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A model-view-controller framework for constructing web applications with either
Velocity or JavaServer Pages. Turbine also has several sub-projects, such as
Fulcrum which is a singleton services framework (with a bunch of helpful services)
and Torque, which is a RDBMS Object Relational tool.
A model-view-controller framework for constructing web applications with servlets
and JavaServer Pages
这是Jakarta Project上两者的简介,open source的作品太多了,眼都看花了...
A model-view-controller framework for constructing web applications with either
Velocity or JavaServer Pages. Turbine also has several sub-projects, such as
Fulcrum which is a singleton services framework (with a bunch of helpful services)
and Torque, which is a RDBMS Object Relational tool.
A model-view-controller framework for constructing web applications with servlets
and JavaServer Pages
这是Jakarta Project上两者的简介,open source的作品太多了,眼都看花了...