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Amway: The Untold Story
Your Comments, Part 8
(3/96 - 4/96)
Here are some of the responses I've received to the information on this page. I've left them as is, except for a) removing the names to protect privacy, and b) reformatting them to fit the screen better.
This is a long file...I suggestdo
wnloading it to your computer and reading it off-line.
My thanks to everyone who took the time to contribute their opinions.
[NOTE: Some of these messages contain offensive language]

Dear Sir,
You know that all of these articles have one thing in common. ME!! I read quite a few, and never realized what was happening. Here I am, trying to build another business, yet profitable, and havn't made one cent in Amway. Will I quit?? Probably not. Because of Amway, my wife and I have been considering a chapter 13 bankruptucy.
We had been involved with Amway since Nov. of 1990. WE STILL HAVE NOT HIT 500PV, NEVER MIND 1000PV!!!!
Don't have the time to talk about MCI, and books, and tapes, and rallies, and.......
I have a closet full of it.
Thank you for your information. What I would like to know is some information about what they talk about that is so seceret, during Progressive Departure. I willdo
anything to find out, after the different levels are let out;
ie, the 1000 and below go, then
some secret information, then
the 4000 and below, seceret information, and so on.

Thanks for all the interesting stuff on your Amway Web site. I was conned to go to an introductionary meeting last night, on the premise that they had a business opportunity that would help my girlfriend sell her craft works, which she makes in her spare time (they got her phone number from a craft fair a few months ago).
I was immediately angry and skeptical, because of being invited there on false business, but I stayed to hear the presentation anyway - I had traveled for over an hour to get there so I had nothing to loose.
As a natural skeptic, I found it all quite entertaining, putting difficult questions to him, but he made a couple of claims which I would like to check out. He claimed that 70% of the Nissan cars sold in Japan, and 55% of the Fords sold in the US were sold through networking, implying that they were sold through the Amway network. He also quoted the Harvard Business School as saying that the Amway approach is the way that all business will go in the future.do
you think that these three organizations know that they are being used to sell a cult, anddo
you think they would be happy if they did ?
The organization he was with was called IBS. I came away with an introductionary pack, which the representative will pick up from me tomorrow. Thanks again for all the good ammunition you have provided me with. I'll have some fun tomorrow ;-)

Mr. Schwartz,
As an independent on-looker I stumbled on your site by some stroke of luck.
Could you please tell me why it seems you have it in for Amway and these two people, Yager and Britt. Were you an Amway distributor? Did these people hurt you? The reason I ask is that it appears your information, and I spent over an hour at your site, is riddled with personal attacks, opinoins from unsuccessful distributors, or the people who left to go with another company that is "Just like Amway only Better".
Sir, your credibility is in question if you cannot look objectively at an issue.
Regarding their right to create a business. I have reviewed the plan, fees and obligations as presented by a successful direct distributor who did a very complete and thorough job of explaining that with like EVERY business there is an 80/20 rule. They showed me an SA-4400 brochure from the Amway Corporation which states in plain, obvious type the average income from active distributors was $65. The direct distributor explained that the figure is arrived at by taking the national sales volume PAY OUT and dividing by the number of registered distributors. I have no problem with that.
Most people are just card caring memebers in what ever group they belong to and the rest are like you and seem to feed off attacking the successful people. As an accountant and consultant I found the presentation to be extremely straight forward, the explaination of other suggested materials to be helpful (but not obligatory), and the quality of the products and depth of product offerings to be second to NONE!
I am still at a loss as to why youdo
n't publish both sides of the issues. In addition, I attended a meeting of over 150 people to see the business plan. In the room seated next to me weredo
ctors, lawyers, and other prominant business people in the community. This is what convinced me that I was in a legitimate, ethical business. If Mr. Yager is selling me a tape to help my business for $5do
llars a week, I have the CHOICE to buy it or not buy it. The fact that those people would SUE someone because they bought these tapes is amazingly stupid on their part, not Yager for selling the tape.
Remember the business only costs $135 to start anyway. If I added $5 per week, that would only be an additional $250 - 300 for the year. Now let's add the cost of these quarterly seminars you like to attack. OK, a weekend every three months, maybe $400-500 for a couple if you drive. So we are talking about a business that has an investment of MAYBE $2500 TOTAL.
Please, Mr. Schwartz,do
n't insult my intelligence or that of these people who YOU are BRAINWASHING. As Amway states, the average Emerald direct distributor made $72,000 last year. Since they have no way of knowing the amount of tapes, books, etc. purchased, this $72,000 must be totally an AMWAY income based on the product-flow. I think that $2500 over the course of a year is a small investment for a $72,000 a year income.
Additionally and finally, what business can you get in in America or the world that has such a proven track record that has LESS costs. For goodness sake, the computer I am typing from costs twice that much just so I could start to consult. You have to be honest with the people, AMWAY is not the problem, Mr. Yager is not the problem, Mr. Britt is not the problem.
The problem is that you did not follow the business plan and want to place the blame on someone else
for notdo
ing the work. If Ido
n't make any money ever, which I am certain I will, the Amway business will still work and I won't damage my personal credibility by attacking successful people who did what I didn't yetdo

