allows additive/subtractive sub selection. Optionally you can ask for validation
to happen (which will slow thingsdo
wn a bit).
ClearSelection(KeepPrimary: Boolean = False);
Clears the selections. Optionally you can request that the primary selection be
left selected.
Select(const Nodes: array of TTreeNode);
Selects the first node as the primary selection and then
sub-selects the rest.
Select(Nodes: TList)
Same as above but takes a TList of Nodes.
Deselect(Node: TTreeNode)
Deselects a selected node,do
es nothing if the node is not selected.
Asks the current selections to validated against the msVisibleOnly and
msSiblingOnly flags.
Requests the selected nodes visual render to be invalidated and in turn redrawn.
Note: if you control-select a selected item, while multi-select is true, that
item becomes unselected visually. While it is also removed from the selections
array, the treeview selected property will be still set to the item. So in this
corner case the selected item is not really selected. This won't cause a problem
in existing code but if you are going to use the new multi-select feature of
treeview, you need to use the selections array, not the simpler selected
New RTL units and features
Some functions have been moved from other units into System, while many System
functions have moved to the new Variants unit.
A collectionIndl52jth of conversion functions and constants has been added.
A collection.hbixa of date and time functions has been added.
Const has been added to the extended parameters to speed things up. There are
also new constants and functionsm91q9.
This new unit will contain future string functions instead of adding them to
Added BoolToStr and StrToBool
Added FloatToCurr, MinCurrency and MaxCurrency
Added FloatToDateTime, MinDateTime, and MaxDateTime
Variants.pas and VarUtils.pas
All of the variant/safe array code has been moved from System and now occupies
two new units: Variants.pasC2feahu and VarUtils.pasID_3hz91o.
The operating system dependent code has been isolated into VarUtils.pas and it
also contains generic versions of everything needed by Variants.pas. You have to
be careful using the generic code because it is not exactly like the Windows
code and if you mix Windows calls and generic code you will run into problems.
Use Variants.pas on Windows, use VarUtils.pas on other platforms.
If you want to use variants, you will have to include the Variants unit to your
uses clause.
VarIsEmpty nowdo
es a simple test against varEmpty, to see if a variant is clear
(nothing of use defined in it) and you will now need to use the VarIsClear
Custom variant data handler
You can now define custom data types for variants.This introduces operator
overloading while the type is assigned to the variant. To create a new variant
type, descend from the class, TCustomVariantType5h18z0, and instantiate your new
variant type.
For an example, see Complex NumbersInd9yqn1g found in Variants.pas. This unit
implements complex mathematic support via custom variants. It supports the
following variant operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
(not integer division) and negation. It also handles conversion to and from:
SmallInt, Integer, Single,do
uble, Currency, Date, Boolean, Byte, OleStr and
String. Any of the float/ordinal conversion will lose any imaginary portion of
the complex value.
The XMLDOM.pas unit contains a vendor-independent set of interfaces that
represent the W3C Level 2 XMLdo
M specification. With this unit you can use the
DOM to manipulate XMLdo
cuments in a platform-independent manner. Included with
this field test is a unit which exposes the Microsoftdo
M via the MSXMLDOM.pas
unit. This unit must also be included in the uses clause of your project. The
TXMLDocument component described in the New VCL section uses the XMLDOM unit,
and is the recommended way of working with thedo

