T todennis Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2001-09-20 #1 请问如何将数据库为Paradox的内容按一定的格式转换为文本文件? 例如: |123|ABC|666667| |125|dbg|678994| |128|fhh|994355|
D Derlin Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2001-09-20 #2 var f : TextFile; begin AssignFile(f,'d:/text.txt'); with table1 do begin if not active then active := true; first; while not eof do begin writeln(f,fields[0].asstring,fields[1].asstring,fields[2].asstring); next; end; end; end;
var f : TextFile; begin AssignFile(f,'d:/text.txt'); with table1 do begin if not active then active := true; first; while not eof do begin writeln(f,fields[0].asstring,fields[1].asstring,fields[2].asstring); next; end; end; end;