W walala Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2000-02-13 #5 example: winexec('C:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/excel.exe /e abc.xls',sw_hide); 或用: ShellExecute(HWND hwnd,LPCTSTR lpOperation,LPCTSTR lpFile, LPCTSTR lpParameters,LPCTSTR lpDirectory,INT nShowCmd);
example: winexec('C:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/excel.exe /e abc.xls',sw_hide); 或用: ShellExecute(HWND hwnd,LPCTSTR lpOperation,LPCTSTR lpFile, LPCTSTR lpParameters,LPCTSTR lpDirectory,INT nShowCmd);
W www Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2000-02-14 #8 只能用winexec来调用,而且turbo basic只能编译dos下的程序
P patwang Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2000-02-16 #9 you may use createprocess funtion to run it , you may use pipes to input from you delphi and output to your delphi(like memo) you will not view the black dos screen. Mail me for details.
you may use createprocess funtion to run it , you may use pipes to input from you delphi and output to your delphi(like memo) you will not view the black dos screen. Mail me for details.