The type for event handlers that respond when a Windows socket reports an error.
TErrorEvent = (eeGeneral, eeSend, eeReceive, eeConnect, eeDisconnect, eeAccept);
TSocketErrorEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket;
ErrorEvent: TErrorEvent; var ErrorCode: Integer) of object;
The Sender parameter is the socket component that encountered the error.
The Socket parameter is the TCustomWinSocket object that receives the error notification.
The ErrorCode parameter is the error code returned by the Windows socket API
call. Changing this to 0 within an error handler prevents an exception from being raised.
The ErrorEvent parameter indicates what Socket was attempting to do when the
error occurred. It is of type TErrorEvent, which can have any of the following values:
Value Meaning
eeGeneral The socket received an error message that does not fit into
any of the following categories.
eeSend An error occurred when trying to write to the socket connection.
eeReceive An error occurred when trying to read from the socket connection.
eeConnect A connection request that was already accepted could not be completed.
eeDisconnect An error occurred when trying to close a connection.
eeAccept A problem occurred when trying to accept a client connection request.