我找到一个控件,可以将多个文件合成一个文件,可惜只支持D4版本,哪位大侠能将其修改为D6支持的;高手帮帮忙,我会图像设计,可以帮我设计软件界面 (0分)

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Pakker 0.1 - 28021999

Pakker is a set of classes that I created to be able to lump a set of files
together in on file, and then later use them in an application. I did this
because I am developing an application in which the user creates a "picture"
with a set of descriptions attached. Rather than having these stored as
separate files, I wanted to be able to put them in one file and then access
them in that file.

This is not a visual compnent, rather it is a set of classes that you access
by includin PAK in your uses clause of the unit you want to call it from.
Generally you then call create to create a new PAK object (which creates its
own THeader and TDirectory objects) passing it a filename. If the filename
exists, the TPak objects reads it and uses that PAK, if it doesnt exist,
the file is created and a new PaAK is started. The calling procedures etc
are all fairly straight forward and a demo application which uses a PAK file
that emmulates a UNIX directory structure is included. Use that to figure
out how to use the TPak class.

Please send bug reports / comments / improvements etc to sean@radiocbs.com ,
I will use these to further improve the classes.

This source is freeware, use and abuse as you will. If you wish to make
me happy send a donation to the Nelson Mandela Childrens fund. I however
to retain full copyright.
