you can go through windows registry 注册表, this is Tregistry type in delphi you <br>can use openkey to locate a specify key, i make a component use 嵌套 to find<br>a specify key. this is a websit you can find out info about registry, further you <br>can send me email for that component.<br><br>solution<br><br>run regedit<br>USE find to find modem (just type modem) it will bring anything about modem,<br><br>(usally modem is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/ENUM/PCI/)<br> like <br>which com port that modem is connect with. you can go to<br><br>that code can find out which com port is connet with modem<br>i put my source code there then you can Send AT command to that port see if <br>you can got reply. if not that mean you drop of connection<br><br>