New ConvUtils.pas functions and constants
Distance duMicromicrons, duAngstrom, duMillimicrons, duMicrons, duMillimeters,
duCentimeters, duDecimeters, duMeters, duDekameters, duHectometers,
duKilometers, duMegameters, duGigameters, duInches, duFeet, duYards, duMiles,
duNauticalMiles, duAstromicalUnits, duLightYears, duParsecs, duCubits,
duFathoms, duFurlongs, duHands, duPaces, duRods, duChains, duLinks, duPicas,
Velocity Good for any distance unit and any time unit (see DateUtils.pas)
Mass/Weight muNanograms, muMicrograms, muMilligrams, muCentigrams, muDecigrams,
muGrams, muDekagrams, muHectograms, muKilograms, muMetricTon, muDrams, muGrains,
muLongTon, muShortTon, muOunces, muPounds, muStones
Temperature tuCelsius, tuKelvin, tuFahrenheit, tuRankine, tuReaumur
Area auSquareMillimeters, auSquareCentimeters, auSquareDecimeters,
auSquareMeters, auSquareDekameters, auSquareHectometers, auSquareKilometers,
auSquareInches, auSquareFeet, auSquareYards, auSquareMiles, auAcres, auCentares,
auAres, auHectares, auSquareRods
Volume vuCubicMillimeters, vuCubicCentimeters, vuCubicDecimeters, vuCubicMeters,
vuCubicDekameters, vuCubicHectometers, vuCubicKilometers, vuCubicInches,
vuCubicFeet, vuCubicYards, vuCubicMiles, vuMilliliter, vuCentiliter,
vuDeciliter, vuLiter, vuDekaliter, vuHectoliter, vuKiloliter, vuAcreFeet,
vuAcreInches, vuCords, vuCordFeet, vuDecisteres, vuDekasteres, vuSteres,
vuTeaspoons, vuTablespoons, vuOunces, vuCups, vuPints, vuQuarts, vuGallons
Unit Interface
{ Distance conversion function and types }
TDistanceUnits = (duMicromicrons, duAngstrom, duMillimicrons,
duMicrons, duMillimeters, duCentimeters,
duDecimeters, duMeters, duDekameters,
duHectometers, duKilometers, duMegameters,
duGigameters, duInches, duFeet, duYards, duMiles,
duNauticalMiles, duAstromicalUnits, duLightYears,
duParsecs, duCubits, duFathoms, duFurlongs,
duHands, duPaces, duRods, duChains, duLinks,
duPicas, duPoints);
BaseDistanceUnit = duMeters;
function ConvertDistance(AFrom, ATo: TDistanceUnits;
const AValue:do
{ Velocity conversion function and types }
function ConvertVelocity(AFrom: TDistanceUnits;
AFromTime: TTimeUnits;
ATo: TDistanceUnits;
AToTime: TTimeUnits;
const AValue:do
{ Mass/Weight conversion function and types }
TMassUnits = (muNanograms, muMicrograms, muMilligrams,
muCentigrams, muDecigrams, muGrams, muDekagrams,
muHectograms, muKilograms, muMetricTon, muDrams,
muGrains, muLongTon, muShortTon, muOunces, muPounds,
BaseMassUnit = muGrams;
function ConvertMass(AFrom, ATo: TMassUnits;
const AValue:do
{ Temperature conversion function and types }
TTemperatureUnits = (tuCelsius, tuKelvin, tuFahrenheit, tuRankine,
BaseTemperatureUnit = tuCelsius;
function ConvertTemperature(AFrom, ATo: TTemperatureUnits;
const AValue:
{ Area conversion function and types }
TAreaUnits = (auSquareMillimeters, auSquareCentimeters,
auSquareDecimeters, auSquareMeters,
auSquareDekameters, auSquareHectometers,
auSquareKilometers, auSquareInches, auSquareFeet,
auSquareYards, auSquareMiles, auAcres, auCentares,
auAres, auHectares, auSquareRods);
BaseAreaUnit = auSquareMeters;
function ConvertArea(AFrom, ATo: TAreaUnits;
const AValue:do
{ Volume conversion function and types }
TVolumeUnits = (vuCubicMillimeters, vuCubicCentimeters,
vuCubicDecimeters, vuCubicMeters,
vuCubicDekameters, vuCubicHectometers,
vuCubicKilometers, vuCubicInches, vuCubicFeet,
vuCubicYards, vuCubicMiles, vuMilliliter,
vuCentiliter, vuDeciliter, vuLiter, vuDekaliter,
vuHectoliter, vuKiloliter, vuAcreFeet,
vuAcreInches, vuCords, vuCordFeet, vuDecisteres,
vuDekasteres, vuSteres, vuTeaspoons, vuTablespoons,
vuOunces, vuCups, vuPints, vuQuarts, vuGallons);
{ the last 7 unit factors are adjustable, see below }
BaseVolumeUnit = vuKiloLiter;
function ConvertVolume(AFrom, ATo: TVolumeUnits;
const AValue:do
{ TVolumnFactors record contains the English/American unit conversion
factors. Initially the volume conversion functions use American
fluid units but you can change all the factors if you need something
different. Remember these factors are designed to convert the
specific unit to a kiloliter not a liter.
UseAmericanFluidVolumeFactors and UseBritishImperialVolumeFactors
Will set up the volume factors for you but if needed you can call
UseSpecificVolumnFactors which will copy your conversion factors out
of the given structure to the one used by ConvertVolume. }
TVolumeFactors = record
Teaspoons, Tablespoons, Ounces, Cups, Pints, Quarts, Gallons:

