Web Service开发完成后,如何将Web App Debugger Executable类型的应用程序编译成ISAPI或CGI类型,李伟书上第3章说可以(

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Web Service开发完成后,如何将Web App Debugger Executable类型的应用程序编译成ISAPI或CGI类型,李伟书上第3章说可以(100分)<br />Web Service开发完成后,如何将Web App Debugger Executable类型的应用程序编译成ISAPI或CGI类型,李伟书上第3章说可以
Converting Web server application target types
One powerful feature of Web Broker and WebSnap is that they offer several different target server types. Delphi allows you to easily convert from one target type to another.
Because Web Broker and WebSnap have slightly different design philosophies, you must use a different conversion method for each architecture. To convert your Web Broker application target type, use the following steps:
1 Right-click the Web module and choose Add To Repository.
2 In the Add To Repository dialog box, give your Web module a title, text description, Repository page (probably Data Modules), author name, and icon.
3 Choose OK to save your Web module as a template.
4 From the main menu, choose File|New and select Web Server Application. In the New Web Server Application dialog box, choose the appropriate target type.
5 Delete the automatically generated Web module.
6 From the main menu, choose File|New and select the template you saved in step 3. This will be on the page you specified in step 2.
To convert a WebSnap application? target type:
1 Open your project in the IDE.
2 Display the Project Manager using View|Project Manager. Expand your project so all of its units are visible.
3 In the Project Manager, click the New button to create a new Web server application project.do
uble-click the WebSnap Application item in the WebSnap tab. Select the appropriate options for your project, including the server type you want to use, then
click OK.
4 Expand the new project in the Project Manager. Select any files appearing there and delete them.
5 One at a time, select each file in your project (except for the form file in a Web App Debugger project) and drag it to the new project. When a dialog appears asking if you want to add that file to your new project, click Yes.
重写一个application(isapi或cgi),将Web App Debugger Executable类型的应用程序的

哈纳斯说的不错 用向导新建一个CGI WebService工程(或isapi) 只需要几秒钟,
然后用http://localhost/project1.exe/wsdl/IZFWS总是提示Object not found?