下面是我摘自sdk上的一段:<br>据我理解:只要将调用cursor的计数器减少到0,则cursor在所有窗口内都不会显示<br>若要显示的话,再将计数器还原则可<br>======================================原文如下:<br>The ShowCursor function displays or hides the cursor. <br>int ShowCursor(<br> BOOL bShow // cursor visibility flag <br> <br>Parameters<br>bShow<br>Specifies whether the internal display counter is to be incremented or decremented. If bShow is TRUE, the display count is incremented by one. If bShow is FALSE, the display count is decremented by one. <br>Return Values<br>The return value specifies the new display counter. <br>Remarks<br>This function sets an internal display counter that determines <br>whether the cursor should be displayed. The cursor is displayed <br>only if the display count is greater than or equal to 0.<br> If a mouse is installed, the initial display count is 0. <br>If no mouse is installed, the display count is -1.