AmericanFluidVolumeFactors: TVolumeFactors = (
Teaspoons: 4.92892E-6;
Tablespoons: 1.47868E-5;
Ounces: 2.95735E-5;
Cups: 2.36588E-4;
Pints: 4.73177E-4;
Quarts: 9.46353E-4;
Gallons: 3.78541E-3);
ImperialFluidVolumeFactors: TVolumeFactors = (
Teaspoons: 4.92892E-6;
Tablespoons: 1.47868E-5;
Ounces: 2.84131E-5;
Cups: 2.84122E-4;
Pints: 5.68245E-4;
Quarts: 1.13649E-3;
Gallons: 4.54609E-3);
procedure UseAmericanFluidVolumeFactors;
procedure UseBritishImperialVolumeFactors;
procedure UseSpecificVolumeFactors(const AUnits: TVolumeFactors);
{ These two functions are used by ConvertTemperature internally but
are rather useful in their own right. }
function FahrenheitToCelsius(const AValue:do
function CelsiusToFahrenheit(const AValue:do
{ Constants (and their derivatives) used in this unit }
MetersPerLightSecond = 299792558;
MetersPerInch = 0.0254;
MetersPerFoot = MetersPerInch * 12;
MetersPerYard = MetersPerFoot * 3;
MetersPerMile = MetersPerFoot * 5280;
MetersPerNauticalMiles = 1852;
MetersPerAstromicalUnit = 1.4959787E+11;
MetersPerLightYear = ApproxDaysPerYear * SecsPerDay *
MetersPerParsec = MetersPerAstromicalUnit * 206264.8062471;
// 60 *
60 * (180 / Pi)
MetersPerCubit = 0.4572;
MetersPerFathom = MetersPerFoot * 6;
MetersPerFurlong = MetersPerYard * 220;
MetersPerHand = MetersPerInch * 4;
MetersPerPace = MetersPerInch * 30;
MetersPerRod = MetersPerFoot * 16.5;
MetersPerChain = MetersPerRod * 4;
MetersPerLink = MetersPerChain / 100;
MetersPerPoint = MetersPerInch * 0.01384;
MetersPerPica = MetersPerPoint * 12;
SquareMetersPerSquareInch = MetersPerInch * MetersPerInch;
SquareMetersPerSquareFoot = MetersPerFoot * MetersPerFoot;
SquareMetersPerSquareYard = MetersPerYard * MetersPerYard;
SquareMetersPerSquareMile = MetersPerMile * MetersPerMile;
SquareMetersPerAcre = SquareMetersPerSquareYard * 4840;
SquareMetersPerSquareRod = MetersPerRod * MetersPerRod;
CubicMetersPerCubicInch = MetersPerInch * MetersPerInch *
CubicMetersPerCubicFoot = MetersPerFoot * MetersPerFoot *
CubicMetersPerCubicYard = MetersPerYard * MetersPerYard *
CubicMetersPerCubicMile = MetersPerMile * MetersPerMile *
CubicMetersPerAcreFoot = SquareMetersPerAcre * MetersPerFoot;
CubicMetersPerAcreInch = SquareMetersPerAcre * MetersPerInch;
CubicMetersPerCord = CubicMetersPerCubicFoot * 128;
CubicMetersPerCordFoot = CubicMetersPerCubicFoot * 16;
// avoirdupois units
GramsPerDram = 1.7718451953125;
GramsPerGrain = 0.06479891;
GramsPerLongTon = 1016046.9088;
GramsPerShortTon = 907184.74;
GramsPerOunces = 28.349523125;
GramsPerPounds = 453.59237;
GramsPerStones = 6350.29318;
created with Help to RTF file format converter

