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unit rjMime;
Unit: rjMime
Version: 1.50
Last Modified: 1. February 2001
Author: Ralf Junker <ralfjunker@gmx.de>
Internet: http://www.zeitungsjunge.de/delphi/

Description: Ligtening fast Mime (Base64) Encoding and Decoding routines.
More detailed descriptions follow the declarations of the
procedures and functions below.

Legal: This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or
implied warranty. In no event will the author be held liable
for any damages arising from the use of this software.

Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it
and redistribute it freely, subject to the following

1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented,
you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
in the product documentation would be appreciated but is
not required.

2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.

3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source


Version 1.50
01.02.2000 Added support for line breaks (CRLF) during Mime encoding
as required by RFC 1521. Since inserting line breaks is the
default in RFC 1521, I changed the standard encoding functions
to encode WITH line breaks. This may require changes to your
code: Encoding without inserting line breaks is still provided
by the ...NoCRLF procedures. There are now two sets of Mime
encoding procedures and functions:

Encoding WITH line breaks | Encoding WITHOUT line breaks
("strict" RFC 1521) | ("loose" RFC 1521)
MimeEncode | MimeEncodeNoCRLF
MimeEncodeString | MimeEncodeStringNoCRLF
MimeEncodeStream | MimeEncodeStreamNoCRLF
MimeEncodedSize | MimeEncodedSizeNoCRLF

If you migrate from rjMime 1.31 to rjMime 1.50, you might need to
adjust your code depending on the required results. If you
don't want to change any behaviour as compared to earlier
versions of rjMime, simply add "NoCRLF" to all calls to Mime
encoding functions.

Please note that there is no MimeDecodeNoCRLF equivalent since
the decoding routines skip line breaks and white space anyway.

New DecodeHttpBasicAuthentication procedure according to
RFC 1945. See description below for deatils.

Version 1.50 also fixes a critical bug in MimeDecode
(added missing @). This bug did not affect any of the other

Version 1.31
20.11.2000 Defined the OutputBuffer parameters as untyped "out"
in the core encoding / decoding routines. This does not
affect much but consistency in clarity.

Version 1.30
17.11.2000 Changed the interface part to the core encoding and decoding
routines from Pointer to Untyped. This way they no longer
have to check if the pointers are not nil.

Replaced all Integer types with Cardinal types
where the sign was not needed (which was in all cases).

Thanks to Robert Marqwart <robert_marquardt@gmx.de>
for pointing these issues out.

Version 1.20
20.06.2000 Bugfix for MimeEncodeStream: Wrong BUFFER_SIZE resulted in
additional bytes stuffed inbetween the OutBuffer.

Changed the order of the variables in the MimeEncode interface
(moved InputBytesCount from last to 2nd, just after InputBuffer).
Sorry for the inconvenience, but this way it is more consistent
with MimeDecode. Now MimeEncode has the following variable order:

procedure MimeEncode (
const InputBuffer: Pointer;
const InputBytesCount: Integer;
const OutputBuffer: Pointer);

MimeDecode: Interface chage to make it a function: It now returns
the number of bytes written to the output buffer not as a var
but as the result of a function. This way coding is made
simpler since not OutputCount variable needs to be defined.

Introduced two new functions mostly for internal use:

* MimeDecodePartial: This is necessary to decode large
blocks of data in multiple parts. On initialization,
call MimeDecodePartial with ByteBuffer := 0 and
ByteBufferSpace := 4. Then repeatedly call it again
with new data loaded into the buffer. At the end of all data,
* MimeDecodePartialEnd writes the remaining bytes from ByteBuffer
to the outputbuffer (see MimeDecodeStream for an example).

MimeDecodePartial_ are necessary to decode inconsitent data
(with linebreaks, tabs, whitespace) in multiple parts
like in MimeDecodeStream.

Version 1.10
19.04.2000 Fixed a small bug in MimeEncode which sometimes screwed up
the very first bytes of the encoded output.

