Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!
Warning 120: The group Help Files is not assigned to any component.
Warning 120: The group Sample Files is not assigned to any component.
Warning 120: The group System Files - WinSysDir is not assigned to any component.
Warning 120: The group BDE/IDAPI Files is not assigned to any component.
Warning 120: The group BDE/IDAPI CNF File is not assigned to any component.
Warning 120: The group ClientSetup is not assigned to any component.
Warning 120: The group Sample Files is not assigned to any component.
Warning 120: The group System Files - WinSysDir is not assigned to any component.
Warning 120: The group BDE/IDAPI Files is not assigned to any component.
Warning 120: The group BDE/IDAPI CNF File is not assigned to any component.
Warning 120: The group ClientSetup is not assigned to any component.