Saves a recordset to a file.
procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: String = ''; Format: TPersistFormat = pfADTG);
Call SaveToFile to save the current recordset to a file. If the destination file already exists, it is overwritten.
FileName is a string containing the name of the destination file. This file remains open from the first call to SaveToFile until the dataset is closed. This file can be read by other applications while it is open, but they cannot write to the file.
Format specifies the file format for the saved recordset. By default, Format is pfADTG (Advanced Data Tablegram format).
Note: Microsoft recommends using a client-side cursor (the dataset is opened with a CursorLocation property value of clUseClient). This way, if the provider used does not support saving the recordset the client cursor will provide the necessary functionality
Loads a recordset from a file.
procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: WideString);
Call LoadFromFile to load the recordset for the calling ADO dataset component from a file. If the loading operation fails, the current recordset is neutralized (set to nil), the dataset component remains inactive, and an EOleException exception is raised. If the attempt to load data from a file is successful, the ADO dataset component is automatically activated and the data made available.
FileName is a string containing the name of the file.
LoadFromFile closes the dataset component before loading the recordset from the file specified in FileName.