Added the following wrapper functions:
* MimeEncodeString &amp
* MimeEncodeStream &amp

Version 1.01
09.04.2000 Fixed a bug in MIME_DECODE_TABLE which caused wrong results
decoding binary files.

Version 1.00
17.01.2000 Initial Public Release

Copyright (c) 2000 Ralf Junker



function MimeEncodeString (const s: AnsiString): AnsiString;
{ MimeEncodeString takes a string, encodes it, and returns the result as a string.
To decode the result string, use MimeDecodeString. }

function MimeEncodeStringNoCRLF (const s: AnsiString): AnsiString;
{ MimeEncodeStringNoCRLF is just like MimeEncodeString, but does NOT insert line breaks. }

function MimeDecodeString (const s: AnsiString): AnsiString;
{ MimeDecodeString takes a a string, decodes it, and returns the result as a string.
Use MimeDecodeString to decode a string previously encoded with MimeEncodeString. }

procedure MimeEncodeStream (const InputStream: TStream
const OutputStream: TStream);
{ MimeEncodeStream encodes InputStream WITH inserting line breaks.
Encoding starts at the InputStream's current position and continues until the end.
Decoded output is written to OutputStream, again starting at the current position.
When done, the function will not reset either stream's positions,
but leave InputStream at the last read position (i.e. the end) and
OutputStream at the last write position (which can, but most not be the end).
To encode the entire InputStream from beginning to end, make sure
that its offset is positioned at the beginning of the stream. You can
force this by issuing

InputStream.Seek (0, soFromBeginning);

before calling this function. }

procedure MimeEncodeStreamNoCRLF (const InputStream: TStream
const OutputStream: TStream);
{ MimeEncodeStreamNoCRLF is just like MimeEncodeStream, but does NOT insert line breaks. }

procedure MimeDecodeStream (const InputStream: TStream
const OutputStream: TStream);
{ MimeDecodeStream decodes InputStream starting at the current position
up to the end and writes the result to OutputStream, again starting at
the current position. When done, it will not reset either stream's positions,
but leave InputStream at the last read position (i.e. the end) and
OutputStream at the last write position (which can, but most not be the end).
To decode the entire InputStream from beginning to end, make sure
that its offset is positioned at the beginning of the stream. You can
force this by issuing Seek (0, soFromBeginning) before calling this function. }

function MimeEncodedSize (const i: Cardinal): Cardinal;
{ Calculates the output size of i MimeEncoded bytes, i.e. the memory required
for all decoded data plus the line breaks. Use for MimeEncode only. }

function MimeEncodedSizeNoCRLF (const i: Cardinal): Cardinal;
{ Calculates the output size of i MimeEncodedNoCRLF bytes, i.e. the memory
required for all decoded data. Use for MimeEncodedNoCRLF only. }

function MimeDecodedSize (const i: Cardinal): Cardinal;
{ Calculates the maximum output size of i MimeDecoded bytes.
You may use it for MimeDecode to calculate the maximum amount of memory
required for decoding in one single pass. }

procedure DecodeHttpBasicAuthentication (const BasicCredentials: AnsiString
out UserId, PassWord: AnsiString);
{ Decodes the UserID and Password for HTTP Basic Authentication. Pass the
contents of the Authorization Header as BasicCredentials and DecodeHttpBasicAuthentication
will return the unencoded UserID and Password. If either of the two can not be
decoded or found, they will result in an empty string (''). This procedure is
inspired by Shiv.

The following quote from "Request for Comments (RFC) 1945: Hypertext Transfer
Protocol -- HTTP/1.0" has the details:

11.1 Basic Authentication Scheme

The "basic" authentication scheme is based on the model that the user
agent must authenticate itself with a user-ID and a password for each
realm. The realm value should be considered an opaque string which
can only be compared for equality with other realms on that server.
The server will authorize the request only if it can validate the
user-ID and password for the protection space of the Request-URI.
There are no optional authentication parameters.