ll Mr.Schwartz,
I must confess ido
agree with a lot of the replies to your site, i feel that you must be carrying some major grudge against Amway. Ido
think you should show some of the positive aspects as well. Your information is dated and there is no mention of people like Jim &
rnan (Network 21). I would Suggest that you talk to and add information from the poistive side of this business and of the people who's lives have changed for the better. Here in Australia my Diamond has given us hope and encouragement not just in building a business but in coping with some major problems in our life. I am a very successful business man and could retire tomorrow without any income from my Amway business but i choose todo
the Amway business because I can help people get a better life. I cannot give them money because thatdo
es not give self esteem but I can help them become successful in an Amway business and build a life style they can only ever dream about.
I am a unique in the Amway buiness because I tell people to look at "THE AMWAY BUSINESS" as a means of developing a life style. and then
I show them that all they have todo
is to change their shopping and shop from their own business. Nothing more than that, if they like the products share the expeience with some others and slowly buildup a network. Over a 10 year period anyone can find just 3 people who are interested enough to go to 21% THATS JUST 1 EVERY THREE YEARS! An Emerald income 10 yearsdo
wn the track is still a very good income, over and above what your JOB pays you. I ask you where is the cult in that? where are all the tapes, books and functions in that? It's the distributors choise! I currently average Aust$4000 per month and I have notdo
ne anything special except changed my shopping and shared the concept with others. No SCAM, No tricks, nothing but helping people generate a little more income by changing their shopping. GROW UP ALL OF YOU NON-AMWAY PEOPLE. Youdo
n't have to con,trick, by sly or be strange about Amway just accept itdo
es work. If youdo
it professionally and remain proud to be able to help others get a chance for a better life. YES! I am proud to be an Amway distributor just because I can help others... I hope you will wake up one day and realise that this is a business where people will actually help you without ever gaining one cent and still feel proud to call you friend as you grow to success. Everyone can succeed in this Business but youdo
need the right people to lead you.... Go and Join up be proud of what is and never be ashamed to say "I am an Amway Distributor" GO DIAMOND... You can... anyone can.... 10 Years?do
es it matter? Good Luck

n't believe alot of the things are actually factual, I believe they are here say. I have been an Amway distributor for eight years and have neverdo
ne anything with it except buy products, and the products are very good. Sure some people have a bad experience with Amway because of the person that sponsors them but I find it very difficult to believe that Rich DeVos and Jay VanAndel are crooks or cult leaders. I know that they believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and if that makes them a cult then
I want to be a part of it. The business is built on helping other people succeed and the more people you help the more successful you become. It is not a business for selfish prideful people who want to get rich quick it is for those people who want to develop their character and become better people. My experienc with my up-line is whatever I need whenever I need it He willdo
his best to help me even after eight years ofdo
ing nothing.

I started not to waste my time or money writing you, but I personally know more people this opportunity has helped than hurt. I imagine you think you're helping people. We think we are too. To each his own.

