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unoffical delphi news
CJ最有幽默感,我佩服CJ *_^
Yes it is joke:)
For it's in Unoffical delphi news so this quession is something
a quession about delphi.
1、本文章是在某控件的 HELP 文章中发现的;
2、多个中外 DELPHI 站点都发布了此文章;
3、作为 E 文专业的 CJ 竟然有看不懂的地方,所以心情急噪,当然写不好程序;
综上所述,这个问题也算是个 DELPHI 问题的问题贴到这里也不算过分吧?
如果过分了点,那么希望我出的 100 分能够多少给予弥补。
学计算机当然要学好 E 文,这也算是给大家提高英语做个练习吧
Real Programmersdo
n't Write Specs
Real Programmersdo
n't write specs -- users should consider themselves lucky to get any programs at all and take what they get.
Real Programmersdo
n't comment their code. If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand and even harder to modify.
Real Programmersdo
n't write application programs;
they program rightdo
wn on the bare metal. Application programming is for feebs who can'tdo
systems programming.
Real Programmersdo
n't eat quiche. In fact, real programmersdo
n't know how to SPELL quiche. They eat Twinkies, and Szechwan food.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in COBOL. COBOL is for wimpy applications programmers.
Real Programmers' programs never work right the first time. But if you throw them on the machine they can be patched into working in "only a few" 30-hour debugging sessions.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in FORTRAN. FORTRAN is for pipe stress freaks and crystallography weenies.
Real Programmers never work 9 to 5. If any real programmers are around at 9 AM, it's because they were up all night.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in BASIC. Actually, no programmers write in BASIC, after the age of 12.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in PL/I. PL/I is for programmers who can't decide whether to write in COBOL or FORTRAN.
Real Programmersdo
n't play tennis, or any other sport that requires you to change clothes. Mountain climbing is OK, and real programmers wear their climbing boots to work in case a mountain should suddenly spring up in the middle of the machine room.
Real Programmersdo
cumentation is for simps who can't read the listings or the object deck.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in BLISS, or ADA, or any of those pinko computer science languages. Strong typing is for people with weak memories.
Real Programmers only write specs for languages that might run on future hardware. Noboby trusts them to write specs for anything homo sapiens will ever be able to fit on a single planet.
Real Programmers spend 70/% of their work day fiddling around and then
get moredo
ne in the other 30/% than a user could getdo
ne in a week.
Real Programmers are surprised when the odometers in their carsdo
n't turn from 99999 to 9999A.
Real Programmers are concerned with the aesthetics of their craft;
they will writhe in pain at shabby workmanship in a piece of code.
Real Programmers will defend to the death the virtues of a certain piece of peripheral equipment, especially their lifeline, the terminal.
Real Programmers never use hard copy terminals, they never use terminals that run at less than 9600 baud, they never use a terminal at less than its maximum practical speed.
Real Programmers think they know the answers to your problems, and will happily tell them to you rather than answer your questions.
Real Programmers never program in COBOL, money is no object.
Real Programmers never right justify text that will be read on a fixed-character-width medium.
Real Programmers wear hiking boots only when it's much too cold to wear sandals. When it's only too cold, they wear socks with their sandals.
Real Programmersdo
n't think that they should get paid at all for their work, but they know that they're worth every penny that theydo
Real Programmers log in first thing in the morning, last thing before they go to sleep, and stay logged in for lots of time in between.
Real programmersdo
n't draw flowcharts. Flowcharts are after all, the illerate's form ofdo
Real Programmersdo
n't use Macs. Computers which draw cute little pictures are for wimps.
Real Programmersdo
n't read manuals. Reliance on a reference is the hallmark of a novice and a coward.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in COBOL. COBOL is for gum chewing twits who maintain ancient payroll programs.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in FORTRAN. FORTRAN is for wimpy engineers who wear white socks. The get excited over finite state analysis and nuclear reactor simulations.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in Modula-2. Modula-2 is for insecure analretentives who can't choose between Pascal and COBOL.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in APL, unless the whole program can be written on one line.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in Lisp. Only effeminate programmers use more parentheses than actual code.