Upon receipt of an unauthorized request for a URI within the
protection space, the server should respond with a challenge like the

WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="WallyWorld"

where "WallyWorld" is the string assigned by the server to identify
the protection space of the Request-URI.

To receive authorization, the client sends the user-ID and password,
separated by a single colon (":") character, within a base64 [5]
encoded string in the credentials.

basic-credentials = "Basic" SP basic-cookie

basic-cookie = <base64 [5] encoding of userid-password,
except not limited to 76 char/line>

userid-password = [ token ] ":" *TEXT

If the user agent wishes to send the user-ID "Aladdin" and password
"open sesame", it would use the following header field:

Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==

The basic authentication scheme is a non-secure method of filtering
unauthorized access to resources on an HTTP server. It is based on
the assumption that the connection between the client and the server
can be regarded as a trusted carrier. As this is not generally true
on an open network, the basic authentication scheme should be used
accordingly. In spite of this, clients should implement the scheme in
order to communicate with servers that use it. }

procedure MimeEncode (const InputBuffer
const InputByteCount: Cardinal
out OutputBuffer);
{ MimeEncode is the primary Mime encoding routine.
Line breaks will be inserted after each full line.

CAUTTION: OutputBuffer must have enough memory allocated to take all encoded output.
MimeEncodedSize (InputBytesCount) calculates this amount in bytes. MimeEncode will
then fill the entire OutputBuffer, so there is no OutputBytesCount result for
this procedure. Preallocating all memory at once (as required by MimeEncode)
avoids the time-cosuming process of reallocation.

If not all data fits into memory at once, you can NOT use MimeEncode multiple times.
Instead, use a combintion of MimeEncodeFullLines and MimeEncodeNoCRLF. }

procedure MimeEncodeNoCRLF (const InputBuffer
const InputByteCount: Cardinal
out OutputBuffer);
{ MimeEncodeNoCRLF is just like MimeEncode, but does NOT insert line breaks.

Unlike MimeEncode, you can use MimeEncodeNoCRLF multiple times if not all data
fits into memory at once. But you must be very careful about the size
of the InputBuffer. See comments on BUFFER_SIZE below for details
and MimeEncodeStreamNoCRLF for an example. }

procedure MimeEncodeFullLines (const InputBuffer
const InputByteCount: Cardinal
out OutputBuffer);
{ MimeEncodeFullLines will decode full lines of MIME_ENCODED_LINE_BREAK length.
A line break (CRLF) will be inserted after each line including the last one.
Any remaining input which would not result in a full line will not be encoded.
To encode the remaining partial line, use MimeEncodeNoCRLF with the appropriate parameters.
MimeEncodeFullLines requires an OutputBuffer large enough for all encoded output.
The required size of the OutputBuffer can be calculated with

(InputByteCount + 2) div 3 * 4 + InputByteCount div MIME_DECODED_LINE_BREAK * 2

MimeEncodeFullLines will fill the entire OutputBuffer of that size. }

function MimeDecode (const InputBuffer
const InputBytesCount: Cardinal
out OutputBuffer): Cardinal;
{ The primary Mime decoding routines. MimeDecode works with all MimeEncoded data,
no matter if it was encoded with or without line breaks. Line breaks characters
are outside of the base64 alphabet and will be ignored.

CAUTION: OutputBuffer must have enough memory allocated to take all output.
MimeDecodedSize (InputBytesCount) calculates this amount in bytes. There is
no guarantee that all output will be filled after decoding. All decoding
functions therefore return the acutal number of bytes written to OutputBuffer.
Preallocating all memory at once (as is required by MimeDecode)
avoids the time-cosuming process of reallocation. After calling
MimeDecode, simply cut the allocated memory down to OutputBytesCount,
i.e. SetLength (OutString, OutputBytesCount).