New DateUtils.pas functions
Unit Interface
Time conversion function and types:
TTimeUnits = (tuMilliSeconds, tuSeconds, tuMinutes, tuHours, tuDays, tuWeeks,
tuFortnights, tuMonths, tuYears, tuDecades, tuCenturies, tuMillenia);
BaseTimeUnit = tuDays;
function ConvertTime(AFrom: TTimeUnits;
ATo: TTimeUnits;
const AValue:do
Constants used in this unit:
(Average days per month/year over a normal 4 year period, see below.)
ApproxDaysPerYear = 365.25;
ApproxDaysPerMonth = 30.4375;
The above are used internally because they are more accurate for the next
century or so but after that you will want to switch to these values.
They are average days per month/year over a 400 year period.
ApproxDaysPerYear = 365.2425;
ApproxDaysPerMonth = 30.436875;
Note that the second month (February) should have 29 days during a leap year.
Remember to add a day whendo
ing month/day calculations.
DaysPerMonth: array[1..12] of Integer = (31, 28, 31, 30,
31, 30, 31, 31,
30, 31, 30, 31);
DaysPerWeek = 7;
DaysPerFortnight = DaysPerWeek * 2;
ApproxDaysPerDecade = ApproxDaysPerYear * 10.0;
ApproxDaysPerCentury = ApproxDaysPerYear * 100.0;
ApproxDaysPerMillenium = ApproxDaysPerYear * 1000.0;
function DateOf(const AValue: TDateTime): TDateTime;
function TimeOf(const AValue: TDateTime): TDateTime;
function IsInLeapYear(const AValue: TDateTime): Boolean;
function IsPM(const AValue: TDateTime): Boolean;
function DaysInYear(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function DaysInAYear(const AYear: Integer): Integer;
function DaysInMonth(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function DaysInAMonth(const AYear, AMonth: Integer): Integer;
function YearOf(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function MonthOf(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function WeekOf(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function DayOf(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function HourOf(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function MinuteOf(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function SecondOf(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function MilliSecondOf(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function StartOfYear(const AValue: TDateTime): TDateTime;
function EndOfYear(const AValue: TDateTime): TDateTime;
function StartOfMonth(const AValue: TDateTime): TDateTime;
function EndOfMonth(const AValue: TDateTime): TDateTime;
function StartOfWeek(const AValue: TDateTime): TDateTime;
function EndOfWeek(const AValue: TDateTime): TDateTime;
function StartOfDay(const AValue: TDateTime): TDateTime;
function EndOfDay(const AValue: TDateTime): TDateTime;
function MonthOfYear(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function WeekOfYear(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function DayOfYear(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function HourOfYear(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function MinuteOfYear(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function SecondOfYear(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function MilliSecondOfYear(const AValue: TDateTime): Int64;
function WeekOfMonth(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function DayOfMonth(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function HourOfMonth(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function MinuteOfMonth(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function SecondOfMonth(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function MilliSecondOfMonth(const AValue: TDateTime): Int64;
//function DayOfWeek(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function HourOfWeek(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function MinuteOfWeek(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function SecondOfWeek(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function MilliSecondOfWeek(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function HourOfDay(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function MinuteOfDay(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function SecondOfDay(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function MilliSecondOfDay(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function MinuteOfHour(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function SecondOfHour(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function MilliSecondOfHour(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function SecondOfMinute(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function MilliSecondOfMinute(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function MilliSecondOfSecond(const AValue: TDateTime): Integer;
function WithinPastYears(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime;
const AYears: Integer):
function WithinPastMonths(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime;
const AMonths: Integer):
function WithinPastWeeks(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime;
const AWeeks: Integer):
function WithinPastDays(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime;
const ADays: Integer):
function WithinPastHours(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime;
const AHours: Int64):
function WithinPastMinutes(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime;
const AMinutes: Int64):
function WithinPastSeconds(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime;
const ASeconds: Int64):
function WithinPastMilliSeconds(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime;
AMilliSeconds: Int64): Boolean;
function YearsBetween(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime): Integer;
function MonthsBetween(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime): Integer;
function WeeksBetween(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime): Integer;
function DaysBetween(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime): Integer;
function HoursBetween(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime): Int64;
function MinutesBetween(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime): Int64;
function SecondsBetween(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime): Int64;
function MilliSecondsBetween(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime): Int64;
// YearSpan and MonthSpan are approximates, not exact but close
function YearSpan(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime):do
function MonthSpan(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime):do
function WeekSpan(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime):do
function DaySpan(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime):do
function HourSpan(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime):do
function MinuteSpan(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime):do
function SecondSpan(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime):do
function MilliSecondSpan(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime):do
function EncodeDateTime(const AYear, AMonth, ADay, AHour, AMinute, ASecond,
AMilliSecond: Integer): TDateTime;
function RecodeDateYear(const AValue: TDateTime;
const AYear: Integer):
function RecodeDateMonth(const AValue: TDateTime;
const AMonth: Integer):
function RecodeDateDay(const AValue: TDateTime;
const ADay: Integer): TDateTime;