Real Programmers distain structured programming. Structured programming is for compulsive neurotics who were prematurely toilet trained. They wear neckties and carefully line up sharp pencils on an otherwise clear desk.
Real Programmers scorn floating point arithmetic. The decimal point was invented for pansy bedwetters who are unable to think big.
Real Programmers know every nuance of every instruction and use them all in every Real Program. Some candyass architectures won't allow EXECUTE instructions to address another EXECUTE instruction as the target instruction. Real Programmers despise petty restrictions.
Real Programmersdo
n't use PL/I. PL/I is for insecure momma's boys who can't choose between Cobol and Fortran.
Real Programmersdo
n't like the team programming concept. Unless, of course, they are the Chief Programmer.
Real Programmers have no use for managers. Managers are sometimes a necessary evil. Managers are good for dealing with personnel bozos, bean counters, senior planners and other mental defectives.
Real programmers ignore schedules.
Real Programmersdo
n't bring brown bag lunches to work. If the vending machine sells it, they eat it. If the vending machinedo
esn't sell it, theydo
n't eat it.
Real Programmers think better when playing Adventure or Rogue.
Real Programmers use C since it's the easiest language to spell.
Real Programmersdo
n't use symbolic debuggers, who needs symbols.
Real Programmers only curse at inanimate objects.
from codeguru,原来有25条.

23. 程序里一定有病毒!
22. 一定有人改了我的代码.
21. 程序能干活,可是没有经过测试.
20. 那早就有了,只是没有经过测试.
19. 我没有把它改好么?
18. 这个程序不能干那个
17. 我不能把所有的程序都测试了!
16. 那只是一个不走运的偶然事件.
15. 那程序很快就好.
14. 当然,我得作些小小的修补.
13. 我就准备好.
12. 嗯..那只是一部分..
11. 一定是你执行的有问题.
10. 好的,好的,程序会及时完成的.
9 . 你的测试数据有问题.
8 . 我没有动那个模块!
7 . 用户又犯错了.
6 . 操作系统更新了?
5 . 机器好像又崩了.
4 . 这怎么可能?
3 . 昨天这程序还好好的.
2 . 我从来就没有听说过...
1 . 奇怪.......
乱七八糟,我只知道Real Programmers用Delphi越用越上隐!
受宠若惊,竟然惊动了 会长 大侠
我那有那么多闲工夫翻译这些废物, 这是从 www.csdn.net/joke/ 下面搬来的, 那里
还有很类似的废话, 你对他们感兴趣不妨去看一看
Real Programmersdo
n't Write Specs
真正的程序员不按规则写程序 —— 用户会觉得他们能拿到随便什么程序就不错了!
Real Programmersdo
n't write specs -- users should consider themselves lucky to get any programs at all and take what they get.
Real Programmersdo
n't comment their code. If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand and even harder to modify.
真正的程序员不写应用程序,他们直接从裸机上开发,不会写系统程序的菜鸟才写应用程序。(我绝对不同意!!! — 李颖 注)
Real Programmersdo
n't write application programs;
they program rightdo
wn on the bare metal. Application programming is for feebs who can'tdo
systems programming.
真正的程序员不吃蛋饼(quiche, 与高速缓存(cache)谐音 —— 李颖 注),他们吃Twinkies 和川菜。
Real Programmersdo
n't eat quiche. In fact, real programmersdo
n't know how to SPELL quiche. They eat Twinkies, and Szechwan food.
Real Programmers' programs never work right the first time. But if you throw them on the machine they can be patched into working in "only a few" 30-hour debugging sessions.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in COBOL. COBOL is for wimpy applications programmers.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in FORTRAN. FORTRAN is for pipe stress freaks and crystallography weenies.
Real Programmers never work 9 to 5. If any real programmers are around at 9 AM, it's because they were up all night.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in BASIC. Actually, no programmers write in BASIC, after the age of 12.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in PL/I. PL/I is for programmers who can't decide whether to write in COBOL or FORTRAN.
Real Programmersdo
n't play tennis, or any other sport that requires you to change clothes. Mountain climbing is OK, and real programmers wear their climbing boots to work in case a mountain should suddenly spring up in the middle of the machine room.
