A word about uses...
Since leaks are reported on end of execution (finalization of this unit), we need as many finalizations to occur
before memcheck's, so that if some memory is freed in these finalizations, it is not erroneously reported as leak. In order to
finalize MemCheck as late as possible, we use a trick to change the order of the list of finalizations.
Other memory managing products which are available (found easily on the internet) do not have this
problem because they just rely on putting the unit first in the DPR
but this is not safe without a build all.
In MemCheck we absolutely need to use two units: SysUtils and Windows.
Then, I decided in MemCheck 2.54 to use the unit Classes because I think it will lead to much simpler code.
We also use two units which we can use without risk since they dont have a finalization: Math and SyncObjs.
An analysis of the uses clauses of these five units shows that in fact MemCheck uses indirectly the following units:
Math, Classes, Typinfo, Consts, Variants, VaRUtils, SysUtils, ActiveX, Messages, SysConst, Windows, SyncObjs, System, SysInit and Types.
Of these, only Classes, Variants, System and SysUtils have a finalization section. I checked and it is not possible to have a leak
reported by MemCheck which is not correct because the memory would have been freed by one of these finalizations.
In the procedure ChangeFinalizationsOrder I make sure that only these four units are finalized after MemCheck (I could have decided for
the fifteen, but this would be more work, and I know it is useless).