function RecodeDateHour(const AValue: TDateTime;
const AHour: Integer):
function RecodeDateMinute(const AValue: TDateTime;
const AMinute: Integer):
function RecodeDateSecond(const AValue: TDateTime;
const ASecond: Integer):
function RecodeDateMilliSecond(const AValue: TDateTime;
const AMilliSecond: Integer): TDateTime;
function SpanOfNowAndthen
(const ANow, Athen
: TDateTime): TDateTime;
function IsNullDateTime(const AValue: TDateTime): Boolean;
function NullDateTime: TDateTime;

New Math.pas functions and constants
New constants

NaN Not a number
Infinity Positive infinity
NegInfinity Negative infinity
New trig functions

Secant 1 / Cos(X)
Cosecant 1 / Sin(X)
Cot short for Cotan(gent)
Sec short for Secant
Csc short for Cosecant
CotH Hyperbolic Cotangent
SecH Hyperbolic Secant
CscH Hyperbolic Cosecant
ArcCot Inverse Cotanget
ArcSec Inverse Secant
ArcCsc Inverse Cosecant
ArcCotH Inverse Hyperbolic Cotangent
ArcSecH Inverse Hyperbolic Secant
ArcCscH Inverse Hyperbolic Cosecant
Other functions

defined for Integer, Int64 anddo
IsNaN is the value passed in actually equal to NaN
IsInfinite is the value passed in actually equal to Infinity
Sign returns -1, 0 or 1 depending on the sign of the passed in value, defined
for Integer, Int64 anddo
RandomRange similar to Random but allows a range (Min >= Result < Max) instead
of simply being (0>=Result <Max)
RandomFrom will return a random value from the given ones, defined for Integer,
Int64 anddo
InRange returns true if value given is between min and max
InsureRange returns value given the bounds of min and max

{ Variant support procedures and functions }
procedure VarCopyNoInd(var Dest: Variant;
const Source: Variant);
function VarType(const V: Variant): TVarType;
function VarSimpleType(const V: Variant): TVarType;
function VarAsType(const V: Variant;
VarType: TVarType): Variant;
function VarIsType(const V: Variant;
VarType: TVarType): Boolean;
function VarIsClear(const V: Variant): Boolean;
function VarIsEmpty(const V: Variant): Boolean;
function VarIsNull(const V: Variant): Boolean;
function VarToStr(const V: Variant): string;
function VarFromDateTime(DateTime: TDateTime): Variant;
function VarToDateTime(const V: Variant): TDateTime;
function VarIsByRef(const V: Variant): Boolean;
function VarInRange(const AValue, AMin, AMax: Variant): Boolean;
function VarInsureRange(const AValue, AMin, AMax: Variant): Variant;
{ Variant array support procedures and functions }
function VarArrayCreate(const Bounds: array of Integer;
VarType: TVarType):
function VarArrayOf(const Values: array of Variant): Variant;
function VarArrayDimCount(const A: Variant): Integer;
function VarArrayLowBound(const A: Variant;
Dim: Integer): Integer;
function VarArrayHighBound(const A: Variant;
Dim: Integer): Integer;
function VarArrayLock(const A: Variant): Pointer;
procedure VarArrayUnlock(const A: Variant);
function VarArrayRef(const A: Variant): Variant;
function VarIsArray(const A: Variant): Boolean;
{ Variant <--> Dynamic Arrays }
procedure DynArrayToVariant(var V: Variant;
const DynArray: Pointer;
procedure DynArrayFromVariant(var DynArray: Pointer;
const V: Variant;
{ Global constants }
function Unassigned: Variant;
// Unassigned standard constant
function Null: Variant;
// Null standard constant
function EmptyParam: OleVariant;
// passed as an optional parameter on a dual

