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You can test for a cosmetic problem by loading, or unloading any NLM. This will
cause processor information in monitor to be recalculated. Remember also, that
monitor is reporting once a second something that is happening in the
nanosecond range. Some server processes call a NetWare function called
CyieldWithDelay or CyieldUntilIdle. If there is a thread spinning on one of
these functions, the server will appear to have high utilization. Utilization
will then
be inaccurate.do
n’t panic when utilization goes to 100% for a few
seconds and bouncesdo
wn. This is normal for all 4.1x servers. Obviously
monitor is only reporting a snapshot of the utilization at some instant in time.
The NetWare OS is nonpreemptive for performance reasons. Because it is
nonpreemptive the NetWare OS relies on NLM writers to correctly yield the
processor at the appropriate times. This means that a poorly written NLM can
have disastrous effects on server utilization. You should never put an unproven
NLM on a production system.
If you are running NetWare 4.0, 4.01, or 4.02, move to NetWare 4.10 or 4.11.
Reason? Most of the fixesdo
ne for high utilization have been implemented for
NetWare 4.10 and 4.11 only. All development for previous versions of NetWare 4
has stopped;
NetWare 4.10 and 4.11 are the only 4.x Operating Systems where
Novell continues development. There are patches for the other versions of the
OS, but they are not as current anddo
not have the resources dedicated to
them at Novell like NetWare 4.10 and 4.11do
. If you cannot upgrade from
NetWare 4.0x, ask Novell Technical Services for the patches specifically for
the operating system, and follow this guide;
your solution may still be in
Be sure that LAN and disk drivers are the current available from the hardware
vendor. Many vendors have found problems with their lan and disk drivers and
will periodically update these drivers. It is important to be at the latest
version of these drivers unless asked to back rev by technical support.
At the server console, type speed There have been cases where a system board
will drop the processor speed after boot up. A typical speed reading might be:
486/66 @ 1800, Pentium 90 @ 3300, and Pentium Pro 200 @16,500. A speed rating
drastically lower then
the expected value may indicate some sort of
configuration or BIOS problem, and can be a significant contributor to high
utilization. The NetWare OSdo
es not have a setting that affects the processor

7. When utilization problems occur, eliminate as many variables as possible.
Remove non-essential products until the server is in a vanilla state. This will
help determine if there is a problem with a loaded module. This is like
troubleshooting an abend, i.e., take the server to a stable platform, and then

add back nlm’s until it becomes unstable.
This is an important step OFTEN overlooked (sometimes because it is so time
consuming, and production servers oftendo
not accord this type of flexibility
in troubleshooting). Basically this step in the troubleshooting process is
trying to determine if a piece of software is causing the high utilization.
So, unload EVERY piece of software on the server. Usually customers will start
with the non-essential pieces of software;
non-essential means that the server
and the users can function without this piece of software being loaded.
Examples of software items to unload would be: ManageWise, virus scanners,
server metering nlm’s, backup solutions, UPS software, Compaq Insight Manager,
etc. Many nlm’s will autoload other nlm’s at the server, and so by merely
unloading a specific nlm, thatdo
es not completely remove the program from
memory. If possible, rem out the loading of the nlm’s in the autoexec.ncf file,
and then
restart the server. This will ensure a vanilla environment to work
After the non-essential nlm’s are unloaded, and if the utilization remains,
schedule time to unload the other nlm’s that are more essential to the
i.e., NetWare Connect, NetWare/IP and anything else
that could not
be unloaded before because of the production status of the server.
The idea here is that if the high utilization is based upon software, it will
be found by comparing the state of the server with the software loaded and
without the software loaded.