If not all data fits into memory at once, you may NOT use MimeDecode multiple times.
Instead, you must use the MimeDecodePartial_ functions.
See MimeDecodeStream for an example. }

function MimeDecodePartial (const InputBuffer
const InputBytesCount: Cardinal
out OutputBuffer
var ByteBuffer: Cardinal
var ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal): Cardinal;
function MimeDecodePartialEnd (out OutputBuffer
const ByteBuffer: Cardinal
const ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal): Cardinal;
{ The MimeDecodePartial_ functions are mostly for internal use.
They serve the purpose of decoding very large data in multiple parts of
smaller chunks, as used in MimeDecodeStream. }


{ According to RFC 1521, MIME_ENCODED_LINE_BREAK defaults to 76.
If you ever need to change it, make sure it is a multiple of 4. }

{ Do not change this, even if you change MIME_ENCODED_LINE_BREAK above.
MIME_DECODED_LINE_BREAK will always be a multiple of 3. }

{ Fhe formula of BUFFER_SIZE is explained by the needs of MimeEncodeStream_
and all other kinds of buffered Mime encodings (i.e. Files etc.).
MimeEncodeFullLines only works if InputByteCount is a multiple of
MIME_DECODED_LINE_BREAK. For MimeEncodeNoCRLF InputByteCount must be a
multiple of 3 if used repeatedly, like in MimeEncodeStreamNoCRLF. In
addition, a multiple of 4 makes sure memory is properly aligned. The factor
16 just enlarges BUFFER_SIZE to a decent value. }

MIME_ENCODE_TABLE : array[0..63] of Byte = (
065, 066, 067, 068, 069, 070, 071, 072, // 00 - 07
073, 074, 075, 076, 077, 078, 079, 080, // 08 - 15
081, 082, 083, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, // 16 - 23
089, 090, 097, 098, 099, 100, 101, 102, // 24 - 31
103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, // 32 - 39
111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, // 40 - 47
119, 120, 121, 122, 048, 049, 050, 051, // 48 - 55
052, 053, 054, 055, 056, 057, 043, 047)
// 56 - 63

MIME_PAD_CHAR = Byte ('=');

MIME_DECODE_TABLE : array[Byte] of Cardinal = (
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 00 - 07
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 08 - 15
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 16 - 23
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 24 - 31
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 32 - 39
255, 255, 255, 062, 255, 255, 255, 063, // 40 - 47
052, 053, 054, 055, 056, 057, 058, 059, // 48 - 55
060, 061, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 56 - 63
255, 000, 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, // 64 - 71
007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014, // 72 - 79
015, 016, 017, 018, 019, 020, 021, 022, // 80 - 87
023, 024, 025, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 88 - 95
255, 026, 027, 028, 029, 030, 031, 032, // 96 - 103
033, 034, 035, 036, 037, 038, 039, 040, // 104 - 111
041, 042, 043, 044, 045, 046, 047, 048, // 112 - 119
049, 050, 051, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 120 - 127
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255);

PByte4 = ^TByte4;
TByte4 = packed record
b1: Byte;
b2: Byte;
b3: Byte;
b4: Byte;

PByte3 = ^TByte3;
TByte3 = packed record
b1: Byte;
b2: Byte;
b3: Byte;

{ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ String Encoding &amp
{ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }

function MimeEncodeString (const s: AnsiString): AnsiString;
l : Cardinal;
if Pointer (s) <> nil then
l := Cardinal (Pointer (Cardinal (s) - 4)^);
SetLength (Result, MimeEncodedSize (l));
MimeEncode (Pointer (s)^, l, Pointer (Result)^);
Result := '';

{ ---------- }

function MimeEncodeStringNoCRLF (const s: AnsiString): AnsiString;
l : Cardinal;
if Pointer (s) <> nil then
l := Cardinal (Pointer (Cardinal (s) - 4)^);
SetLength (Result, MimeEncodedSizeNoCRLF (l));
MimeEncodeNoCRLF (Pointer (s)^, l, Pointer (Result)^);
Result := '';