Boo hoo. World watch me cry.
If you choose to lose, that's o.k. No reason to blame someone else
for your lack of initiative or fear of failure. If you want something for nothing, you'll guess you will always get nothing. Being what and where you are is o.k., blaming it on someone else
--that's makes you the loser. Attacking winners----pitiful!
Your references---weak. I bet there are thousands of lawsuits filed everyday against upstanding citizens. Thatdo
esn't make them right. Lot's of losers are trying to make money without an investment---in time or money.
But you wouldn't know anything about that now would you?
Later days. :-(

Mr. Schwartz:
It is a shame you did not stick with Amway instead of deciding to attack it. I believe you would have been very successful, most likely making well into the six figures by now. You have a strong talent for taking a large amount of information, separating out what supports your chosen position and whatdo
es not, and presenting your selections in a manner that appears, at least on the surface, to be very rational and open. That's not very different from what the people you are pointing your finger at aredo
I have some knowledge of your brand of advocacy. As a practicing lawyer specializing in appellate work, that is essentially what Ido
on behalf of my client, a large municipality in California. So it is not at all difficult for me to recognize exactly what you havedo
ne in putting together your page. Since I havedo
ne a great deal of research into Amway--and yes, chose to sign up as a distributor--it is easy for me to see your selective presentation of materials for what it is: advocacy of your chosen position rathan than an objective overview of the various opinions held by the people in and out of Amay. You, no more than the distributors and diamonds you condemn,do
not want your audience to see either the real truth or your slight of hand.
I hope you enjoy your little venture, which I would personally rename Sour Grapes Page--what your local malcontentdo
esn't know or won't tell you. I, meanwhile, will continue to collect my monthly checks from my sponsor, my retail profits, and my standing order tapes which I buy because I truly enjoy them and not because my upline makes me (in fact, none of my upline commented in the slightest when I chose not to be on standing order for the first four months I was in, because I wanted to build my profits up higher before dedicating funds to too many business materials). Maybe we will meet someday if one of the completely paid-for vacations Amway sends its distributors on happens to visit the town in which you are sitting in front of your computer.
Enjoy your negativity and unhappiness--it's probably all you will ever have in this life.

Dear Sidney,
Yours was a fascinating web page. I am an Amway distributor and I feel fortunate that I have not encountered the horrors youdo
cument. I have always wondered how people could go bankrupt in Amway and your site provided the answer. I am in the Britt organization and I am not yet a "big pin" and although tapes and books are recommended, no one has told me they will not support me if Ido
not purchase "tools" Ido
n't know when this started but in January this year, the standing order tape contained a form whereby you could terminate participation in the program. There is also a buyback of unopened tapes (100% for 90 days I believe) and a partial buyback of opened tapes (Ido
not know the percentages) I am not surprised that most peopledo
not succeed in Amway but really is that different from any other venture? How many aspiring actor and actresses become Sharon Stone or Arnold? How many high school atheletes become pros? How many pre med students go on to become physicians? The people who have succeeded in Amway are not "better" than those who failed just as Michael Jordan is not better than the average non professional basketball player. They probably worked smarter and harder than those who were unsuccessful.
There is never a justification for dishonesty, and those you quote who have advocated dishonest practices are to be condemned. I think Amway represents a great opportunity;
es not offer a guarantee.

my wife and i have been amway dist. for over 7, thats right SEVEN long hard years we are making anywhere from $900 to $1300 a month extra. we could be making a lot more but we have only been plugged into the system enough and have been consistent enought to produce the 9 to 1300do
llar a month range. what youdo
nt seem to understand the this amway opportunity is just that, an opportunity. youdo
nt get something for nothing. is there money made on the tapes,books, &
functions,sure there is, so what. have you ever been to any business convention seminar,etc. that it wasnt? your in busi. for yourself, show me another busi. thatdo
esnt require an investment, thatdo
esnt require you to purchase some tools. as for amway being a cult, get real, cult peopledo
what they are told. if you want something for nothing then
keep buying those lotto tickets, that right, bet your future on that. keep working for the other guy and see where you get. yes, amway is BRAIN WASHING, the only difference is that i and many other people(just the ones that really want more out of life, and not just money) choose to be brain washed in a positive way. my friend you and many of your angry x-amway people and those vast amount of people that have never been around a possitive atmosphere are just as surley being BRAIN WASHED but in a negative way. its all a matter of choice! every one that i personely know that have no JOB, have money in the bank, have no debt, live a life style that others can only dream (ha ho, i used the DREAM word)havedo
ne it though the amway opportuntiy and yes the system (tapes,books,functions,use the products, &
show the plan). any- where from 23 years of age and older. was it easy, heck no, thats why you and your followers(cult?)havent been able to grasp what is really going on. yes, i know that amway and the system isnt perfect, and there are dist. who mislead others anddo
all sorts of wrong things, but show me something this large where youdo
nt have a few bad apples. i am convienced that if a person really checks this thing out and MAINTAINS,as much as possable, a positive attitude, has a DREAM, plugs into the SYSTEM, and is consistent and persestant, will see the truth. there will alway be those who wont, that is one reason why at age 65 only 3% of the people in this country will be broke;
dependent on family, government or charity, or still working. just keepdo
ing what everone else
ing. as for me I will CHOOSE to keepdo
ing the very things that you and your people arent willing todo
because I know the truth and the truth will set you free. i have many many tapes and books that i have invested in, i have invested in many seminars and rallys and functions. i am still not where i want to be but without the system and my investment of time and money i certainly wouldnt even be knowing where i am going let alone knowing how to get there. no easy is not an option. THANK GOD.

