和你建库时的SORT ORDER 有关,下面是从手册中找出的一段
A sort order also determines the sequence of rows in the result set of a query.
The sort orders available depend on the character set you chose. You cannot have different databases with different sort orders on the same server. In addition, you cannot back up and restore databases between servers configured for different sort orders.
Important It is critical that you select the correct sort order when you install SQL Server. If you need to change sort orders after installation, you must rebuild your databases and reload your data.
Here is an example of how the sort order affects comparisons and sorting.
Sort order Comparison examples Sorting example
Dictionary order, case-insensitive A = a,
Binary A <> a,
Dictionary order, case-sensitive A <> a
Dictionary order, case-insensitive, uppercase preference A = a
Dictionary order, case-insensitive, accent-insensitive A = a