Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!
1 Turn on debugging information using the Compiler tab on the
Project|Options dialog box, if necessary. Also, turn on Integrated
Debugging in the Tools|Debugger Options dialog.
2 Choose Run|Parameters, type the name of your Web Server
in the Host Application box, and choose OK.
//这个”Web Server“ 是什么?IIs,pws?
3 Choose Run|Run.
4 Set breakpoints in the Active Server Page.
//" Active Server Page."是建Aspobject的那个test.asp?
5 Use the Web browser to interact with the Active Server Page.
1 Turn on debugging information using the Compiler tab on the
Project|Options dialog box, if necessary. Also, turn on Integrated
Debugging in the Tools|Debugger Options dialog.
2 Choose Run|Parameters, type the name of your Web Server
in the Host Application box, and choose OK.
//这个”Web Server“ 是什么?IIs,pws?
3 Choose Run|Run.
4 Set breakpoints in the Active Server Page.
//" Active Server Page."是建Aspobject的那个test.asp?
5 Use the Web browser to interact with the Active Server Page.