function VariantInit(var V: TVarData): HRESULT;
function VariantClear(var V: TVarData): HRESULT;
function VariantCopy(var Dest: TVarData;
const Source: TVarData): HRESULT;
function VariantCopyInd(var Dest: TVarData;
const Source: TVarData): HRESULT;
function VariantChangeTypeEx(var Dest: TVarData;
const Source: TVarData;
Flags: Word;
VarType: Word): HRESULT;
function SafeArrayCreate(VarType, DimCount: Integer;
const Bounds:
TVarArrayBoundArray): PVarArray;
function SafeArrayAllocDescriptor(DimCount: Integer;
out VarArray: PVarArray):
function SafeArrayAllocData(VarArray: PVarArray): HRESULT;
function SafeArrayDestroy(VarArray: PVarArray): HRESULT;
function SafeArrayDestroyDescriptor(VarArray: PVarArray): HRESULT;
function SafeArrayDestroyData(VarArray: PVarArray): HRESULT;
function SafeArrayRedim(VarArray: PVarArray;
const NewBound: TVarArrayBound):
function SafeArrayCopy(SourceArray: PVarArray;
out TargetArray: PVarArray):
function SafeArrayCopyData(SourceArray, TargetArray: PVarArray): HRESULT;
function SafeArrayGetLBound(VarArray: PVarArray;
Dim: Integer;
out LBound:
Integer): HRESULT;
function SafeArrayGetUBound(VarArray: PVarArray;
Dim: Integer;
out UBound:
Integer): HRESULT;
function SafeArrayGetDim(VarArray: PVarArray): Integer;
function SafeArrayAccessData(VarArray: PVarArray;
out Data: Pointer): HRESULT;
function SafeArrayUnaccessData(VarArray: PVarArray): HRESULT;
function SafeArrayLock(VarArray: PVarArray): HRESULT;
function SafeArrayUnlock(VarArray: PVarArray): HRESULT;
function SafeArrayGetElement(VarArray: PVarArray;
Indices: PVarArrayCoorArray;
out Data: Pointer): HRESULT;
function SafeArrayPutElement(VarArray: PVarArray;
Indices: PVarArrayCoorArray;
const Data: Pointer): HRESULT;
function SafeArrayPtrOfIndex(VarArray: PVarArray;
Indices: PVarArrayCoorArray;
var Address: Pointer): HRESULT;
function SafeArrayGetElemSize(VarArray: PVarArray): LongWord;

