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how can i set configuations to make TOMCAT 4 run outside of BES5?web.xml
seems not working.i created a <ejb-ref> ,but jndi lookup always return a
result :javax.naming.NamingException: Cannot create resource instance
instead of using tomcat's naming service,BES provide me access to its EJBs
with real bean name ,not "java:comp" like ,i used to use Resin,it works
well,but how can i use tomcat to access EJB using "java:comp" style lookup?
seems not working.i created a <ejb-ref> ,but jndi lookup always return a
result :javax.naming.NamingException: Cannot create resource instance
instead of using tomcat's naming service,BES provide me access to its EJBs
with real bean name ,not "java:comp" like ,i used to use Resin,it works
well,but how can i use tomcat to access EJB using "java:comp" style lookup?