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发信人: merced (mimi), 信区: Delphi
标 题: Comdex大展上Inprise的Linux开发工具
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Sun Nov 21 12:09:54 1999)

LinuxExpo - The show within the show
by John Kaster

It's Wednesday night in the middle of COMDEX week, and I'm waiting for
my flight back home, so I thought I'd record my impressions of
LinuxExpo while they're fresh in my mind.

As J.D. Hildebrand has mentioned in his Developer News article, COMDEX
is huge. It is so large that COMDEX isn't really one show;
actually several different shows, all occuring at the same time. This
year, we had our Inprise/Borland booth inside LinuxExpo, showcasing
our current and imminent support for the Linux platform.

Voted Most Popular in the Class
Demand and excitement for any news of our support for Linux is high,
and it is clear that we need todo
a better job of letting our existing
developer community and the Linux development community know how we
already support Linux, and what we're planning todo
in the near

One developer came rushing up to our head table, exclaiming "Tell me
Delphi is available!"

So, I said "Delphi is available!"

"On Linux?" he asked

I replied, "No, you didn't ask THAT."

Do you want the good news first or the bad news first?
The availability of Delphi on Linux is the number one question we are
being asked by the attendees at the show. We are planning to support
all our development tools on Linux. Interbase is already available for
Linux, and in fact has been available for quite a while. We recently
shipped Visibroker for Linux as well. JBuilder for Linux was being
demonstrated at the show, and will ship shortly after a stable JDK for
Linux is available. JBuilder for Linux will be very similar to JBuilder
3 for Solaris, which was released this quarter.

When I told one developer we were indeed working on Delphi for Linux
and actually already had both the C++ and Object Pascal compilers
working for it, he said "If you weren't so ugly, I'd kiss you."

I'm not sure, but I think that meant he was pretty happy. Whether or
not I am indeed kissable is a matter I intend to take up with my wife.

We have actually previously announced that we are working on Delphi and
C++ Builder for Linux, but most people at the show evidently missed the
press release. The project is code named Kylix, and you can see the
Kylix press release on the Borland web site.

Here's some of the typical questions asked at LinuxExpo, and the
answers to them. Although the details of the answer are subject to
change, this is at least an attempt to let our developer know what we
are planning for Linux support in Delphi and C++ Builder.

Is Kylix "Delphi for Linux"?

Kylix is the project to develop both Delphi and C++Builder for Linux.
Kylix will have a feature set very similar to the Windows versions of
Delphi and C++Builder.

When did the Kylix project begin

The Kylix project began in Spring 1999 at about the time of the first
Linux World conference. The project began in a mostly research phase,
but some development such as the primary backend compiler work also
began in Spring 1999. The project was switched from a research project
to a development project by Dale Fuller, the interim Inprise CEO, in
the summer of 1999.

When will Kylix be available?

The products that will come out of the Kylix project are expected to be
available around mid 2000. More exact timeframes will be disclosed as
the project moves along.

Why are you announcing the Kylix project this far in advance?

While it's Borland's historical operating mode to be generally "tight
lipped" about products in development, there has been a greater than
usual degree of speculation and rumor about Delphi and C++Builder for
Linux. We're very happy to see the Linux development community and the
Windows development community this excited about the prospect of Delphi
and C++Builder for Linux and we want to provide some facts to clear up,
dispell, and confirm some of the rumor and speculation, and begin
planning of application development projects for 2000.

Is Kylix a native Linux development tool?

Definitely. Native rapid application development is the primary goal of
the Kylix project. A completely new ultra high performance Linux native
code compiler is under development specifically for the Kylix project.
Also, a new native Linux Visual Component Library (VCL) is under
development to provide a fully component-based abstraction to the Linux
operating system, GUI, Internet and database access.

Is the Kylix VCL compatible with the Delphi and C++Builder VCL?

Yes, with qualifications. The new Linux VCL architecture is based on
the Delphi and C++Builder VCL architecture. The orginal VCL was
designed as a component framework deeply abstracting the Windows
operating system in order to radically simplify Windows development.
The new Linux VCL is based on the same architecture but some
differences in the underlying operating system and graphics subsystems
will surface as minor differences between the two VCLs.

Which GUI toolkit will the Linux VCL based on?

There are several GUI toolkits currently being evaluated. Details on
GUI toolkits will be disclosed at a later date. It is Borland's belief
and goal that there should be greater interoperability both visually
and technically between GUI toolkits and Borland will be taking steps
in this direction.

Which Linux Desktop, KDE or GNOME, will Kylix apps work with?