I just submitted a letter to the orlando sentinel concerning the p.r. damagedo
ne by individuals to the mcdonalds corporation. The letter, which was published last monday the 8th, spoke of the ability for just anyone who has a chip on their sholder, free-time and extra money to fritter away on an internet homepage cando
serious damage to corporate reputations. The beauty of the net is that maybe people will learn todo
their own research and begin
to think for themselves and stop taking the opinion of indiviuals with little or no experience. I'm glad to see someone with an opposite view of amway from mine. Welcome to america. But I would be remiss if I said that I was not at least frustrated with your perspective. My experience in 2.5 years has been drastically different from the negative, cynical, views that I occasionaly find on the net. I guess it boilsdo
wn to what someone is looking for when they go looking. Best of luck to ya.

Just want to say that I have enjoyed your site and found it to be very informative and enlightening, especially with respect to the Yager tools situation. I have been in Amway for a year and watched this tools thing and have concluded that it is abusive and a backhanded way of extorting money. But any way, I won't get started on my soapbox..I'm sure you have heard it all. My question relates to the note in the abstract re: tools wanted. I couldn't locate where it was talked about (or rather I got impatient with my modem) so I thought I would just ask. I have two "tool boxes" and a bunch of SOT's and videos I would love to get rid of. Any help you can offer would be appreciated.

I've watched my 36-yr-old daughter (who joined Amway 5 years ago) lose her mental and physical health and an excellent job pursuing the Amway dream. She is broke, in debt, separated from her husband, living with her mother in a tiny room with one entire wall filled with Amway tapes &
books. She is still a true believer---that riches and glories are just around the corner and that Amway is the ONLY way to make a living.
Is there anything an outsider cando
to help her see another point of view? We know the slogan, "don't let anyone steal your dream," which I guess means that one should stay in denial at all costs. For those of you that left, what was the turning point? Did the words of others ever make a difference? Should we just sit back and wait?
to sthsm:
thanks anyway
to 薄荷,
恳请大家伸出你们的友爱之手,拉那小子一把~~~~~~~~~~~THK Y!
不是很难看懂的 就是看起来太困难 没有换行
它说服你的朋友,我看困难,文中说,安利的人是要被BRAIN WASHED
(3/96- 4/96)
这里是一些反应我已经收到的关于这页的信息。 我已经留下了他们 除了a)名字保护隐私, 和 b) 重定他们的格式以更好的适合荧屏。
[注释: 可以容忍攻击性的语言]
你知道所有的这些文章有共同点。 我!! 我读相当多的, 而且从不了解了正在发生的东西 。 我这里,尝试建立另外的一个生意, 然而有利润的,而且没有在安利中赚一分。 我将会离开吗?? 或许不。 因为 安利,我的妻子和我有考虑第 13 章 bankruptucy 。
我们自从1990十一月就已经积极叁与安利. 我们仍然没有击中 500PV, 更何况1000PV!!!!
没有时候谈论 MCI, 和书 , 和音带 , 和群众活动,和.......
谢谢你的信息。 我所想要知道的是关於~的一些资讯~他们所谈论那的是如此 seceret,在前进的离开期间。 我将会做任何事发现, 在不同的水平是之後放出;ie,1000 而且在下面去, 然后一些秘密的数据, 然后 4000 和在下面,seceret 数据,等等。
请让我知道 数据。

