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function FmtLoadStr(Ident: Integer
const Args: array of const): string
FmtLoadStr loads a string from a program's resource string table and uses that
string, plus the Args array, as a parameter to Format. Ident is the string
resource ID of the desired format string.
您能详细解释一下 Ident 参数吗?我有本参考书有如下两句:
1." Source:=FileOpen(FileName,fmShareDenyWrite);
if Source<0 then
raise EFOpenError.Create(FmtLoadStr(SFOpenError,[FileName]));
2." Dest:=FileCreate(Destination);
if Dest<0 then
raise EFOpenError.Create(FmtLoadStr(SFCreateError,[Destination]));
其中:Indent 参数分别用实参 SFOpenError、SFCreateError 代入。但是编译是通不过的,
编译器不认得这两个单词,而且在Delphi help中也根本没这两个作为实参的"string
resource ID",估计这两个实参不是Delphi中预定义的。我认为是这两个实参印错了,但
const Args: array of const): string
FmtLoadStr loads a string from a program's resource string table and uses that
string, plus the Args array, as a parameter to Format. Ident is the string
resource ID of the desired format string.
您能详细解释一下 Ident 参数吗?我有本参考书有如下两句:
1." Source:=FileOpen(FileName,fmShareDenyWrite);
if Source<0 then
raise EFOpenError.Create(FmtLoadStr(SFOpenError,[FileName]));
2." Dest:=FileCreate(Destination);
if Dest<0 then
raise EFOpenError.Create(FmtLoadStr(SFCreateError,[Destination]));
其中:Indent 参数分别用实参 SFOpenError、SFCreateError 代入。但是编译是通不过的,
编译器不认得这两个单词,而且在Delphi help中也根本没这两个作为实参的"string
resource ID",估计这两个实参不是Delphi中预定义的。我认为是这两个实参印错了,但