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该文是关于如何从前台缓冲区中读取数据并在DirectX 8.1中得到屏幕截图。这仅是获得带有反走样屏幕截图的方法的其中一种。此方法非常值得推荐,但在读此文之前,你应该对C++与DirectX 8有很好的理解(但不是必要的)。
void TakeScreenShot(IDirect3DDevice8* device, char* file_name, int screenx, int screeny)
IDirect3DSurface8* frontbuf; // this is our pointer to the memory location containing our copy of the
// front buffer
// now we create the image that our screen shot will be copied into
// NOTE: Surface format of the front buffer is D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 when it is returned
device->CreateImageSurface(screenx, screeny, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, &frontbuf);
// now we copy the front buffer into our surface
HRESULT hr = device->GetFrontBuffer(frontbuf);
// error checking
if(hr != D3D_OK)
// do error handling etc...
frontbuf->Release(); // release the surface so there is no memory leak
// now write our screen shot to a bitmap file
// the last 2 params are NULL because we want the entire front buffer and no palette
D3DXSaveSurfaceToFile(file_name, D3DXIFF_BMP, frontbuf, NULL, NULL);
// release the surface so there is no memory leak
void TakeScreenShot(IDirect3DDevice8* device, char* file_name, int screenx, int screeny)
IDirect3DSurface8* frontbuf; // this is our pointer to the memory location containing our copy of the
// front buffer
// now we create the image that our screen shot will be copied into
// NOTE: Surface format of the front buffer is D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 when it is returned
device->CreateImageSurface(screenx, screeny, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, &frontbuf);
// now we copy the front buffer into our surface
HRESULT hr = device->GetFrontBuffer(frontbuf);
// error checking
if(hr != D3D_OK)
// do error handling etc...
frontbuf->Release(); // release the surface so there is no memory leak
// now write our screen shot to a bitmap file
// the last 2 params are NULL because we want the entire front buffer and no palette
D3DXSaveSurfaceToFile(file_name, D3DXIFF_BMP, frontbuf, NULL, NULL);
// release the surface so there is no memory leak