Adding Files
The command format is:
winzip[32].exe [-min] action [options] filename[.zip] files
-min specifies that WinZip should run minimized. If -min is specified, it must be the first command line parameter.
-a for add, -f for freshen, -u for update, and -m for move. These actions correspond to the actions described in the section titled "Adding files to an Archive" in the online manual.
-r and -p correspond to the "Recurse Directories" and "Save Extra Directory Info" checkboxes in the Add and Drop dialog boxes. -ex, -en, -ef, -es, and -e0 options determine the compression method: eXtra, Normal, Fast, Super fast, and no compression. The default is "Normal". -hs includes hidden and system files. Use -sPassword to specify a case-sensitive password. The password can be enclosed in quotes, for example, -s"Secret Password".
Specifies the name of the Zip file involved. Be sure to use the full filename (including the directory).
Is a list of one or more files, or the @ character followed by the filename containing a list of files to add, one filename per line. Wildcards (e.g. *.bak) are allowed.
Extracting Files
The command format is:
winzip[32].exe -e [options] filename[.zip] directory
Is required.
-o and -j stand for "Overwrite existing files without prompting" and "Junk pathnames", respectively. Unless -j is specified, directory information is used. Use -sPassword to specify a case-sensitive password. The password can be enclosed in quotes, for example, -s"Secret Password".
Specifies the name of the Zip file involved. Be sure to specify the full filename (including the directory).
Is the name of the directory to which the files are extracted. If the directory does not exist it is created