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按照教程范例<br>在private定义<br>Procedure WMsyscommand(var msg:TwmSyscommand); message wm_syscommand;<br>请大家帮我解释一下message wm_syscommand的含义?<br>另外,如果msg是Sc_maximize,也就是窗口最大化时的消息<br>当点击窗口的最大化按钮,会收到这个消息<br>但是<br>以双击标题栏的方式将窗口最大化,却收不到这个消息<br>请各位释疑
sys_command 捕捉以下类型的消息:<br><br>SC_CLOSE Closes the window. <br>SC_CONTEXTHELP Changes the cursor to a question mark with a pointer. If the user then clicks a control in the dialog box, the control receives a WM_HELP message. <br>SC_DEFAULT Selects the default item; the user double-clicked the window menu. <br>SC_HOTKEY Activates the window associated with the application-specified hot key. The low-order word of lParam identifies the window to activate. <br>SC_HSCROLL Scrolls horizontally. <br>SC_KEYMENU Retrieves the window menu as a result of a keystroke. <br>SC_MAXIMIZE Maximizes the window. <br>SC_MINIMIZE Minimizes the window. <br>SC_MONITORPOWER &nbsp; Sets the state of the display. This command supports devices that have power-saving features, such as a battery-powered personal computer.<br>lParam can have the following values:<br><br>1 means the display is going to low power.<br><br>2 means the display is being shut off.<br>&nbsp;<br>SC_MOUSEMENU Retrieves the window menu as a result of a mouse click. <br>SC_MOVE Moves the window. <br>SC_NEXTWINDOW Moves to the next window. <br>SC_PREVWINDOW Moves to the previous window. <br>SC_RESTORE Restores the window to its normal position and size. <br>SC_SCREENSAVE Executes the screen saver application specified in the [boot] section of the SYSTEM.INI file. <br>SC_SIZE Sizes the window. <br>SC_TASKLIST Activates the Start menu. <br>SC_VSCROLL Scrolls vertically. <br>
对双击标题栏时是应该为<br>WM_NCCHITTEST 消息其中双击为WM_NCLbuttonDblClick