{ ---------- }

function MimeDecodeString (const s: AnsiString): AnsiString;
ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal;
l : Cardinal;
if Pointer (s) <> nil then
l := Cardinal (Pointer (Cardinal (s) - 4)^);
SetLength (Result, (l + 3) div 4 * 3);
ByteBuffer := 0;
ByteBufferSpace := 4;
l := MimeDecodePartial (Pointer (s)^, l, Pointer (Result)^, ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace);
Inc (l, MimeDecodePartialEnd (Pointer (Cardinal (Result) + l)^, ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace));
SetLength (Result, l);
Result := '';

{ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ Stream Encoding &amp
{ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }

procedure MimeEncodeStream (const InputStream: TStream
const OutputStream: TStream);
InputBuffer : array[0..BUFFER_SIZE - 1] of Byte;
OutputBuffer : array[0.. (BUFFER_SIZE + 2) div 3 * 4 + BUFFER_SIZE div MIME_DECODED_LINE_BREAK * 2 - 1] of Byte;
BytesRead : Cardinal;
IDelta, ODelta : Cardinal;
BytesRead := InputStream.Read (InputBuffer, SizeOf (InputBuffer));

while BytesRead = SizeOf (InputBuffer) do
MimeEncodeFullLines (InputBuffer, SizeOf (InputBuffer), OutputBuffer);
OutputStream.Write (OutputBuffer, SizeOf (OutputBuffer));
BytesRead := InputStream.Read (InputBuffer, SizeOf (InputBuffer));

MimeEncodeFullLines (InputBuffer, BytesRead, OutputBuffer);

// Number of lines processed.
ODelta := IDelta * (MIME_ENCODED_LINE_BREAK + 2);
MimeEncodeNoCRLF (Pointer (Cardinal (@InputBuffer) + IDelta)^, BytesRead - IDelta, Pointer (Cardinal (@OutputBuffer) + ODelta)^);

OutputStream.Write (OutputBuffer, MimeEncodedSize (BytesRead));

{ ---------- }

procedure MimeEncodeStreamNoCRLF (const InputStream: TStream
const OutputStream: TStream);
InputBuffer : array[0..BUFFER_SIZE - 1] of Byte;
OutputBuffer : array[0.. ((BUFFER_SIZE + 2) div 3) * 4 - 1] of Byte;
BytesRead : Cardinal;
BytesRead := InputStream.Read (InputBuffer, SizeOf (InputBuffer));
while BytesRead = SizeOf (InputBuffer) do
MimeEncodeNoCRLF (InputBuffer, SizeOf (InputBuffer), OutputBuffer);
OutputStream.Write (OutputBuffer, SizeOf (OutputBuffer));
BytesRead := InputStream.Read (InputBuffer, SizeOf (InputBuffer));

MimeEncodeNoCRLF (InputBuffer, BytesRead, OutputBuffer);
OutputStream.Write (OutputBuffer, (BytesRead + 2) div 3 * 4);

procedure MimeDecodeStream (const InputStream: TStream
const OutputStream: TStream);
ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal;
InputBuffer : array[0..BUFFER_SIZE - 1] of Byte;
OutputBuffer : array[0.. (BUFFER_SIZE + 3) div 4 * 3 - 1] of Byte;
BytesRead : Cardinal;
ByteBuffer := 0;
ByteBufferSpace := 4;
BytesRead := InputStream.Read (InputBuffer, SizeOf (InputBuffer));
while BytesRead > 0 do
OutputStream.Write (OutputBuffer, MimeDecodePartial (InputBuffer, BytesRead, OutputBuffer, ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace));
BytesRead := InputStream.Read (InputBuffer, SizeOf (InputBuffer));
OutputStream.Write (OutputBuffer, MimeDecodePartialEnd (OutputBuffer, ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace));

procedure DecodeHttpBasicAuthentication (const BasicCredentials: AnsiString
out UserId, PassWord: AnsiString);
LBasic = 6
{ Length ('Basic ') }
DecodedPtr, p : PAnsiChar;
i, l : Cardinal;
p := Pointer (BasicCredentials);
if p = nil then goto Fail;

l := Cardinal (Pointer (p - 4)^);
if l <= LBasic then goto Fail;

