L LeeChange Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2001-10-10 #2 for i:=0 to ComponentCount-1 do if (Components is TXXX) then
叶 叶不归 Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2001-10-10 #3 for i:=0 to ComponentCount-1 do if (Components is TXXX) then 加一个 (Components as TXXX).Caption := ...
F Fucool Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2001-10-10 #4 For i:=0 to componentcount-1 do if (Component is TLabelededit) then begin (controls as TLabelededit).Color:=colorbox1.Selected ; end else begin showmessage('对不起,没有相关的控件。'); end; 还不能通过,为什么
For i:=0 to componentcount-1 do if (Component is TLabelededit) then begin (controls as TLabelededit).Color:=colorbox1.Selected ; end else begin showmessage('对不起,没有相关的控件。'); end; 还不能通过,为什么