TO 幕后黑手:
1. Write a miniature shell (command line interpreter) with the following standard features implemented:
1. I/O redirection,
2. pipe line filters
3. foreground background processing
4. process management short cuts.
5. environment variables.
2. Wite a program which takes a single integer argument n from the command line and creates a binary tree of processes, of depth n. When the tree is created , each process should display the phrase "I am process x" and then
terminate. The nodes of the tree should be numbered in the breadth-first traversal order. Make sure that that the original parent processdo
es not terminate until all of its children have terminated. This is so that you can terminate the parent and all of the children from the terminal witha Control-C.
3. Write a programme that creates a ring of three processes connected by pipes. The first process should prompt the user for a string and then
send it to the second process . The second process should reverse the string and send it to the third process. The third process should convert the string to uppercase and send it back to the first process. When the first process get the resultant string, it should display it to the terminal. When this isdo
ne, all three processes should terminate.
to magic6326:
2。写一个能从命令行接受带有单个整型参数n的程序并且生成一个n层深度的进程二叉树。当树建立的时候每一个进程都应该显示语句“I am process x”然后中断。树的节点都应该按照宽度优先遍历的方式编码。保证原先的父进程的所有的孩子节点进程中断以后它才能中断。这样你才能中断父节点和所有的从终端用Control-C开始(这里有点别扭)的子进程。
to YFeral:
to 幕后黑手: