关于Shift+F7,Delphi 5的帮助这么说:
Use this command to stop on the next source line in your application, regardless
of the control flow. For example, if you select this command when stopped at a
Windows API call that takes a callback function, control will return to the next
source line, which in this case is the callback function.
F7 Delphi 5的帮助:
When you choose Run|Trace Into, the debugger executes the code highlighted by
the execution point. If the execution point is highlighting a function call, the
debugger moves the execution point to the first line of code or instruction
that defines the function being called. If the executing statement calls a
function that does not contain debug information, the debugger runs the function
at full speed (as if you had chosen the Step over command).
When you choose Run|Trace To Next Source Line, the debugger moves to the next
source line in your application, regardless of the control flow. For example, if
you select this command when stopped at a Windows API call that takes a
callback function, control will return to the next source line, which in this
case is the callback function.
When you step past a function return statement (in this case, the end statement),
the debugger positions the execution point on the line following the original
function call.
As you debug, you can choose to Trace Into some functions and Step Over others.
Use Trace Into when you need to fully test the function highlighted by the
execution point.
You can also use Run|Run Until Return to run the loaded program until execution
returns from the current function. The process stops on the instruction
immediately following the instruction that called the current function.