8. Go to monitor | Processor Utilization | <F3> and see if there is any one
process that is hogging the CPU. It is possible to have 2-3 contributors to
high utilization, but usually only one, and sometimes two. FYI: AES stands for
asynchronous event scheduler.
If after pressing <F3> a single process can be seen that is hogging the CPU,
and it is a known NLM for a program running on the server, remove it (unload
it from the server console). For instance, if program XYZ is running and module
xyz.nlm shows 75% of the processor utilization, unload it. This should
IMMEDIATELY help the situation on the server. If the utilization stilldo
not drop afterwards, and there is no module in processor utilization that shows
a high amount of load on the processor, the server will probably need to be
bounced and the xyz.nlm module not loaded for a testing period of time. This
may happen because the server is trying to catch up with cork-to-do in its
queue. So wait for a little while first, and then
wn the server if nothing
works. There have been situations where unloading the offending module(s)
has caused the server to abend, so be prepared for this eventuality. For
NetWare 4.10 an abend means a complete stop on the server. For NetWare 4.11,
depending on the type of abend, the server may still be useable. If you are
running NetWare4.10, and the server abends trying to unload a module go into
the debugger and try to put this offending?thread to sleep. If you cando
the server can probably be broughtdo
wn safely without having to power
down. See Extra Troubleshooting Tips #7 at the end of thisdo
cument for help
with the NetWare debugger.
If the server is running, butdo
es not allow access to the console so the
administrator can typedo
wn get a copy of Fconsole (this is a NetWare 3.x
utility). Fconsole will allow a remote connection to the server todo
wn it.
If you need to get this utility, it is in Tabnd2a.exe on the internet
Many high utilization issues deal specifically with NCP Requests taking the
majority of the processor load. This is noticed on the processor utilization
screen (in monitor). NCP stands for NetWare Core Protocol. This is the
communication protocol between applications and the server. It is NetWare.
You cannot turn off NCP packets, nor would you want to. All file and print
requests are carried via NCP. If NCP is your problem, any number of problems
could exist on the server. These problems are all talked about here in this
cument. There is not A single fix for NCP Requests taking the majority of
the processor load. This statistic is just the outward appearance of a problem
on the server that must be found through troubleshooting. NCP problems have
been seen in a number of areas, of few of which are: lan problems, DS problems,
and client 3rd party software problems.

9. Too few service processes or too few packet receive buffers available will
almost always cause high utilization. Server resources can be divided into Lan,
Disk and Processor resources. Lan and Disk resources are the number of buffers
available, while Processor resources are the number of Service Processes
available. As a network packet arrives or a disk read or write isdo
ne, there
should be a buffer available for the data. If there is a buffer available,
there should be a Service Process available to deal with it. Running out of
any one of these for more than a brief period will cause high utilization and
will delay response from the server for the users. Novell suggests that the
parameters below be set as indicated to help prevent utilization problems.
If youdo
not have the ram todo
this, you will know immediately after
restarting the server. Your cache buffers will drop below 40%.
Here’s an explanation of the above set parameters:
Minimum directory cache buffers: The number needs to be high enough that
directory searches can bedo
ne quickly, but no higher than necessary because
these buffers cannot be reallocated for file caching once they are allocated
for directory caching. We suggest that 2 to 3 per connection is a good rule.
Maximum directory cache buffers: This parameter keeps the system from
allocating too many directory cache buffers so that memory is available for
other server processes. Increase this limit if the server responds slowly to
directory searches. Decrease this limit if too much memory is being allocated
for directory searching.
Directory cache allocation wait time: During this time, all requests for a new
directory cache buffer are ignored. If the wait time is too low, peak usage
requests cause more resources than necessary to be allocated to directory
caching. If the wait time is too high, the system is very slow in allocating
the directory cache buffers necessary to service the usual number of directory
requests. If directory searches seem slow even after the server has been
running for 15 minutes, you may want to decrease this parameter.
Minimum packet receive buffers: This parameters should be set at 2 to 3 times
the amount of connections the servers has (users, servers, printers, etc.).
The operating system will allocate this number immediately upon booting.
Maximum packet receive buffers: This set parameter performs the same type of
task that maximum directory cache buffersdo
es, except that it is for packet
receive buffers. Packet receive buffers are used to transfer a packet from an
ECB (lan packet) to a service process.
New packet receive buffer wait time: This parameter specifies how long the
operating system will wait after receiving a request for a packet receive
buffer before granting a new buffer. This parameter prevents the system from
granting too many buffers during a sudden peak in usage.
Minimum service processes: Specifies the minimum number of service processes
the operating system can create without having to wait for the time specified
by the New Service Process Wait Time parameter.
Maximum service processes: Specifies the maximum number of service processes
that the operating system can create. Increasing this number helps only if more
than 20 requests are being delayed simultaneously for a disk I/O to be
New service process wait time: Specifies how long the system should wait to
make an allocation when it receives a request for another service process.
If the settings on these parametersdo
not make sense, baseline the server and
see where the directory cache buffers, packet receive buffers, and service
processes are look on the main screen in Monitor.nlm. These numbers will be
your minimums. Set your maximums accordingly (i.e., higher than the minimums).
If the maximums for these parameters are reached, the server will experience
high utilization because it cannot allocate resources to handle user requests
for service. The suggestion would then
be to set the maximums far enough above
the minimums so that thisdo
esn’t happen. After changing these settings, the
server must be rebooted for some of the minimums to take effect.