Kylix generated apps will operate perfectly under either KDE or GNOME.
The amount of desktop support directly encapsulated in Kylix has not
yet been determined. It's Borland's intention to provide as much
cross-desktop support as possible to the developer.

Will I be able to recompile a Delphi for Windows app under Kylix?

Many basic applications will simply recompile - a form and button
"hello world" application for example. However, most applications will
likely require some modifications in order to compile with Kylix.
Though some source changes may be necessary, porting from Windows to
Linux with Delphi, C++Builder, and Kylix will by far be the fastest and
easiest way to build native applications for both platforms.

Will Kylix be both Delphi and C++Builder in the same IDE?

The Kylix project is being developed to support both Delphi and C/C++
RAD development. While it is initially intended that both languages be
supported or able to be supported in the same development e nvironment,
how the tools are packaged has yet to be determined.

How will Kylix be priced?

We haven't decided that yet.

Are you concerned whether there is a market for commercial products on

Our research has shown great demand for tools like Delphi and
C++Builder on Linux. Our research has also shown that developers are
eager to purchase high quality, high performance, supported development

Which Linux distributions will Kylix and Kylix generated applications

Kylix and Kylix generated applications will support the major Linux
distributions in 2000, including Red Hat Linux and Corel Linux. Other
major distibutions to be supported in the first release will be
announced at a later date.

Is Kylix an Open Source project?

While the Kylix project itself is not being developed in an Open Source
model, it is a top requirement that developers be able to use Kylix to
develop both Open Source and proprietary applicaitons. To accomplish
this may require that some portions of the Kylix project itself be
released under an Open Source license. These details are currently
under investigation.

How far along is the Kylix project?

All areas of the Kylix project - compilers, VCL, IDE, database
connectivity - are well underway.

When will we be able to see Kylix?

We expect to publicly demonstrate Kylix in early 2000. Exact dates and
events will be disclosed as we know them.

When will the Kylix beta be available and how can I get on the beta

Information on the Kylix beta schedule has not yet been released. To
get on the Kylix Beta invite list please send email to
KylixBeta@borland.com - be sure to include your name, contact phone,
address and fax number.

What databases will be supported in Kylix?

The R&D team is currently working on MySQL and Interbase support. Other
major databases will be supported and announced before Kylix is

Will a Linux BDE be included in Kylix?

It has not yet been determined whether or not the BDE, with support for
Paradox and Dbase, will be available in Kylix.

Will developers have to learn a new data access model?

No, the primary data access model in Kylix will be Midas for Local,
Client/Server, and Multi-tier Distributed database access. This will
allow desktop and Web applications to seamlessly scale from local to
distributed data models as needs dictate. So if developer use datasets
and Midas today, little if anything will appear to have changed with
Kylix. A new cross-platform data access layer will sit under Midas
providing thin high-performance, easily distributable and easily
maintainable data access.

Will Kylix support Interfaces for Delphi development?

Yes, Interfaces are supported and will work exactly the same in Kylix
as in Delphi. Therefore instances may be created directly or with a
call to QueryInterface. The Delphi Interface language features were
designed to support COM, but are implemented independently of COM.
Therefore Kylix will not support Dispinterface or the Dual-interface
mechanism that allows Interfaces to be invoked remotely via COM. There
are several 3rd party implementations of COM remoting on Linux so the
mechanism in the compiler will be available but a default
implementation will not be provided.

How is Kylix different than other commercial and open source
development tools for Linux?

While tools such as GCC, Emacs, MetroWerks Code Warrior, and Cygnus
Code Fusion are well suited for system level development, rebuilding
the Linux kernel for example, Kylix is focused on building high
performance native Linux applications. The Kylix development
environment takes the traditional "Compiler/Editor/Debugger" to a
completely different level by radically simplifying the multitude of
complex application technologies such as GUI (Graphical User
Interface), database, Internet, client/server, and distributed object

That's about all the questions I can remember, so I'll move on to the
rest of the show.

[31m※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站 bbs.net.tsinghua.edu.cn·[FROM: tec1.cs.tsinghu]
好消息. 可惜太遥远了.
主要就是Kylix是ide的c++/delphi for linux, 99年春开始实施, 99年夏开始工作,
预计2000年初可以demo, 2000年中可以release. 它可以兼容一部分win的程序, 只
需重新编译, 大部分都要修改一下原码. 也是用的vcl技术, 第一版支持redhat/corel,
支持kde/gnome, 有可能开放部分原码.
不是免费的, 具体可以在inprise主页中查询kylix.

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