small pig
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这是fastreport里runtime的例子一部分,b.SetBounds(0, 20, 0, 20);(参数分别为:左、上、宽、高),奇怪怎么btReportTitle的width为0呢?
b := TfrBandView.Create;
// create Title band
b.SetBounds(0, 20, 0, 20);
// position and size in pixels
b.BandType := btReportTitle;
// (only Top and Height are significant
// for the band)
b := TfrBandView.Create;
// create Title band
b.SetBounds(0, 20, 0, 20);
// position and size in pixels
b.BandType := btReportTitle;
// (only Top and Height are significant
// for the band)