大 大风 Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 1998-12-07 #1 我想通过网络读取unix的文件,用telnet协议,因为我有 帐号,文件在我的home/下。
D dwwang Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 1998-12-07 #2 怎么会想到用telnet协议呢?用一般的协议 如:NFS、samba之类的,直接访问文件不是很好吗?
D dwwang Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 1998-12-07 #4 如果你有nfs client,在unix机上 启动nfs server,export一个目录, win95上就可以当作一个共享目录 来使用。 samba也差不多,只是连nfs client都不用了, 但具体支持哪些Unix,要到samba的网站上去看一下。
如果你有nfs client,在unix机上 启动nfs server,export一个目录, win95上就可以当作一个共享目录 来使用。 samba也差不多,只是连nfs client都不用了, 但具体支持哪些Unix,要到samba的网站上去看一下。
P pegasus Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 1998-12-07 #8 If you can use FTP connect your unix host, then you can install a Internet NeighbourHood, a cute FTP client software, which let you access your unix files at normal Network Neighbourhood,
If you can use FTP connect your unix host, then you can install a Internet NeighbourHood, a cute FTP client software, which let you access your unix files at normal Network Neighbourhood,
P pegasus Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 1998-12-07 #10 1. Ask the administrator/root to add your home dir as a NFS share dir, set the correct previllege. (If no NFS, ask root if they can install, 2. Run a FTP server as your user process, to provide FTP service, but you can't use default ftp server port, you can set to an alter port
1. Ask the administrator/root to add your home dir as a NFS share dir, set the correct previllege. (If no NFS, ask root if they can install, 2. Run a FTP server as your user process, to provide FTP service, but you can't use default ftp server port, you can set to an alter port
Z zx Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 1998-12-07 #11 如果你只有telnet权限 刚才我试了一个方法,可行。 下载一个TNCilent控件,然 后用他连上主机,然后给主机 发送字符串: '[loginname] +#13#10 +[password] +#13#10 +ftp [你的机器的ip] +#13#10 +[your ftp name] +#13#10 +[you ftp passwd] + put[文件名]' 哈哈!怎么样,你不会告诉我你没有自己机器的 写权限吧!
如果你只有telnet权限 刚才我试了一个方法,可行。 下载一个TNCilent控件,然 后用他连上主机,然后给主机 发送字符串: '[loginname] +#13#10 +[password] +#13#10 +ftp [你的机器的ip] +#13#10 +[your ftp name] +#13#10 +[you ftp passwd] + put[文件名]' 哈哈!怎么样,你不会告诉我你没有自己机器的 写权限吧!