谢谢你的 Amway 网站上的所有有趣的东西。我被精读去 introductionary 昨晚遇见,在他们有的前提上一个会帮助我的女朋友的生意机会卖她的飞机工作,她在她的剩余时间内制造哪一.(他们几个月以前得到了来自飞机的她电话号码展览会)
因为在错误的生意之上在那里被邀请,但是我停留无论如何听到发表 , 所以我立刻生气和怀疑 - 我已经 为结束一个小时旅行这麽到那里我没有东西 释放。
如一个天然的怀疑者,我发现它全部相当愉快,放对他的困难问题,但是他发表了我想要办理退房手续的一些要求。他宣称 70% 的日产汽车在日本卖,而且 55% 的在美国卖的福特经过网络被卖,暗示他们经过 Amway 网络被卖。 他也引述哈佛商学院所说 Amway 方式是所有的生意未来将会去的方式。 你认为吗这三个组织知道他们是用来卖一个礼拜,而且你认为吗是否他们做 , 他们会很快乐 ?
组织他是由于被叫做 IBS。 我由于一个 introductionary 包裹来离开,代表性的意志明天从我拾起。 再一次为你有提供我由于所有的好军火谢谢。 我明天将有一些乐趣 ;-)

Schwartz 先生,
你可以请吗告诉我它为什麽像是你有它在为 Amway 和这些二个人,狙击兵和 Britt。 你是一个 Amway 经销商吗? 这些人们伤害了你吗? 我问的理由是它出现你的数据,而且我在一个小时期间在你的位置花费,与~一起解谜个人的攻击 , 来自不成功的经销商的 opinoins, 或人留下与是 "正直的同类 Amway 唯一的比较好的" 另外的一家公司搭配.
先生 , 你的可信度是在询问是否你不能够客观的在一个争议看。
关于他们的权利产生生意。 我有检讨如一个做了解释的非常完全的和完全的工作以由于那边的相似每生意是一条 80/20 规则的成功直销商所呈现的计划,费用和义务。 他们给我看来自说在简单的, 明显的类型中来自活跃的经销商的平均收入的 Amway 公司的一本 SA-4400 说明书是 $65 。 直销商解释身材被藉由取出国家的售卖体积薪资达成和注册的经销商数字的分度。 我没有~的问题那。
最大多数的人们是正直的卡片关心 memebers 在什么曾经团体他们属于,而且其馀者像你而且像是离开攻击成功的人们喂。 如会计员和顾问我发现了发表极端地直起来向前的, 其他人的 explaination 提议了材料有帮助的 ( 但是不义不容辞的), 和产品的质量和产品提供的深度到首屈一指
我仍然是困惑对於你为什麽不 出版争议的两边。 除此之外,我叁加了超过 150个人的一个会议看见生意计划。 在房间中紧邻我坐是社区的医生,律师和其他的 prominant 生意人们。 这是使我信服的东西 我是在合法的, 伦理的生意方面。 如果狙击兵先生正在卖我一卷音带为 $5 元一个星期帮助我的生意,我有选择买它买它。 事实那些人们会苏某人因为他们令人惊异的买了这些音带是愚蠢的在他们的部份上, 不卖音带的狙击兵。
只记得生意值 $135 无论如何开始。 如果我每一星期增加 $5, 只会是一附加的 $250- 300 为年。 现在让我们增加你喜欢攻击的这些每季的研究会的费用。 好,一个周末每三月, 也许 $400-500 为一加倍是否你开车。 因此我们正在谈论有也许 $2500 总数的投资生意。
请,Schwartz 先生,不 傲慢无礼你是洗脑的这些人们的我智力或那。 当 Amway 说的时候, 平均的翡翠直销商 $72,000个去年赚。因为他们没有由於~的方式知道音带的数量 , 购买的书等, 这 $72,000 一定完全地是被基於产品-流程的 Amway 收入。 我认为 $2500 结束一年的课程为 $72,000 年收入是小的投资。
附加的而且最后,在美国或有的世界中你能进入什么生意如此的一被证明的记录以致於比较少量有花费吗。 因为仁慈缘故, 我正在从费用打字两次的计算机更加仅仅因此我可以开始查阅。 你必须和人诚实,Amway 不是问题,狙击兵先生不是问题,Britt 先生不是问题。
问题是你不 依照生意计划并且想要指责其他人因为不做工作。 如果我曾经不 赚任何的钱, 我是哪一确定的我将会, Amway 生意将会仍然工作,而且我将不损害我的个人可信度藉由攻击成功的人们我没有仍然做什么 !!!!!!

