我使用网上找到的一段向ASPX页面Post数据的代码,但是为什么总是返回http 404?(200)



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代码如下:function HttpRequestExecute(const URL, QureyData: string): string;var hSession, hConnect, hRequest: hInternet; RequestMethod, TempStr, HostName, FileName: string; BytesToRead : cardinal; DataLength : integer; AData : array[0..40960] of char; InternetFlag : LongWord; AcceptType : PAnsiChar; Buf : array[0..1023] of char; dwBufLen, dwIndex: LongWord; procedure ParseURL(URL: string; var HostName, FileName: string); var i : Integer; begin if Pos('http://', URL) <> 0 then System.Delete(URL, 1, 7); i := Pos('/', URL); HostName := Copy(URL, 1, i); FileName := Copy(URL, i, Length(URL) - i + 1); if (Length(HostName) > 0) and (HostName[Length(HostName)] = '/') then SetLength(HostName, Length(HostName) - 1); end; procedure CloseHandles; begin InternetCloseHandle(hRequest); InternetCloseHandle(hConnect); InternetCloseHandle(hSession); end;begin result := ''; ParseURL(URL, HostName, FileName); hSession := InternetOpen(PChar(''), INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, nil, nil, 0); hConnect := InternetConnect(hSession, PChar(HostName), INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT, '', '', INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0); if QureyData = '' then RequestMethod := 'GET' else RequestMethod := 'POST'; InternetFlag := 0; AcceptType := PChar('Accept: */*'); hRequest := HttpOpenRequest(hConnect, PChar(RequestMethod), PChar(FileName), 'HTTP/1.0', '', @AcceptType, InternetFlag, 0); if QureyData = '' then HttpSendRequest(hRequest, nil, 0, nil, 0) else HttpSendRequest(hRequest, 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 47, PChar(QureyData), Length(QureyData)); BytesToRead := 0; dwIndex := 0; dwBufLen := sizeof(Buf); HttpQueryInfo(hRequest, HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH, @Buf, dwBufLen, dwIndex); DataLength := StrToIntDef(Buf, 0); while InternetReadFile(hRequest, @AData, SizeOf(AData), BytesToRead) do begin if BytesToRead = 0 then break; SetString(TempStr, AData, BytesToRead); Result := Result + TempStr; end; CloseHandles;end;