10. On large systems servicing over 1000 users there have been cases where
file service processes (FSPs) were not being allocated fast enough by the
server, resulting in 100% utilization. Novell has released an NLM to
preallocate file service processes when the server is first booted so that
this particular problem is solved. This nlm is called WORKTHRD.NLM. There is a
separate version of this nlm for NetWare 4.10 and NetWare 4.11. In other words,
the 4.10 version of the nlm will not work with NetWare 4.11, and vice-versa.
Both of these files are included in the highutl1.exe file in the
self-extracting file called wrkthd.exe. After extracting this file, there
will be two new directories created (410 and 411) with a workthrd.nlm in each
directory. Copy the nlm to the c:/nwserver directory (or whatever directory
server.exe is located in).
NetWare 4.10 use: Place the following command in the startup.ncf file
immediately AFTER the loading of the patches:
LOAD C:/NWSERVER/WORKTHRD.NLM <# of service processes to pre-allocate ... 500
NetWare 4.11 use: Place the following command in the startup.ncf file
immediately AFTER the loading of the patches:
PMLOAD C:/NWSERVER/WORKTHRD.NLM <# of service processes to pre-allocate ...
The MAX NUMBER is the maximum number of service processes you wish to allow.
Workthrd.nlm preallocates service processes up to the maximum of 1000. Set the
minimum file service processes to the same number that workthrd.nlm
pre-allocates. On a 4.10 server if 410PT3 or later is not applied, the maximum
number of service processes will be 100. NetWare 4.11 comes standard with
1000 maximum service processes.
Each File Service Process that is pre-allocated will consume 16 K of memory.
ing the math, 1000 FSPs will then
consume 16 MB of memory. Be careful about
pre-allocating FSPs if memory is tight.

11. Set upgrade low priority threads=OFF This is off by default in
NetWare 4.1x, make sure it hasn’t changed. There are some 3rd party
applications that run on NetWare servers that request you set this parameter
to on. Be careful.
This one set parameter can be responsible for high utilization on a server.
The reason for this is because by setting this to on, ALL low priority
threads then
have the same light to the processor as every other normal
priority thread. This means that compression, sub-allocation, and any other
low priority thread will battle your users for CPU cycles whereas normally,
they would wait until there is a free cycle. Normal priority threads should
not have to wait for a normally low priority thread to finish processing, i.e.,
not set this parameter to on unless you know exactly what ramifications it
will cause.
Sometimes a server will report: an nlm has been loaded thatdo
es not allow low
priority threads to run. Low priority threads are used for compression, ... etc.
Set upgrade low priority threads = ON or unload the nlm. If an NLM has a
thread that is rescheduling frequently, this will cause this message to occur.
If this message continues to appear on the server console, a process is not
releasing the CPU for an extended period of time. This can be an indicator of
a high utilization situation. The problem with this message is that it never
displays the actual nlm that is causing the problem on the server. To fix this
use the set parameter “set display relinquish control alerts = on” If a
module uses the processor for more than 0.4 seconds without relinquishing
control to other processes, the following types of messages occur:

<process name> Process did not relinquish control frequently.
Module: <module name>
Code offset in module: <memory address>
This will identify the module that is hogging the CPU so that it can be
unloaded and further troubleshooting steps can be taken.
Sometimes this message is seen when the server is first brought up, and
sometimes after ds.nlm is loaded. If this error runs repeatedly on the screen,
or if you suspect DS database corruption,do
the following:

Bring the server up with “server –ndb” or “server –ndb” in the case of
Run DSREPAIR. In a ONE SERVER environment, choose the unattended full repair
option. If there are multiple 4.x servers, choose: Advanced Options
menu / Repair local DS database and mark everything NO except
“check local references” This assumes you have an updated ds.nlm version.
If youdo
not, you will not see “check local references” leave the defaults,
and run the repair .
After running the repair, save the database and reboot the server, this time
without any startup parameters.