Dec (l, LBasic);
Inc (p, LBasic);

GetMem (DecodedPtr, (l + 3) div 4 * 3 { MimeDecodedSize (l) });
l := MimeDecode (p^, l, DecodedPtr^);

{ Look for colon. }
i := 0;
p := DecodedPtr;
while (l > 0) and (p <> ':') do
Inc (i);
Dec (l);

{ Store UserId and Password. }
SetString (UserId, DecodedPtr, i);
if l > 1 then
SetString (PassWord, DecodedPtr + i + 1, l - 1)
PassWord := '';

FreeMem (DecodedPtr);

UserId := '';
PassWord := '';

{ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ Size Functions
{ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }

function MimeEncodedSize (const i: Cardinal): Cardinal;
Result := (i + 2) div 3 * 4 + (i - 1) div MIME_DECODED_LINE_BREAK * 2;

function MimeEncodedSizeNoCRLF (const i: Cardinal): Cardinal;
Result := (i + 2) div 3 * 4;

function MimeDecodedSize (const i: Cardinal): Cardinal;
Result := (i + 3) div 4 * 3;

{ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ Encoding Core
{ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }

procedure MimeEncode (const InputBuffer
const InputByteCount: Cardinal
out OutputBuffer);
IDelta, ODelta : Cardinal;
MimeEncodeFullLines (InputBuffer, InputByteCount, OutputBuffer);
IDelta := InputByteCount div MIME_DECODED_LINE_BREAK
// Number of lines processed so far.
ODelta := IDelta * (MIME_ENCODED_LINE_BREAK + 2);
MimeEncodeNoCRLF (Pointer (Cardinal (@InputBuffer) + IDelta)^, InputByteCount - IDelta, Pointer (Cardinal (@OutputBuffer) + ODelta)^);

procedure MimeEncodeFullLines (const InputBuffer
const InputByteCount: Cardinal
out OutputBuffer);
b, OuterLimit : Cardinal;
InPtr, InnerLimit : ^Byte;
OutPtr : PByte4;
if InputByteCount = 0 then Exit;
InPtr := @InputBuffer;
OutPtr := @OutputBuffer;

InnerLimit := InPtr;
Inc (Cardinal (InnerLimit), MIME_DECODED_LINE_BREAK);

OuterLimit := Cardinal (InPtr);
Inc (OuterLimit, InputByteCount);

{ Multiple line loop. }
while Cardinal (InnerLimit) <= OuterLimit do

while InPtr <> InnerLimit do
{ Read 3 bytes from InputBuffer. }
b := InPtr^;
b := b shl 8;
Inc (InPtr);
b := b or InPtr^;
b := b shl 8;
Inc (InPtr);
b := b or InPtr^;
Inc (InPtr);
{ Write 4 bytes to OutputBuffer (in reverse order). }
OutPtr^.b4 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[b and $3F];
b := b shr 6;
OutPtr^.b3 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[b and $3F];
b := b shr 6;
OutPtr^.b2 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[b and $3F];
b := b shr 6;
Inc (OutPtr);
{ Write line break (CRLF). }
OutPtr^.b1 := 13;
OutPtr^.b2 := 10;
Inc (Cardinal (OutPtr), 2);



{ ---------- }

procedure MimeEncodeNoCRLF (const InputBuffer
const InputByteCount: Cardinal
out OutputBuffer);
b, OuterLimit : Cardinal;
InPtr, InnerLimit : ^Byte;
OutPtr : PByte4;
if InputByteCount = 0 then Exit;
InPtr := @InputBuffer;
OutPtr := @OutputBuffer;

OuterLimit := InputByteCount div 3 * 3;

InnerLimit := @InputBuffer;
Inc (Cardinal (InnerLimit), OuterLimit);

