A JavaBean and Server Bean,more commonly known as an Enterprise JavaBean(EJB),have some
basic similarities.They are objects or components created with a set of characterristics
their own specific job.They also have the ability to take on other characteristics from
the container on the server in which they currently reside.This enables a bean to behave
differently,depending on the specific job and enviroment where it is placed.
A JavaBean is a component that has interfaces in it or properties associated with
it so it can be interrogated by and integrated with other beans that were developed
by different people at different times.you can build a bean and tie it together with other
beans later at construction time.Java Beans are intended to be local to a sing process
and they are often visible are runtime.This visual componet may be a button so on...
Server Beans or EJBs are executable components or business objects deployed on the
server.They have a protocol that allows them to be accessed remotely.This protocol
allows them to installed or deployed on a particular server.They get their behavior from
being installed in a container.Containers provide the different qulities of service,so selecting the right
EJB Server is critical.A EJB is non-visual,remote object designed to run on a server
and be invoked by clients.