你能藉由载入为一个化妆用的问题测试, 或卸货任何的 NLM。 这决意
引起监视器的处理器数据是 recalculated 。 也记得,那
十亿分之一秒范围。 一些伺候器程序呼叫被叫做的一个 NetWare 功能
CyieldWithDelay 或 CyieldUntilIdle。 是否那里是线在一上纺织
这些动作,伺候器将会似乎 有高利用。 利用
然后将会是错误的。 当利用去的时候 , 不 惊慌到 100% 为一些
下的秒和跳。 这是所有的 4.1x server 的常态。 明显的
NetWare 操作系统是表现的 nonpreemptive 理由。 因为它是
nonpreemptive NetWare 操作系统仰赖 NLM 作家正确的产生那
在适当的次处理器。 这意谓贫穷地书面的 NLM 能
有伺候器利用上的损失惨重的效果。 你应该从不放了 unproven
一个制造系统上的 NLM。
如果你是流动的 NetWare 4.0,4.01, 或 4.02, 移到 NetWare 4.10 或 4.11.
理由? 被为高的利用做的大部份固定有被实现为
NetWare 4.10 和 4.11 只有。 所有的发展为 NetWare 4 的早先版本
NetWare 4.10 和 4.11 是唯一的 4.x 操作系统哪里
Novell 继续发展。 那里是另一个版本的片那
操作系统, 但是他们是不如涌流而且不呈现资源到
他们在像 NetWare 4.10 一样的 Novell 和 4.11 是。 是否你不能够升级从
NetWare 4.0x, 为片明确地问 Novell 技术上的服务为
那操作系统, 和追从这个引导者;
厂商。 许多厂商有发现~的问题他们的 lan 和磁盘机和
意志定期地更新这些驾驶者。 在最近是重要的
这些驾驶者的版本除非要求回技术上的支持 ??转。
在长靴之後将会放弃处理器速度增加。 典型的速度读可能是:
486/66@1800 , Pentium 90@3300 和 Pentium 职业者 200@16,500. 一个速度等级
结构或基本输出入系统问题, 而且能对高度是一个重要的贡献者
利用。 NetWare 操作系统没有一个影响处理器的设定

7. 当利用问题发生的时候,除去尽可能许多的变数。
距离非必要的产品直到伺候器是在香草州中。 这决意
是否有一个~的问题一个被装载的组件,帮忙决定。 这是像
修理一个反常终结,也就是,把伺候器带到一个稳定的月台, 然後
增加后面的 nlm's 直到它变成不稳定。
这时常是一个重要的步骤俯看 ( 有时因为它是如此时间
强烈的, 而且制造伺候器时常不 一致柔性的这个类型
在修理方面). 基本上在故障修理程序中的这个步骤是
如此,卸货伺候器上的软件每块。 通常客户将会开始
对邱载的软件项目的例子会是: ManageWise, 病毒扫描机,
伺候器以计量器计量 nlm's, 后援解决,提高软件, Compaq 洞察力经理,
及其他许多 nlm's 在伺候器决意 autoload 其他的 nlm's, 和如此被只
卸货特定的 nlm, 不完全地将计画从~移开
记忆。 如果可能的, rem 出自 nlm's 的载入在 autoexec.ncf 文件中,
然後重始语伺候器。 这将会确定香草环境到工作
在非必要的 nlm's 之後被卸货, 而且如果利用残余物,
预定时间卸货更必要的其他 nlm's 到那
操作;也就是,NetWare 连接,NetWare/ IP 和别的东西不可以
主意这里是如果高的利用被基於软件, 它意志

