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要求很简单,只要能得到标准的statusbar上的文本就可以了.<br><br>注意:一定要是"标准"的statusbar,比如vb,vc的程序做出来的,delphi自己<br>的不是标准statusbar.<br><br>提示: 使用消息SB_GETTEXT
邹光先: 怎样都可以,只要能得到文本(别告诉我用眼睛看)
小声地问一句,delphi的statusbar 和别的不一样吗?<br>请指教。
api 不太会。
var<br>&nbsp; sText: string;<br>...<br>SendMessage(StatusBar.Handle, SB_GETTEXT, 0, Integer(PChar(sText)));<br><br>以下是MSDN中对消息SB_GETTEXT的解释:<br>The SB_GETTEXT message retrieves the text from the specified part of a status window. <br><br>SB_GETTEXT <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; wParam = (WPARAM) iPart; <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; lParam = (LPARAM) (LPSTR) szText; <br><br>Parameters<br>iPart <br>&nbsp; Zero-based index of the part from which to retrieve text. <br>szText <br>&nbsp; Pointer to the buffer that receives the text. This parameter is a null-terminated string. <br><br>Return Values<br>Returns a 32-bit value that consists of two 16-bit values. The low word specifies the length, in characters, of the text. The high word specifies the type of operation used to draw the text. The type can be one of the following values: 0 The text is drawn with a border to appear lower than the plane of the window. <br>SBT_NOBORDERS The text is drawn without borders. <br>SBT_POPOUT The text is drawn with a border to appear higher than the plane of the window. <br>SBT_RTLREADING The text will be displayed in the opposite direction to the text in the parent window. <br><br><br>If the text has the SBT_OWNERDRAW drawing type, this message returns the 32-bit value associated with the text instead of the length and operation type. <br><br>Remarks<br>Normal windows display text left-to-right (LTR). Windows can be mirrored to display languages such as Hebrew or Arabic that read right-to-left (RTL). If SBT_RTLREADING is set, the szText string will read in the opposite direction from the text in the parent window.<br><br>
xWolf: 你试过吗? 我以前就是这么做的,好像不行.
g = &nbsp;cAkk打了一个饱咯。
&nbsp;先得到statusbar的窗口Handle,再用Message Hook得道该Handle的所有消息,<br>最后由你的程序将这些消息发给statusbar的Handle.