ll Mr.Schwartz,
我一定承认 i 确实同意 到你的位置许多答复,i 感觉你一定搬运一些主要的对抗 Amway 的怨恨。 我确实认为你应该也向~说明一些肯定的方面。 你的数据有日期并且没有像~一样的提到人吉姆 &
rnan 。 (网络 21) 我会提议你说话到而且增加从生意的 poistive 边来的数据并且是生命的人有为比较好改变。 在澳洲的这里我的钻石有给我们希望和鼓励不仅仅在建筑生意方面除了在顶部中具有我们的生活一些主要的问题之外。 我是一个非常成功的生意人而且可以明天没有来自我的 Amway 生意的任何收入退休但是因为我能帮助人们得到比较好的生活 , 所以 i 选择做 Amway 生意。因为那不 给自己的 , 所以我不能够给他们钱尊敬但是我能在 Amway 生意方面帮助他们变成成功而且建立生活设计他们能只有曾经到处做梦。
我是一独特的在 Amway buiness 中因为我告诉人们看着 "Amway 生意" 如发展一种生活风格的方法。 然後我向~说明他们他们必须做的全部要改变来自他们的自己生意的他们购物和商店。 超过 的无那, 是否他们喜欢产品与一些其他人分享 expeience 和慢慢地组织一个网络。 在一 10 年期间,任何人能只是找 3个够感兴趣来去的人到 21% 那正直的 1 每隔三年! 翡翠的收入 10 年下轨道置于地面仍然是真正的好收入,结束而且在上面你的工作支付你什么。 我在那问你礼拜在哪里? 在那所有的音带,书和功能在哪里? 它是经销商 choise!我现在平均每月 Aust$4000 ,而且我没有除了改变我的购物而且与其他人分享观念之外做特别的东西。 没有骗局, 没有诡计,无除了帮助人们之外藉由变更他们的购物产生小的较多收入。 长大 你全部非 Amway 人们。 你不 须精读,诡计, 被狡猾的或仅仅很奇怪有关 Amway 的事接受它做工作。 是否你专业的做它和其余语语语骄傲的可以为比较好的生活帮助其他人得到一个机会。 是的! 我很骄傲当一个 Amway 经销商正直的因为我能帮助其他人。。。 我一天希望你将会醒来而且了解当你对成功生长,这是人们没有曾经将会实际上帮助你得到一分的生意和仍然觉得骄傲称你为朋友。 每个人能在~中成功生意但是你做需要适当的人们带领你.... 去并且入伍是以~为傲什么是和从不不好意思说 " 我是一个 Amway 经销商" 去钻石... 你能... 任何人能.... 10 年? 它有关系吗? 好的运气

我不 相信事物的 alot 实际上事实, 我相信他们在这里说。 我有是一个 Amway 经销商达八年之久并且从未对它做任何事除了买产品之外,和产品很好。 确信一些人们因为赞助他们的人有一个对~坏的经验~ Amway 但是我找它是非常困难相信的富有 DeVos 和鸟 VanAndel 是钩或礼拜领袖。 我知道他们相信 耶稣基督如他们的统治者和救助者而且那使他们成为一个礼拜那麽我想要是一个它的部份。 生意被一帮助其他的人们建造成功和较多的人们你愈更成功帮助你变成。它不是生意,因为想要富有了快它的自私自傲的人们是对那些想要发展他们的个性而且变成比较好的人们人们。有我的向上- 线的我 experienc 是我需要无论什么,每当我需要它他将会尽力在做无的八年之後帮助我平坦的。

我开始不要 浪费我的时间或钱写你,但是我自己知道较多的人们这个机会有帮助胜於伤害。 我想像你认为你正在帮助人们。 我们认为我们也是。 到每个他的自己。

Boo hoo。 世界看我哭。
如果你选择失去,那是 o.k 。 没有为~责备其他人你的率先或失败的恐惧缺乏的理由。 如果你免费想要某物, 你将会猜测你将会总是什麽也不拿。 在什么和你在哪里是 o.k.,在其他人身上责备它-- 是使你成为失败者。 攻击胜利者----慈悲的!
你的叁考---弱的。 我打赌有数以千计诉讼每天反对直立的市民申请。 不使他们正确。 运气的失败者正在尝试赚没有投资的钱--- 及时或钱。
每天稍后。 :-(

