求一个有关网络编程的源代码!(急) ( 积分: 100 )

  • 主题发起人 海外流浪汉
  • 开始时间


Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!
Main Objectives
Write an Java applet or Java application that can be used to edit short notes, view, save and browse them through the Internet. With this Internet PostIt, one can jotdo
wn brief notes or messages anywhere via the Internet for the later use.
Write a client-side and server-side programs to allow a user to register to the Internet PostIt.
The Requirements
PART A: Registration Process (5 marks)
Write a web page (HTML) or Java program to allow a user to register server. The interface should at least includes a field to accept user name, a field to accept password and a submit button. You can add more functions if you think these are appropriate.
[blue]Write a CGI program to verify user's password.
Only valid users are allowed to access Internet Post-It. [/blue].

PART B: Internet Post-It (15 marks)
Write an applet or a Java application that can be used to edit short notes, view, save and browse them through the Internet.
The program should be written as PostIt.java. The PostIt should have a GUI with at least:
[red]a URL field to accept the URLs of your CGI program
a text input area to edit your message
a text view area to view all messages that have been stored in the server side.
a LOAD button that is able to load all messages that have been stored in the server. side.
a SEND button that is able to send your message to the server and save in the server.
s EXIT button to exit the PostIt.[/red]
The messages store in the server should include the date and time that the message created and the user name of the sender.
Server-side process should utilize CGI. You can use any scripting language, including UNIX shell scripting, Perl, PHP, C++ or Java for server-side programming.
If a student is unable to implement the PostIt that communicates effectively with a CGI program, he or she may write PostIt as an application, with the URL simply representing a local file name. However, maximum marks achievable in such cases will be 80%.
The following is an example of the interface but not limit to the format.
Main Objectives
Write an Java applet or Java application that can be used to edit short notes, view, save and browse them through the Internet. With this Internet PostIt, one can jotdo
wn brief notes or messages anywhere via the Internet for the later use.
Write a client-side and server-side programs to allow a user to register to the Internet PostIt.
The Requirements
PART A: Registration Process (5 marks)
Write a web page (HTML) or Java program to allow a user to register server. The interface should at least includes a field to accept user name, a field to accept password and a submit button. You can add more functions if you think these are appropriate.
[blue]Write a CGI program to verify user's password.
Only valid users are allowed to access Internet Post-It. [/blue].

PART B: Internet Post-It (15 marks)
Write an applet or a Java application that can be used to edit short notes, view, save and browse them through the Internet.
The program should be written as PostIt.java. The PostIt should have a GUI with at least:
[red]a URL field to accept the URLs of your CGI program
a text input area to edit your message
a text view area to view all messages that have been stored in the server side.
a LOAD button that is able to load all messages that have been stored in the server. side.
a SEND button that is able to send your message to the server and save in the server.
s EXIT button to exit the PostIt.[/red]
The messages store in the server should include the date and time that the message created and the user name of the sender.
Server-side process should utilize CGI. You can use any scripting language, including UNIX shell scripting, Perl, PHP, C++ or Java for server-side programming.
If a student is unable to implement the PostIt that communicates effectively with a CGI program, he or she may write PostIt as an application, with the URL simply representing a local file name. However, maximum marks achievable in such cases will be 80%.
The following is an example of the interface but not limit to the format.

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