TCustomVariantType = class(TObject)
function CustomVariantTypeFor(const VarType: Word;
out CustomVariantType:
TCustomVariantType): Boolean;
function CustomVariantTypeFor(const V: TVarData;
out CustomVariantType:
TCustomVariantType): Boolean;
function LeftPromotion(const V: TVarData;
const Operator: Integer;
RequiredVarType: TVarType): Boolean;
function RightPromotion(const V: TVarData;
const Operator: Integer;
RequiredVarType: TVarType): Boolean;
function DispInvoke(var Dest: TVarData;
const Source: TVarData;
Params: Pointer): HRESULT;
function SimplisticClear(var V: TVarData): HRESULT;
function SimplisticCopy(var Dest: TVarData;
const Source: TVarData): HRESULT;
property State: TVarDataState read FState;
procedure VarDataInit(var Dest: TVarData);
procedure VarDataClear(var Dest: TVarData);
procedure VarDataCopy(var Dest: TVarData;
const Source: TVarData);
procedure VarDataCopyNoInd(var Dest: TVarData;
const Source: TVarData);
procedure VarDataCast(var Dest: TVarData;
const Source: TVarData);
procedure VarDataCastTo(var Dest: TVarData;
const Source: TVarData;
VarType: TVarType);
function VarDataIsByRef(const V: TVarData): Boolean;
function VarDataIsArray(const V: TVarData): Boolean;
function VarDataSimpleType(const V: TVarData): TVarType;
constructor Create;
constructor Create(RequestedVarType: Word);
destructor Destroy;
property VarType: TVarType read FVarType;
function Clear(var V: TVarData): HRESULT;
function IsClear(var V: TVarData): Boolean;
function Copy(var Dest: TVarData;
const Source: TVarData;
const Indirect:
Boolean): HRESULT;
function Cast(var Dest: TVarData;
const Source: TVarData): HRESULT;
function CastTo(var Dest: TVarData;
const Source: TVarData;
const VarType:
function CastOle(var Dest: TVarData;
const Source: TVarData;
const VarType:
function FindBestType(const Right: TVarData;
const Operator: Integer):
function BinaryOp(var Left: TVarData;
const Right: TVarData;
const Operator:
Integer): HRESULT;
function UnaryOp(var Right: TVarData;
const Operator: Integer): HRESULT;
function CompareOp(const Left, Right: TVarData;
var Relationship:
TVarCompareResult): HRESULT;
function GetProperty(var Dest: TVarData;
const Source, Name: TVarData;
Params: array of TVarData): HRESULT;
function SetProperty(const Source, Name, Value: TVarData;
const Params: array
of TVarData): HRESULT;
function Invoke(var Dest: TVarData;
const Source, Name: TVarData;
Params: array of TVarData): HRESULT;
function DataToBytes(const Source: TVarData;
var Address: Pointer;
var Size:
Cardinal): HRESULT;
function DataFromBytes(var Dest: TVarData;
const Address: Pointer;
const Size:
Cardinal): HRESULT;

Complex Numbers
{ Complex variant creation utils }
function VarComplexCreate: Variant;
function VarComplexCreate(const AReal:do
uble): Variant;
function VarComplexCreate(const AReal, AImaginary:do
uble): Variant;
procedure VarComplexCreate(var aDest: Variant;
const AReal, AImaginary:do
function VarIsComplex(const aValue: Variant): Boolean;
function VarAsComplex(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexSimplify(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
{ Complex variant support }
function VarComplexAbsSqr(const aValue: Variant):do
function VarComplexAbs(const aValue: Variant):do
function VarComplexAngle(const aValue: Variant):do
function VarComplexConjugate(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexInverse(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexExp(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexLn(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexSqr(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexSqrt(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexTimesPosI(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexTimesNegI(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexPower(const aValue, aPower: Variant): Variant;
{ Complex variant trig support }
function VarComplexCos(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexSin(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexTan(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexCot(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexSec(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexCsc(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexArcCos(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexArcSin(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexArcTan(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexArcCot(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexArcSec(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexArcCsc(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexCosH(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexSinH(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexTanH(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexCotH(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexSecH(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexCscH(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexArcCosH(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexArcSinH(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexArcTanH(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexArcCotH(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexArcSecH(const aValue: Variant): Variant;
function VarComplexArcCscH(const aValue: Variant): Variant;

New compiler features
$IFDEF enhancement
New $IF directive with constant expression evaluation. For example:
{$IF Defined(WIN32) and (SomeConst > 12.0) }
Pascal constant identifiers can be evaluated in $IF directives. Existence of a
conditional define symbol ($IFDEF) can be tested with the Defined() intrinsic
function, and existence of a Pascal constant identifier symbol can be tested
with the Declared() intrinsic function.
For example:
{$IF Defined(WIN32) and Declared(MyConst)}
New Built-in Assembler
The product now has a completely new built-in assembler with:
New directives, VMTOFFSET and DMTOFFSET
New instruction support: MMX, SIMD, Pentium Pro
New support for DQ (define quadword data) and DT (define ten byte data)

New COM/Active X features
Registration/installation of COM configuration attributes
You can now set COM+ attributes to new COM objects.
Event Object Wizard
A new COM+ event wizard lets you create COM+ event objects. (You must still add
code manually to fire events or client code to respond to events.)
Implementing existing interfaces (Professional and Enterprise editions)
You can now use the COM object wizard to generate a server object for an
arbitrary interface that is in a type library registered on your system.
Previously, that wizard always implemented a newly created interface (descending
from IUnknown). Now, the COM object wizard also lets you select an interface
from any registered type library. The COM object wizard creates the type library
information for a CoClass to implement that interface, as well as an
implementation class with skeletal methods for you to fill in to complete the
implementation. The implementation class inherits an implementation of IUnknown
and IDispatch methods.
Transaction Objects (MTS Wizard replacement)
Transactional objects can now be created using the Professional edition.
Previously, MTS support was limited to the Enterprise edition.
Dual MTS/COM+ support for transactional objects
The MTS object wizard has been replaced by a transactional object wizard, which
creates objects that can be used with either COM+ or MTS.

