
  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 forest gun
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forest gun

Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!
Server Install
1. The Server machine can be configured with either User-Level or Share-level access. To view or change this setting., run the Network applet from the Control Panel and then
select the Access Control Page.
User-Level: If you have a Windows NT server available for name authen
tication, select User-Level access and specify the appropriate NT server that will provide user and group validation.
Share-Level: In order to use DCOM without an NT server, you must specify Share-level Access.
2. Install DCOM for win9x.
3. These steps only need to bedo
ne if you are using User-Level access:
a. Install Dcomcnfg for win95.
b. Rundo
cmcnfg, Select the Default Security page an press the Edit Default button. In the Access Permissions dialog, Grant Access to anyone that will need access to this server application. Alternatively, you can wait until after you've installed the server application and attributes. Typically, you will grant Access to "The World".
For NT systems, you will grant access to Everyone.
c. Select the application. Press the properties button. On the identity tab, select "Interactive user". Or, assign a user that will have rights to access this NT machine.
d. Make sure you have the System account assigned to all access permissions(access, launch and configure).
4. Enable the Guest account for the NT machine in User Manager. Highlight the Guest account and select then
menu item User|Properties. The checkbox "Account Disabled" must be cleared.
5.Add/change the following registry values to HKLM/Software/Microsoft/OLE:
a. EnagleRemoteConnect="Y"
b. LegacyAuthen