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' ====================================================
' A demo of a dozen undocumented Shell32.dll functions
' ====================================================
' Brought to you by:
' Brad Martinez
' btmtz@msn.com
' btmtz@aol.com
' http://members.aol.com/btmtz/vb
' This demo would not have happened if it weren't for the function prototypes
' found at Chris Becke's site:
' http://www.dbn.lia.net/chris/ <chris@dbn.lia.net>
' I thank him for making this information available.
' ====================================================
' All of the Shell32.dll functions demonstrated are exported only by ordinal
' (NONAME) and are not know to be documented by Microsoft. As a result,
' they are most likely not supported by Microsoft and may very well not be
' included in future versions of Shell32.dll. Use them at your own risk.
' Each function's syntax and description was derived and tested solely by
' the author. The functions were also renamed from what may have been
' their original exported name in the debug version of the library, to slightly
' more intuitive names (since only the ordinals are shown in an export dump
' of Shell32.dll). It is suggested that developers who decide to implement
' these functions, maintain the names that are used here to avoid confusion.
' Here is the list:
' Ord Hidden name param bytes Renamed to
' === ========== ========= =========
' 59 _RestartDialog 12 SHRestartSystemMB
' 60 ? 4 SHShutDownDialog
' 61 ? 24 SHRunDialog
' 62 _PickIconDlg 16 SHChangeIconDialog
' 31 _PathFindExtension 4 SHGetExtension
' 32 _PathAddBackslash 4 SHAddBackslash
' 34 _PathFindFileName 4 SHGetFileName
' 40 _PathIsRelative 4 SHPathIsRelative
' 43 _PathIsExe 4 SHPathIsExe
' 45 _PathFileExists 4 SHFileExists
' 52 _PathGetArgs 4 SHGetPathArgs
' 92 _PathGetintPath 4 SHGetShortPathName
' IMPORTANT NOTE: Unlike most documented Win32 API functions, the
' functions that accept string parameters (all but SHShutDownDialog),
' expect strings in either the ANSII or Unicode character set, depending
' on the Windows platform the function is called from (i.e. no separate
' ANSII "A" or Wide "W" function versions).
' In order for a function to return an accurate value (and reduce the potential
' for a fatal exception), the function must be passed ANSII strings when
' called in Win95, and must be passed Unicode strings when called in WinNT.
' Note the explicit use of the global "g_fIsWinNT" flag throughout the demo
' and the corresponding call to VB's StrConv function (equivalent to using the
' MultiByteToWideChar API) that converts ANSII strings to their Unicode
' equivalent when g_fIsWinNT evaluates to True.
' If it is found that any of the information in this demo proves to be inaccurate
' or incomplete, the author would appreciate notification at either of the email
' addresses above so that it can be corrected.
' Thanks and enjoy, Brad Martinez
' Developed and tested with VB4.0a-32 on both Win95 v4.00.950a and WinNT
' v4.0 Server SP2.
' ======================================================
' Dialog functions (sorted by ordinal):
' ======================================================
' The "System Settings Change" message box.
' ("You must restart your computer before the new settings will take effect.")
Declare Function SHRestartSystemMB Lib "shell32" Alias "#59" _
(ByVal hOwner As Long, _
ByVal sPrompt As String, _
ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long
' hOwner = Message box owner, specify 0 for desktop (will be top-level)
' sPrompt = Specified prompt string placed above the default prompt.
' uFlags = Can be the following values:
' WinNT
' Appears to use ExitWindowsEx uFlags values and behave accordingly:
Public Const EWX_LOGOFF = 0
Public Const EWX_SHUTDOWN = 1 ' NT: needs SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege (no def prompt)
Public Const EWX_REBOOT = 2 ' NT: needs SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege
Public Const EWX_FORCE = 4
Public Const EWX_POWEROFF = 8 ' NT: needs SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege
' Win95
' Any Yes selection produces the eqivalent to ExitWindowsEx(EWX_FORCE, 0) (?)
' Other than is noted below, it was found that any other value shuts the system down
' (no reboot) and includes the default prompt.