Additional new Internet features
Apache configuration
WebBroker supports Apache version 1.3.9 and later.
To run the CgiServer demo, create a script directory named "scripts" that points
to the physical directory in which the CGI executable is located. Todo
add the following line to the httpd.conf file:
ScriptAlias /scripts/ "/<directory>/httpd/cgi-bin/"
where <directory> is the full path to the directory in which Apache is
not omit the trailing slash.
Next, verify that the physical directory has the ExecCGI option set to allow
execution of programs;
httpd.conf should contain lines similar to the following:
<Directory "/<directory>/httpd/cgi-bin">
AllowOverride None
Options ExecCGI
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
To run the Apache Application:
1 Copy the ApServer.dll to the apache modules directory
2 Add the following lines to the Apache configuration file (http.conf):
# Loads the application module.
LoadModule apserver_module modules/apserver.dll
# Defines handler for the "scripts" alias
<Location /scripts>
SetHandler webbroker-apserver
For other problems, check the Apache error_log file.
TTCPClient and TTCPServer
TcpClient and TcpServer implement the TCP/IP SOCK_STREAM socket type. In this
field test, the server uses a single thread to sequentially dispatch incoming
connections and avoid blocking the main thread;
the release version will
implement multiple threads for this purpose.

created with Help to RTF file format converter

New DBExpress features
DBExpress provides lightweight, native SQL drivers (SQL Objects). This field
test includes new drivers for InterBase and MySQL.
The InterBase driver has been tested with InterBase version 5.6, which is
included on the field test CD. (For information about InterBase 6.0, see
The MySQL driver has been tested with MySQL version 3.22.32.
The new drivers use TSQLConnection to manage database connections.
When you install, two registry settings are used from
Driver Registry File (the drivers.ini)
Connection Registry File (the connections.ini)
Before working with these drivers, you will need to set up the connections.ini
file so that it contains valid settings for the database you are using. You can
accomplish this from the TSQLConnection property editor: Drop a TSQLConnection
object from the DBExpress page,do
uble click on it, and then
change the
connection properties as required. For example, if you are using InterBase, the
[IBLocal] section must contain a path to a .gdb file to which you have write
access, a valid user name, and a valid password. You can test the connection by
hitting the connect icon, or by setting Connected to True.
New dataset components include TSQLDataSet, TSQLStoredProc, and TSQLQuery. These
are unidirectional, read-only components that provide fast access to large
amounts of data butdo
n't allow buffering or updating. For buffering and
read-write functionality, use a local client dataset.
Known issues and problems with SqlExpress components
InterBase ARRAY type is not supported.
With InterBase 6.0 basic data access works. But none of the InterBase 6.0
features are surfaced in the InterBase driver.
MySQL driver parameter binding of
is not supported.
The DB2 driver is not yet supported.

Long VARCHAR fields (greater than 8K) are supported by DBExpress. However,
there is a known problem using VARCHAR fields with MIDAS.

Compatibility issues
Provider, client dataset events affected by VCL hierarchy change
The introduction of TCustomClientDataSet requires changes to event handlers in
Delphi 5 and earlier code.
Six events in five types are affected by the change to DBCLIENT.PAS. They are:
Type Event/change
TResolverErrorEvent Affects the provider’s OnUpDateError event.
TBeforeUpdateRecordEvent Affects the provider’s BeforeUpdateRecord event.
TAfterUpdateRecordEvent Affects the provider’s AfterUpdateRecord event.
TProviderDataEvent Affects the provider’s OnGetData and OnUpdateData
TReconcileErrorEvent Affects the client dataset’s OnReconcileError event
In event handlers using the events noted above, you must replace TClientDataSet
with TCustomClientDataSet.
delphi 6什么时候才出来啊!

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