WebWork 1.0 ,一个新的java web application 框架发布. (100分)

  • 主题发起人 曹晓钢
  • 开始时间


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Announcing WebWork 1.0 Web Application Framework
Posted By: Rickard Oberg on March 22, 2002
I'm proud to announce the release of WebWork 1.0! WebWork is a HMVC web application framework in Java, developed as Open Source (BSD license) and designed to help create dynamic websites using minimal effort and maximum flexibility. WebWork is also being primarily used in the upcoming new release of TheServerSide.com.
It's architecture is easy to learn and understand, yet has features that allow for complex applications to be built.
For more information, read the entire release message ordo
wnload WebWork (includingdo
cumentation) from:
One of the main features is it's total separation between the controller and view aspects of an application, thus allowing for a multitude of view technologies to be utilized. Out of the box WebWork has support for JSP (and comes with an extensive tag library that covers most needs), XSLT, and the template engine Velocity. Adding support for more such tools is very easy (the velocity "integration" wasdo
ne in hours), allowing you to have maximum flexibility with regard to how you structure your application.
You also get to choose whether you want to use a Model-1 or Model-2 approach to building applications, although we'd
recommend using both as is described in our comprehensivedo
cumentation that includes reference sheets (for the tag library and expression language) and many useful tips&tricks sections.
WebWork comes with a comprehensive set of examples that are both used to test the functionality of the framework, as well as showcase how it can be used. Many examples are conversions from other frameworks (such as Struts) so that you can see firsthand how WebWork differs from the rest of the crowd.
One of the most important tasks when working with frameworks like this is the configuration step, which is where Java classes are mapped to logical names (used for invocation) and where the connection between controller and view (such as a JSP or Velocity template) is made. This configuration can bedo
ne manually, but to ease this process there is an XDoclet extension available (through the XDoclet project, see http://xdoclet.sourceforge.net) that will allow you to specify all such configuration directly in your Java code using custom WebWork-specific JavaDoc tags.
XDoclet is also used to generate HTMLdo
cumentation of your application, which helps to serve as a
communication channel between the Java developer and web designer (if those roles are separated into
several team members).
There are a multitude of other unique and interesting features that we are very excited about, but we'd encourage you todo
wnload and find out about those yourself. So get it now from:
Documentation can be found in thedo
wnload, or online at:
We encourage you to try WebWork together with the wonderful SiteMesh (http://www.opensymphony.com) and XDoclet tools, a combination which can give you an amazing productivity and clean application architeture.
This is an OpenSource project, developed using an open development process, and is hosted by SourceForge. If you have any questions we recommend the user mailing list, and if you have suggestions for improvements we're all ears on the development mailing list, both of which can be found on the project homepage at:
If you are attending JavaOne this year, then
you might want to stop by our WebWork developer meeting on Wednesday March 27, 6.30pm at Fourth street Bar &
Deli (across from the Metreon). See ya there :)
/Rickard Öberg, WebWork project manager
Chief Architect, TheServerSide.com
从这个页面的用户评论看来,有些人认为它比struts好,因为struts "Too powerful".


我简单看了一下 WebWork。它与 struts 一样都是基于 Tag Lib 的。
对我来讲,并没有看到有什么概念性的突破,不过却进一步验证了我对 JSTL 的看法。
WebWork 的特色:The expression language (EL),i18n,flow control,XSLT,JavaBean 数据交换
比 struts 进步不少,但是,恐怕还没有 JSTL 做得精深(JSTL 还有 import 呢)。
这套 Tag 是MVC-Model-1 的基本工具。我说过JSTL“将使得目前很多基于 servlet 的 Template 黯然
失色,使得实现 MVC 结构更加容易。” WebWork 不幸被言中。
struts 的 Action 和 ActionForm, WebWork 的 Action 都是 Adpater pattern 的产物,
是实现 MVC-Model-2 的基石。不过无论 struts 还是 WebWork 都不能讲是最好的实现。
MVC-Model-2 有好处,但是具体实现起来,可能复杂程度和开销的增加会大于可见的得益。
这就是为什么 MVC-Model-2 还不普及。所以,这些都不是[red]必需[/red]的。
在表达层,web control 和 XSLT 功能重叠,谁占上风很难讲。.NET 中强调 web control
自然没有问题,因为它有 Visual Studio .NET 来支撑,标准也是 MS 说了算。Java 世界
中要普及 web control 恐怕等到 W3C 制定标准,JCP 都没有用(其实约两年前的 IE
data-binding 就不错,可是 W3C 未与理睬,现在 MS 的 web control 最后也只能输出基本
html 加一堆 javascript,所以 JCP 没有用)。
基本上,我目前的策略是应用 JSTL,使用 XSLT,留意网页 Adpater 的发展。
再次推荐 JSTL (不是 Jakarta Taglib),它是一套非常好的工具。
正在寻找一个合适的Open source Web FrameWork,现在的产品太多了,挑花眼了...