8. 是否有任何的,去检测 | 处理器利用 |<F3> 而且看见
正在猪处理器的程序。 它是可能有 2-3个贡献者的到
高的利用, 但是通常唯一的, 和有时二。 FYI: AES 代表
asynchronous 事件 scheduler。
如果在压迫 <F3> 一个单一程序能被看到那之后正在猪处理器,
而且它是计画涉及 伺候器的已知 NLM, 除去它 ( 邱载
它从伺候器安慰). 举例来说,是否计画 XYZ 正在进行和组件
xyz.nlm 展现 75% 的处理器利用,卸货它。 这应该
立刻帮助伺候器上的情形。 是否利用仍然做
不然后降低, 而且在展现的处理器利用中没有组件
处理器上的负荷高数量, 伺候器将会或许需要当
反弹,而且 xyz.nlm 组件不一测试时段装载。 这
因为伺候器正在尝试在它的赶上软木塞-囔闹 , 所以可能发生
储列。 如此一些一会儿首先等候, 然後下伺候器置于地面是否无
别的工厂。 已经有情形哪里卸货不愉快的组件 (s)
有引起伺候器到反常终结,如此被准备这个不测的事。 为
NetWare 4.10 一个反常终结意谓伺候器上的一个完全的停止。 因为 NetWare 4.11,
仰赖反常终结的类型,伺候器可能但是可使用的。 是否你是
流动的 NetWare4.10, 而且伺候器反常终结尝试卸货一个组件进入
debugger 和尝试放这不愉快的?睡觉的线。 如果你能做这,
下。 在~结束的时候这份文件为帮忙看见额外的故障修理顶 #7
藉由 NetWare debugger。
如果伺候器正在跑, 但是这麽不 允许对控制台的通路那
管理人能打字下拿 Fconsole 的副本置于地面 ( 这是 NetWare 3.x
公用程序). Fconsole 将会允许对伺候器的一个遥远的连接到下它置于地面。
如果你需要拿这个公用程序,它是在英特网上的 Tabnd2a.exe 中
许多高的利用争议明确地用 NCP 请求处理拿那
处理器负荷的多数。 这在处理器利用上被注意
荧屏.(在监视器中) NCP 代表 NetWare 核心记录。 这是那
在申请和伺候器之间的沟通记录。 它是 NetWare 。
你不能够转远的 NCP 储存器, 你也将不会想要到。 所有的文件和版
请求经由 NCP 被携带。 如果 NCP 是你的问题,问题的任何数字
可以在伺候器上存在。 这些问题全部是在这谈论这里
文件。 为 NCP 请求没有单一固定带多数
处理器负荷。 统计数值仅仅是问题的向外外表
在一定被经过修理发现的伺候器上。 NCP 问题有
在许多的中被看到, 少数的是: lan 问题 , DS 问题,

9. 太很少的服务程序或太很少的储存器接受缓冲可得的意志
几乎总是引起高利用。 伺候器资源能被区分为区域网络,
磁盘片和处理器资源。 区域网络和磁盘片资源是缓冲的数字
可得的, 而处理器资源是服务程序的数字
可得的。 如一个网络储存器到达或读的一个磁盘片或写被做, 在那里
应该是数据可用的一个缓冲。 如果有一个缓冲可以用,
应该有是可得处理 它的一个服务程序。 用光
任何的超过 一个简短的时期这些将会引起高利用和
将会为使用者延迟来自伺候器的回应。 Novell 提议那那
如果你没有公羊做这, 你将会在立刻之后知道
重始伺候器。 你的隐藏所缓冲将会降低在 40%下面.
最小量目录隐藏所缓冲: 数字需要足够高那
目录搜寻能被很快地做, 但是不比必需的高因为
这些缓冲不可能是他们被分派的文件 caching 一次的 reallocated
因为目录 caching。 我们提议 2 到 3 每一连接是一条好的规则。
最大的目录隐藏所缓冲: 这个叁数保存系统从
分派太多目录隐藏所缓冲以便 记忆可用来
其他的伺候器处理。 是否伺候器慢慢地回应,增加这个界限到
目录搜寻。 是否太多记忆正被分派,减少这个界限
目录隐藏所配置等候时间: 在这次的时候, 所有的请求为一新的
目录隐藏所缓冲被忽略。 如果等候时间是太低的, 山顶用法
caching。 如果等候时间是太高的, 系统在分派方面非常慢
请求。 是否目录搜寻在伺候器之後像是慢平坦是
跑 15 分钟以来,你可能想要减少这个叁数。
最小量储存器接受缓冲: 这个叁数应该是以 2 到 3 倍放置
连接的数量伺候器有 (使用者,伺候器 , 打印机等)。
最大的储存器接受缓冲: 这个组合叁数运行那相同的类型
接受缓冲。 储存器接受缓冲用来转移一个储存器从一
对一个服务程序的 ECB(lan 储存器)。
新的储存器接受缓冲等候时间: 这个叁数叙述多久那
在允许一个新的缓冲之前的缓冲。 这个叁数避免系统从
最小量服务处理: 叙述服务程序的最小数字
最大值服务处理: 叙述服务程序的最大数字
那操作系统能产生。 增加这个数字帮助只有当是否更多
比较 20个请求同时的为一个磁盘片输入/输出正被延迟当
新的服务程序等候时间: 叙述系统应该多久等候到
当它为另外的一个服务程序接受一个请求的时候 , 作配置。
如果在这些叁数上的设定一点道理也没有, 基线伺候器和
看见哪里目录隐藏所缓冲,储存器接受缓冲, 和服务
程序是在 Monitor.nlm 中的主要荧屏上看。 这些数字将会是
你的最小量。 因此设定你的最大值。 (也就是,比那高最小量)
对於服务。 然后提议会要够远的在上面设定最大值
最小量以便 这不 发生。 在变更这些设定之后, 那