Schwartz 先生:
它是羞愧你用 Amway 不 黏住而不是决定攻击它。 我相信你会是非常成功的,很有可能在现在之前进入六个身材之内制造得好。 你为带很多的数据有一个强烈的才能, 分开出什么支持你的选择位置和什么不, 和以出现的方式呈现你的选择,至少在表面上, 很理性和开着。 你正在指出你的手指什麽人们那不很不同在正在做。
我有你的拥护商标的一些知识。 当做一练习专攻控诉的工作律师,那本质上是我所代表我的客户做的,在加州的一个大的自治区。 因此它对我是一点也不困难完全地认识你所有在一起放你的页方面做的。 因为我有做很多的研究进 Amway 之内-- 和是的,选择签约 如一个经销商--它对我是容易的为它是什麽看见你的材料选择的发表: 选择的你拥护放置 rathan 胜於被人拿着的各种不同的意见客观的概观在和由 Amay。 你, 只经销商和钻石你判刑,不 想要你的听众也看见真正的事实或你的手轻蔑。
我希望你享受你的小冒险, 我会自己重新命名酸的葡萄页--什么你的地方性的不满现状的人不 知道或将不告诉你。我,同时,将会继续收集来自我的赞助者的我每月的检查,因为我真实地享受他们 , 所以我的零售有益,而且我的立着次序以带子绑起我买哪一而且不因为我的 upline 使我。 (事实上,没有人我的当我选择不是的时候 , upline 在最纤细的中批评在立着的之上次序有数最初四个月之久我是在,因为我想要建立我的利润向上比较高地在把基金献给太多生意材料之前) 也许我们将会有一天遇见是否一那完全地支付 - 长达假期 Amway 送它的经销商在碰巧之上拜访你正在~之前你的计算机坐下的城镇。
享受你的否定性和 unhappiness-- 它全都曾经可能是你将会在生活方面有。

亲爱的 Sidney,
你的是一个迷人的网页。 我是一个 Amway 经销商,而且我觉得幸运我没有遇到你证明的惊骇。 我总是有怀疑人们如何可以在 Amway 中变破产了,而且你的位置提供了答案。 我是在 Britt 组织中,而且我是不仍然 "大的大头针" 而且虽然音带和书被推荐,但是没有人有告诉我他们将不支援我如果我不 购买 "工具", 当这开始的时候 , 我不 知道但是今年在一月,立着的次序音带包含了你可以在计画中结束分享的一种形式。 也有没有开的音带 (100% 长达 90 天我相信) 的 buyback 和打开的音带 (我不 知道百分比) 的部分 buyback 我不感到惊讶最大多数的人们不 在~中成功 Amway 除了真的是那之外不同的任何其他的冒险? 多少积极的演员和女演员变成雪伦石头或阿诺? 中学 atheletes 变成职业者多少? pre 医药的学生继续变成医师多少? 有在~中成功 Amway 的人不是 "比较好的" 比较那些正如失败的人当麦可.乔登不是比那好平均的非专业人士篮球运动员。 他们或许工作比那些是不成功的人更聪明和难。
为不诚实从不有辩护, 和那些你有主张不诚实的练习引证要被判刑。 我认为 Amway 表现一个很棒的机会;它不 提供一个保证。