{ Last line loop. }
while InPtr <> InnerLimit do
{ Read 3 bytes from InputBuffer. }
b := InPtr^;
b := b shl 8;
Inc (InPtr);
b := b or InPtr^;
b := b shl 8;
Inc (InPtr);
b := b or InPtr^;
Inc (InPtr);
{ Write 4 bytes to OutputBuffer (in reverse order). }
OutPtr^.b4 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[b and $3F];
b := b shr 6;
OutPtr^.b3 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[b and $3F];
b := b shr 6;
OutPtr^.b2 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[b and $3F];
b := b shr 6;
Inc (OutPtr);

{ End of data &amp
padding. }
case InputByteCount - OuterLimit of
b := InPtr^;
b := b shl 4;
OutPtr.b2 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[b and $3F];
b := b shr 6;
OutPtr.b3 := MIME_PAD_CHAR
{ Pad remaining 2 bytes. }
OutPtr.b4 := MIME_PAD_CHAR;
b := InPtr^;
Inc (InPtr);
b := b shl 8;
b := b or InPtr^;
b := b shl 2;
OutPtr.b3 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[b and $3F];
b := b shr 6;
OutPtr.b2 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[b and $3F];
b := b shr 6;
OutPtr.b4 := MIME_PAD_CHAR
{ Pad remaining byte. }

{ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ Decoding Core
{ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }

function MimeDecode (const InputBuffer
const InputBytesCount: Cardinal
out OutputBuffer): Cardinal;
ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal;
ByteBuffer := 0;
ByteBufferSpace := 4;
Result := MimeDecodePartial (InputBuffer, InputBytesCount, OutputBuffer, ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace);
Inc (Result, MimeDecodePartialEnd (Pointer (Cardinal (@OutputBuffer) + Result)^, ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace));

{ ---------- }

function MimeDecodePartial (const InputBuffer
const InputBytesCount: Cardinal
out OutputBuffer
var ByteBuffer: Cardinal
var ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal): Cardinal;
lByteBuffer, lByteBufferSpace, c: Cardinal;
InPtr, OuterLimit : ^Byte;
OutPtr : PByte3;
if InputBytesCount > 0 then
InPtr := @InputBuffer;
Cardinal (OuterLimit) := Cardinal (InPtr) + InputBytesCount;
OutPtr := @OutputBuffer;
lByteBuffer := ByteBuffer;
lByteBufferSpace := ByteBufferSpace;
while InPtr <> OuterLimit do
{ Read from InputBuffer. }
Inc (InPtr);
if c = $FF then Continue;
lByteBuffer := lByteBuffer shl 6;
lByteBuffer := lByteBuffer or c;
Dec (lByteBufferSpace);
{ Have we read 4 bytes from InputBuffer? }
if lByteBufferSpace <> 0 then Continue;

{ Write 3 bytes to OutputBuffer (in reverse order). }
OutPtr^.b3 := Byte (lByteBuffer);
lByteBuffer := lByteBuffer shr 8;
OutPtr^.b2 := Byte (lByteBuffer);
lByteBuffer := lByteBuffer shr 8;
OutPtr^.b1 := Byte (lByteBuffer);
lByteBuffer := 0;
Inc (OutPtr);
lByteBufferSpace := 4;
ByteBuffer := lByteBuffer;
ByteBufferSpace := lByteBufferSpace;
Result := Cardinal (OutPtr) - Cardinal (@OutputBuffer);
Result := 0;

{ ---------- }

function MimeDecodePartialEnd (out OutputBuffer
const ByteBuffer: Cardinal
const ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal): Cardinal;
lByteBuffer : Cardinal;
case ByteBufferSpace of
lByteBuffer := ByteBuffer shr 2;
PByte3 (@OutputBuffer)^.b2 := Byte (lByteBuffer);
lByteBuffer := lByteBuffer shr 8;
PByte3 (@OutputBuffer)^.b1 := Byte (lByteBuffer);
Result := 2;
lByteBuffer := ByteBuffer shr 4;
PByte3 (@OutputBuffer)^.b1 := Byte (lByteBuffer);
Result := 1;
Result := 0;