10. 在大的系统超过 1000个使用者修护上已经有情形哪里
文件服务程序 (FSPs) 不是被分派够快速的被那
伺候器,造成 100% 利用。 Novell 有释放 NLM 到
preallocate 文件服务程序当伺候器首先被踢的时候以便
这个特别的问题被解决。 nlm 叫做 WORKTHRD.NLM 。 那里是一
为 NetWare 4.10 和 NetWare 4.11 的 nlm 的分开版本. 换句话说,
nlm 的 4.10 版本用 NetWare 4.11 将不工作, 和副反之亦然。
这两个文件被包含在~中 highutl1.exe 文件在那
自我摘录文件叫做了 wrkthd.exe 。 在摘录这个文件之后,在那里
将会是二个新的目录用 workthrd.nlm 在每个里面产生 (410 和 411)
目录。 复印对 c:/nwserver 目录的 nlm( 或无论什么目录
server.exe 位於).
NetWare 4.10 使用: 在 startup.ncf 文件中放置接着的指令
装载 C:/NWSERVER/WORKTHRD.NLM<# 对前部署的服务程序 ... 500
是一个好的号码> 组合最大值服务程序 =< 最大数字>
NetWare 4.11 使用: 在 startup.ncf 文件中放置接着的指令
500 是一个好的号码> 组合最大值服务程序 =< 最大数字>
Workthrd.nlm preallocates 服务直到最大值处理 1000. 设定那
最小量文件服务处理到相同的数字 workthrd.nlm
前部署。 在一个 4.10 伺候器上如果 410PT3 或比较迟的不被应用, 最大值
服务程序的数字将会是 100 。 NetWare 4.11 来标准由于
1000 最大值服务处理。
每个文件维修被的程序将会消耗记忆的 16 K。
做数学,1000 FSPs 然后将会消耗记忆的 16 万位元组。 到处要小心
是否记忆是紧的,预先分派 FSPs 。

11. 放置升级低的优先权线= 远的这是走开预先设定地 在
NetWare 4.1x, 确定它没有改变。 有约第三个宴会
申请请求你组合这个叁数的 NetWare 伺候器上的奔跑
到在之上。 要小心。
优先权线。 这意谓压缩,子配置和任何其他人
他们会等候到那里是一个自由的周期。 常态优先权线应该
不 设定这个叁数到在除非你完全地知道之上什么分枝它
有时一个伺候器将会报告: nlm 有被装载以不 允许低点
优先权穿线于跑。 低的优先权线作为 压缩,... 及其他
放置升级低的优先权线 = 在或之上卸货 nlm。 是否 NLM 有一
时常是 rescheduling 的线,这将会引起这个信息发生。
如果这个信息继续在伺候器控制台语之上出现, 一个程序是不
为广大的时段释放处理器。 这可能是一个指示器
一种高的利用情形。 ~的问题这个信息从不是那它
显示正在引起伺候器上的问题真实的 nlm 。 固定这
使用组合叁数 " 组合炫耀撤回控制注意 =在"之上是否一
组件不撤回而使用处理器长达超过 0.4 秒

<程序名字>程序不 时常撤回控制。
组件: <组件名字>
在组件中的密码抵销: <记忆住址>
这将会识别正在猪处理器的组件以便 它能是
当伺候器首先被提出的时候 , 有时这个信息被看到, 和
有时在 ds.nlm 之後被装载。 如果这个错误重复地涉及 荧屏,
或如果你怀疑 DS 数据库腐败,做下列各项:

用 "伺候器– ndb" 或 "伺候器– ndb" 抚养伺候器在
跑 DSREPAIR 。 在一伺候器环境中,选择无随员的全部修理
选项。 如果有多样的 4.x server,选择: 进一步的选项
菜单 / 修理地方性的 DS 数据库而且为每件事物作标记不除了
"检查地方性的叁考"这承担你有一个被更新的 ds.nlm 版本。
如果你不,你将不见 "检查地方性的叁考" 休假假设值,
在连续地修理之後,节省数据库而且重新启动伺候器, 这次

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