About the game Fazuul which was shown in the book mastringEJB (50分)



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I have written a game called Fazuul which was shown in the book masteringEJB. And I met a problem .
After I added the code
public Component attachTo(Component other) throws RemoteException,ComponentException;
public String getName() throws RemoteException;
in remote file Component.java, I added following code
public Component attachTo(Component other) throws RemoteException,ComponentException{
Properties props=sessionContext.getEnvironment();
String matchString=(String)props.get(ENV_MATCHES);
Enumeration matches=new StringTokenizer(matchString,",");

String equationString=(String)matches.nextElement();
Enumeration equation=new StringTokenizer(equationString,"+=");
String nameA=(String)equation.nextElement();
String nameB=(String)equation.nextElement();
String result=(String)equation.nextElement();

in Bean file ComponentBean.java. And I tried to add the code
in the "while(){}" in above codes. But it cannot find the method called getName(). All what I can use is "this.getName()", so I cannot make a comparision between "this.getName()" with "other.getName()".
How to resolve this problem?
Hope for your answers.
Thank you!