Real Programmersdo
cumentation is for simps who can't read the listings or the object deck.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in BLISS, or ADA, or any of those pinko computer science languages. Strong typing is for people with weak memories.
真正的程序员只为能在将来的硬件上运行的语言制订规则。没人会相信他们能制订出某个行星上的智人(原始人的一种 —— 李颖 注)都能制订出的规则。
Real Programmers only write specs for languages that might run on future hardware. Noboby trusts them to write specs for anything homo sapiens will ever be able to fit on a single planet.
Real Programmers spend 70/% of their work day fiddling around and then
get moredo
ne in the other 30/% than a user could getdo
ne in a week.
Real Programmers are surprised when the odometers in their carsdo
n't turn from 99999 to 9999A.
真正的程序员在他们的工作中追求美感;看一段破烂代码会让他们痛苦不堪。(我也是 >:--< —— 李颖 注)
Real Programmers are concerned with the aesthetics of their craft;
they will writhe in pain at shabby workmanship in a piece of code.
(以下几段与终端有关,这种史前时代的玩意恐怕大家都不太熟吧?——李颖 注)
Real Programmers will defend to the death the virtues of a certain piece of peripheral equipment, especially their lifeline, the terminal.
Real Programmers never use hard copy terminals, they never use terminals that run at less than 9600 baud, they never use a terminal at less than its maximum practical speed.
Real Programmers think they know the answers to your problems, and will happily tell them to you rather than answer your questions.
Real Programmers never program in COBOL, money is no object.
Real Programmers never right justify text that will be read on a fixed-character-width medium.
Real Programmers wear hiking boots only when it's much too cold to wear sandals. When it's only too cold, they wear socks with their sandals.
Real Programmersdo
n't think that they should get paid at all for their work, but they know that they're worth every penny that theydo
真正的程序员记录早上第一件事和晚上睡觉前的最后一件事,之间的大段时间内记录都是空白。(好象是说从早到晚都在干一件事 —— 李颖 注)
Real Programmers log in first thing in the morning, last thing before they go to sleep, and stay logged in for lots of time in between.
Real programmersdo
n't draw flowcharts. Flowcharts are after all, the illerate's form ofdo
Real Programmersdo
n't use Macs. Computers which draw cute little pictures are for wimps.
Real Programmersdo
n't read manuals. Reliance on a reference is the hallmark of a novice and a coward.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in COBOL. COBOL is for gum chewing twits who maintain ancient payroll programs.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in FORTRAN. FORTRAN is for wimpy engineers who wear white socks. The get excited over finite state analysis and nuclear reactor simulations.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in Modula-2. Modula-2 is for insecure analretentives who can't choose between Pascal and COBOL.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in APL, unless the whole program can be written on one line.
Real Programmersdo
n't write in Lisp. Only effeminate programmers use more parentheses than actual code.
Real Programmers distain structured programming. Structured programming is for compulsive neurotics who were prematurely toilet trained. They wear neckties and carefully line up sharp pencils on an otherwise clear desk.
Real Programmers scorn floating point arithmetic. The decimal point was invented for pansy bedwetters who are unable to think big.
Real Programmers know every nuance of every instruction and use them all in every Real Program. Some candyass architectures won't allow EXECUTE instructions to address another EXECUTE instruction as the target instruction. Real Programmers despise petty restrictions.
Real Programmersdo
n't like the team programming concept. Unless, of course, they are the Chief Programmer.
Real Programmers have no use for managers. Managers are sometimes a necessary evil. Managers are good for dealing with personnel bozos, bean counters, senior planners and other mental defectives.
Real programmers ignore schedules.
Real Programmersdo
n't bring brown bag lunches to work. If the vending machine sells it, they eat it. If the vending machinedo
esn't sell it, theydo
n't eat it.
Real Programmers think better when playing Adventure or Rogue.
Real Programmers use C since it's the easiest language to spell.
Real Programmersdo
n't use symbolic debuggers, who needs symbols.
Real Programmers only curse at inanimate objects.
to huizhang:CJ 是英文专业,看这东西不算浪费吧?另: