在ADSI提供的SDK中已经有个现成完整的例子是可以生成NT用户和Exchange Server邮箱,经测试完全没问题。可是它是用VB写的。把它翻译成C或DELPHI,功力不够。程序如下:
Public Function Create_NT_Account(strDomain As String, _
strAdmin As String, _
strPassword As String, _
UserName As String, _
FullName As String, _
NTServer As String _
) As Boolean
Dim oNS As IADsOpenDSObject
Dim User As IADsUser
Dim Domain As IADsDomain
On Error GoTo Create_NT_Account_Error
Create_NT_Account = False
If (strPassword = "") Then
strPassword = ""
End If
Set oNS = GetObject("WinNT:")
Set Domain = oNS.OpenDSObject("WinNT://" & strDomain, strDomain & "/" & strAdmin, strPassword, 0)
Set User = Domain.Create("User", UserName)
With User
.Description = "User created by ADSI"
.FullName = FullName
.HomeDirectory = "//" & NTServer & "/" & UserName
.LoginScript = LOGON_CMD
' First password = username
.SetPassword UserName
End With
Debug.Print "Successfully created NT Account for user " & UserName
Create_NT_Account = True
Exit Function
Debug.Print "Error 0x" & CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) & " occurred creating NT account for user " & UserName
End Function
Public Function Create_Exchange_MailBox( _
IsRemote As Boolean, _
strServer As String, _
strDomain As String, _
strAdmin As String, _
strPassword As String, _
UserName As String, _
EMailAddress As String, _
strFirstName As String, _
strLastName As String, _
ExchangeServer As String, _
ExchangeSite As String, _
ExchangeOrganization As String _
) As Boolean
Dim Container As IADsContainer
Dim strRecipContainer As String
Dim Mailbox As IADs
Dim rbSID(1024) As Byte
Dim OtherMailBox() As Variant
Dim sSelfSD() As Byte
Dim encodedSD() As Byte
Dim I As Integer
Dim oNS As IADsOpenDSObject
On Error GoTo Create_Exchange_MailBox_Error
Create_Exchange_MailBox = False
If (strPassword = "") Then
strPassword = ""
End If
' Recipients container for this server
strRecipContainer = "LDAP://" & ExchangeServer & _
"/CN=Recipients,OU=" & ExchangeSite & _
",O=" & ExchangeOrganization
Set oNS = GetObject("LDAP:")
Set Container = oNS.OpenDSObject(strRecipContainer, "cn=" & strAdmin & ",dc=" & strDomain, strPassword, 0)
' This creates both mailboxes or remote dir entries
If IsRemote Then
Set Mailbox = Container.Create("Remote-Address", "CN=" & UserName)
Mailbox.Put "Target-Address", EMailAddress
Set Mailbox = Container.Create("OrganizationalPerson", "CN=" & UserName)
Mailbox.Put "MailPreferenceOption", 0
End If
With Mailbox
' As an example two other addresses
ReDim OtherMailBox(1)
OtherMailBox(0) = "MS$" & ExchangeOrganization & _
"/" & ExchangeSite & _
"/" & UserName
OtherMailBox(1) = "CCMAIL$" & UserName & _
" at " & ExchangeSite
If Not (IsRemote) Then
' Get the SID of the previously created NT user
Get_Exchange_Sid strDomain, UserName, rbSID
.Put "Assoc-NT-Account", rbSID
' This line also initialize the "Home Server" parameter of the Exchange admin
.Put "Home-MTA", "cn=Microsoft MTA,cn=" & ExchangeServer & ",cn=Servers,cn=Configuration,ou=" & ExchangeSite & ", o = " & ExchangeOrganization
.Put "Home-MDB", "cn=Microsoft Private MDB,cn=" & ExchangeServer & ",cn=Servers,cn=Configuration,ou=" & ExchangeSite & ",o=" & ExchangeOrganization
.Put "Submission-Cont-Length", OUTGOING_MESSAGE_LIMIT
.Put "MDB-Use-Defaults", False
.Put "MDB-Over-Quota-Limit", SEND_STORAGE_LIMIT
.Put "MAPI-Recipient", True
' Security descriptor
' The rights choosen make a normal user role
' The other user is optionnal, delegate for ex.
Call MakeSelfSD(sSelfSD, _
strServer, _
strDomain, _
UserName, _
UserName, _
ReDim encodedSD(2 * UBound(sSelfSD) + 1)
For I = 0 To UBound(sSelfSD) - 1
encodedSD(2 * I) = AscB(Hex$(sSelfSD(I) / &H10))
encodedSD(2 * I + 1) = AscB(Hex$(sSelfSD(I) Mod &H10))
Next I
.Put "NT-Security-Descriptor", encodedSD
ReDim Preserve OtherMailBox(2)
OtherMailBox(2) = EMailAddress
.Put "MAPI-Recipient", False
End If
' Usng PutEx for array properties
.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_UPDATE, "otherMailBox", OtherMailBox
.Put "Deliv-Cont-Length", INCOMING_MESSAGE_LIMIT
' i : initials
.Put "TextEncodedORaddress", "c=" & COUNTRY & _
";a= " & _
";p=" & ExchangeOrganization & _
";o=" & ExchangeSite & _
";s=" & strLastName & _
";g=" & strFirstName & _
";i=" & Mid(strFirstName, 1, 1) & Mid(strLastName, 1, 1) & ";"
.Put "rfc822MailBox", UserName & "@" & ExchangeSite & "." & ExchangeOrganization & ".com"
.Put "Replication-Sensitivity", REPLICATION_SENSITIVITY
.Put "uid", UserName
.Put "name", UserName
.Put "GivenName", strFirstName
.Put "Sn", strLastName
.Put "Cn", strFirstName & " " & strLastName
.Put "Initials", Mid(strFirstName, 1, 1) & Mid(strLastName, 1, 1)
' Any of these fields are simply descriptive and optional, not included in
' this sample and there are many other fields in the mailbox
.Put "Mail", EMailAddress
'If 0 < Len(Direction) Then .Put "Department", Direction
'If 0 < Len(FaxNumber) Then .Put "FacsimileTelephoneNumber", FaxNumber
'If 0 < Len(City) Then .Put "l", City
'If 0 < Len(Address) Then .Put "PostalAddress", Address
'If 0 < Len(PostalCode) Then .Put "PostalCode", PostalCode
'If 0 < Len(Banque) Then .Put "Company", Banque
'If 0 < Len(PhoneNumber) Then .Put "TelephoneNumber", PhoneNumber
'If 0 < Len(Title) Then .Put "Title", Title
'If 0 < Len(AP1) Then .Put "Extension-Attribute-1", AP1
'If 0 < Len(Manager) Then .Put "Extension-Attribute-2", Manager
'If 0 < Len(Agence) Then .Put "Extension-Attribute-3", Agence
'If 0 < Len(Groupe) Then .Put "Extension-Attribute-4", Groupe
'If 0 < Len(Secteur) Then .Put "Extension-Attribute-5", Secteur
'If 0 < Len(Region) Then .Put "Extension-Attribute-6", Region
'If 0 < Len(GroupeBanque) Then .Put "Extension-Attribute-7", GroupeBanque
'If 0 < Len(AP7) Then .Put "Extension-Attribute-8", AP7
'If 0 < Len(AP8) Then .Put "Extension-Attribute-9", AP8
End With
Debug.Print "Successfully created mailbox for user " & UserName
Create_Exchange_MailBox = True
Exit Function
Debug.Print "Error 0x" & CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) & " occurred creating Mailbox for user " & UserName
End Function