.net词汇表 (0分)

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摘自.NET Framework Essentials。
WinForms :______This term is no longer used as of Beta 1 of the .NET SDK. The new and accepted term is Windows Forms (with a space).

.ASMX :______File extension for Web Services source-code files.
.ASPX:______ File extension for ASP.NET source-code files.
.CFG :______File extension of .NET application configuration files.
ADO :______ActiveX Data Objects.
ADO+:______This term is no longer used as of Beta 1 of the .NET SDK. The new and accepted term is ADO.NET.
API:______ Application Programming Interface.
AppDomain :______Short term to mean an applicationdo
ASP:______ Active Server Pages.
ASP+:______This term is no longer used as of Beta 1 of the .NET SDK. The new and accepted term is ASP.NET.
ATL:______ Active Template Library.
BCL:______ Base Class Library.
BLOB:______ Binary Large Object.
CAB Files:______ Cabinet files.
CCW :______COM Callable Wrapper.
CLI:______Common Language Infrastructure. This is a subset of the CLR and base class libraries that Microsoft
has submitted to ECMA so that a third-party vendor can build a .NET runtime on another platform.
CLR:______Common Language Runtime.
CLS:______ Common Language Specification.
CLSID:______ Class identifier used in COM.
COFF:______ Common Object File Format.
COM :______Component Object Model.
COM Interop:______ Short for COM interoperation.
COM+ 2.0 :______This term is no longer used as of Beta 1 of the .NET SDK. The new accepted term is .NET Framework.
COM+ Runtime:______This term is no longer used as of Beta 1 of the .NET SDK. The new and accepted term is Common Language Runtime.
CTS :______Common Type System.
DB:______ Database.
DCOM :______Distributed Component Object Model.
DHTML :______Dynamic HyperText Markup Language.
DISCO :______Discovery of Web Services. A Web Service has one or more .DISCO files that contain information on how to access its WSDL.
DISPID :______Dispatch identifier. Used in COM to identify a method or a property for dynamic invocation.
DLL :______Dynamically Linked Library.
DNA :______Distributed interNet Applications Architecture.
DOM :______Document Object Model.
DTD:______ Datatypedo
cument. This has been replaced by XSD schemas.
EconoJIT:______ Economical JIT Compiler.
EXE :______Executable.
GC :______Garbage Collector.
GDI :______Graphical Device Interface.
GDI+ :______A .NET library that supports advanced graphics management.
Global.asax :______The global configuration file for an ASP.NET application.
GUID :______Globally Unique Identifier.
HTML:______ HyperText Markup Language.
HTTP:______ HyperText Transfer Protocol.
IDE:______ Integrated Development Environment.
IDL :______Interface Definition Language.
IE:______ Internet Explorer.
IID:______ Interface Identifier.
IIS :______Internet Information Server.
IJW :______It Just Works.
IL :______Intermediate Language.
ILDASM :______Intermediate Language Disassembler.
Inproc :______In -Process.
ISAPI :______Information Server Application Programming Interface.
Machine.cfg:______ Configuration file for administrative policy for an entire machine.
MBR:______ Marshal-By-Reference.
MBV :______Marshal-By-Value.
MFC:______ Microsoft Foundation Classes.
MSI:______ Microsoft Windows Installer Package.
MSIL :______Microsoft Intermediate Language.
MSVCRT:______ Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime.
MSXML:______ Microsoft Extended Markup Language.
MTS :______Microsoft Transaction Server.
NGWS :______This term is no longer used as of Beta 1 of the .NET SDK. The new and accepted term is .NET.
NTFS :______NT Filesystem.
N-Tier :______Multi -tier.
NTLM :______NT Lan Manager.
OBJREF :______Object Reference.
Out of proc :______Out-of-process.
OptJIT:______ Optimized JIT compiler.
P/Invoke :______Platform Invoke.
PE :______Portable Executable.
perm :______Permissions.
RAD :______Rapid Application Development.
RCW:______ Runtime Callable Wrapper.
REGASM:______ Register Assembly tool.
RPC :______Remote Procedure Calling.
SCL:______ SOAP Contract Language.
SDK :______Software Development Kit.
SEH :______Structured Exception Handling.
SMTP :______Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
SOAP :______Simple Object Access Protocol.
SQL :______Structured Query Language.
Standard JIT:______Optimized native code that includes verification of IL (generaged by the standard JIT compiler).
STL:______ Standard Template Library.
TCP :______Transport Control Protocol.
TLB :______Type Library.
TLBEXP :______Type Library Exporter Tool.
TLBIMP :______Type Library Importer Tool.
UDDI:______Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration Service. UDDI is a platform -
independent framework for describing and discovering Web Services.
UDF:______ Uniform Data Format.
UI :______User Interface.
URI :______Uniform Resource Identifier.
URL :______Uniform Resource Locator.
URT:______Universal Runtime. This term is no longer used as of Beta 1 of the .NET SDK. The new
and accepted term is the .NET Framework.
VB:______ Visual Basic.
VBRUN :______Visual Basic Runtime.
VES :______Virtual Execution System. The VES is a subset of the CLR. The VESdo
esn't include
features such as debugging, profile, and COM interoperation.
Visual Studio7:______This term is no longer used as of Beta 1 of the .NET SDK. The new and accepted term is Visual Studio.NET.
VOS :______Virtual Object System. This is now called the CTS.
VS.NET:______ Visual Studio.NET.
WAP :______Wireless Access Protocol.
web.config :______Configuration file for ASP.NET. You define HTTP modules, handlers, session state
management, and other ASP.NET configurable parameters in this file.
WebForms :______This term is no longer used as of Beta 1 of the .NET SDK. The new and accepted term is Web Forms (with a space).
WebServices:______This term is no longer used as of Beta 1 of the .NET SDK. The new and accepted term is Web Services (with a space).
Win32 :______Windows 32-bit.
WinForms :______This term is no longer used as of Beta 1 of the .NET SDK. The new and accepted term is Windows Forms (with a space).
WML :______Wireless Markup Language.
WSDL:______Web Service Description Language. Think of this as IDL for Web Services. Unlike IDL, WSDL is expressed using
only XML schemas. SDL is used in Beta1 of the .NET SDK,but WSDL will replace SDL in Beta 2 and later installments.
XML :______Extensible Markup Language.
XPath :______XML Path.
XSD :______XML Schema Definition.
XSL :______Extensible Stylesheet Language.
XSLT :______Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations.

现在.NET Framework Essentials已经有了第二版,我也摘出了词汇表,可是格式一放上来就乱了套,
The good things!

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