我的妻子和 i 有是 amway dist 。 为超过 7, 正确的七长难年我们正在无论何处制造从 $900 到每月 $1300 额外之物。 我们可以作运气更多但是我们只有被插入系统充足而且有是生产 9 到 1300 元月范围的一致 enought 。 什么你do
nt 像是了解这个 amway 机会很正直那,一个机会。 你do
nt 免费拿某物。 有钱吗使在音带 , 书上 ,&
功能 , 确信有, 如此什么。 你曾经是到任何的生意大会研究会等那它 wasnt? 你的在 busi 中。 为自己, 表演我另外的 busi。do
esnt 需要投资,doesnt 需要你购买一些工具。 至於 amway 实在一个礼拜,很真正,礼拜人们做他们所被告诉的。如果你然后免费想要某物生计买那些一种对号码的牌戏票,权利,在那之上打赌你的未来。 为另一个家伙维持工作而且看见你拿哪里。 是的, amway 是清洗的脑,唯一的不同是 i 和许多其他的人们 ( 只是一些真的需要更外面的生活, 而不是正直的钱) 选择是以一肯定的方式被洗的脑。 我的朋友你的生气 x- amway 人们的你和多数和那些巨大量的正如从没有是在附近 possitive 大气的人们是如 surley 实在脑洗但是以一否定的方式。 它的所有选择的一件物质!i personely 知道的每一那没有工作,在银行中有钱,没有债务,居住一种其他人只能做梦 (嘿引人注意,i 用梦字) 的生活风格有虽然做它 amway opportuntiy 和是的系统.(音带,书,功能,使用产品,&表演计划) 任何的- 哪里从 23 岁和资深者。 它是吗容易的,heck 不, 那为什么你和你的从者 (礼拜?)havent 是能干到正在真的在进行的把握。 是的, i 知道 amway 和系统 isnt 完成式,而且有 dist 。谁误导其他人而且做所有的错误事物,但是向~说明我某物这大的哪里你do
nt 有一些坏的苹果。 i 是 convienced 如果一个人真的在外检查这件事物,而且维持,同样地更加如 possable, 肯定的态度,有一个梦,插入系统,而且是一致的,而且 persestant,将会看见事实。 在那里决意 alway 是那些习惯, 那是一理由为什么在 65 岁只有 3% 的人们在这个国家中将会是一文不明的;
受扶养者在家庭,政府或慈善上, 或剧照工作。 正直的继续做 everone 所别的正在做的。 至於我我将会选择继续做最你和你的民族 arent 乐意的做因为我知道事实和事实将会释放你。i 有许多许多音带和书 i 有投资在, i 有在许多研究会中投资而且重整旗鼓和动作。 i 仍然是不 i 想要当哪里,但是没有系统和我的时间和钱 i 的投资确定地 wouldnt 甚至知道 i 要去哪里让了孤独的博学该如何到那里。 容易的不不是选项。 谢谢上帝。

我仅仅关于 p.r 使一封信遵从 orlando 守卫者。 对 mcdonalds 公司被个人做的损害。信, 被出版最后的 monday 第 8 个,谈到能力为仅仅有他们的 sholder ,自由的- 时间和额外的钱上一枚芯片在一个英特网首页上的离开逐渐浪费的任何人能做对~的严重伤害 ~公司名誉。 网的美人是也许人们将会学习做他们的自己研究而且开始为自己想而且停止用~带 indiviuals 的意见很小的或甚至没有经验。 我高兴从我的用~看见某人 amway 的相反视野。 对 america 的欢迎。 但是否我说我不对~感到至少失望你的远景 , 我会是怠慢的。 我的经验在 2.5 年内有大幅不同於否定的,愤世嫉俗者, 视野我 occasionaly 在网上找。 当他们去看的时候 , 我猜测它煮沸下到某人所正在找寻的。 最好的对 ya 的运气。

仅仅想要说我有享受你的位置而且发现了它非常起来情报的,而且知识,尤其有关於狙击兵用工具工作情形。 我是在 Amway 中达一年之久而且看这用工具工作事物而且有得出结论它是辱骂的和一个~的反手拍击的方式~勒索钱。 但是任何的方法, 我将不拿在我的 soapbox 之上开始..我确定你有听到它所有。 我的问题在抽象的关于:中与~有关笔记 工具想要。 我不可以找出它被这麽谈论哪里我想我仅仅会问。 我有二 "工具盒子" 和一束 醉鬼的和录像带我会爱免除 。 任何的帮忙你能提供会被感激。

我有看我的 36 个 yr - 旧的女儿 ( 谁数 Amway 5 年以前叁加) 迷路。她是一文不明的,在债务方面,从她的丈夫分开,在一个极小的房间中用 被装满 Amway 音带的一面整个的墙壁和 书和她的母亲住。她仍然是一个真实的相信人 ---财富和光荣刚好即将来临而且 Amway 是谋生的唯一方法。
有任何事一个局外人能做帮助她吗理解另外的观点? 我们知道呐喊声,"不让任何人偷你的梦," 我猜测意谓一应该在否认方面不惜任何代价 停留。 你为那些左边,转捩点是什么? 其他人的字曾经有差别吗? 我们应该仅仅袖手旁观吗和等候?

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