' Shuts the system down (no reboot) and does not include the default prompt:
Public Const shrsExitNoDefPrompt = 1
' Reboots the system and includes the default prompt.
Public Const shrsRebootSystem = 2 ' = EWX_REBOOT
' Rtn vals: Yes = 6 (vbYes), No = 7 (vbNo)
' The Shut Down dialog via the Start menu
Declare Function SHShutDownDialog Lib "shell32" Alias "#60" _
(ByVal YourGuess As Long) As Long
' The Run dialog via the Start menu
Declare Function SHRunDialog Lib "shell32" Alias "#61" _
(ByVal hOwner As Long, _
ByVal Unknown1 As Long, _
ByVal Unknown2 As Long, _
ByVal szTitle As String, _
ByVal szPrompt As String, _
ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long
' hOwner = Dialog owner, specify 0 for desktop (will be top-level)
' Unknown1 = ?
' Unknown2 = ?, non-zero causes gpf! strings are ok...(?)
' szTitle = Dialog title, specify vbNullString for default ("Run")
' szPrompt = Dialog prompt, specify vbNullString for default ("Type the name...")
' If uFlags is the following constant, the string from last program run
' will not appear in the dialog's combo box (that's all I found...)
Public Const shrdNoMRUString = &H2 ' 2nd bit is set
' If there is some way to set & rtn the command line, I didn't find it...
' Always returns 0 (?)
' The "Change Icon" dialog.
Declare Function SHChangeIconDialog Lib "shell32" Alias "#62" _
(ByVal hOwner As Long, _
ByVal szFilename As String, _
ByVal Reserved As Long, _
lpIconIndex As Long) As Long
' hOwner = Dialog owner, specify 0 for desktop (will be top-level)
' szFilename = The initially displayed filename, filled on selection.
' Should be allocated to MAX_PATH (260) in order to
' receive the selected filename's path.
' Reserved = ?
' lpIconIndex = Pointer to the initially displayed filename's icon index,
' and is filled on icon selection.
' Rtns non-zero on select, zero if cancelled.
' ======================================================
' Path functions (sorted by ordinal):
' ======================================================
' Rtns pointer to the last dot in szPath and the string following it.
' (includes the dot with the extension)
' Rtns 0 if szPath contains no dot.
' For the function to succeed, szPath should be null terminated
' and be allocated to MAX_PATH bytes (260).
' Does not check szPath for validity.
' (could be called "GetStrAtLastDot")
Declare Function SHGetExtension Lib "shell32" Alias "#31" _
(ByVal szPath As String) As Long
' Inserts a backslash before the first null char in szPath.
' szPath is unchanged if it already contains a backslash
' before the first null char or contains no null char at all.
' Rtn pointer to?
' Does not check szPath for validity.
' (the name almost fits...)
Declare Function SHAddBackslash Lib "shell32" Alias "#32" _
(ByVal szPath As String) As Long
' Rtn a pointer to the string in szPath after the last backslash.
' Rtns 0 if szPath contains no backslash or no char follows the last backslash.
' For the function to succeed, szPath should be null terminated
' and be allocated to MAX_PATH bytes (260).
' Does not check szPath for validity.
' (could be called "GetStrAfterLastBackslash")
Declare Function SHGetFileName Lib "shell32" Alias "#34" _
(ByVal szPath As String) As Long
' Rtns non-zero if szPath does not evaluate to a UNC path.
' (if either the first char is not a backslash "/" or the 2nd char is not a colon ":")
' Does not check szPath for validity.
' (the name almost fits...)
Declare Function SHPathIsRelative Lib "shell32" Alias "#40" _
(ByVal szPath As String) As Long
' Rtns non-zero if szPath has an executable extension.
' (if last 4 char are either ".exe", ".com", ".bat" or ".pif")
' Does not check szPath for validity.
' (could be called "HasExeExtension")
Declare Function SHPathIsExe Lib "shell32" Alias "#43" _
(ByVal szPath As String) As Long
' Rtns non-zero if szPath is valid absolute UNC path.
' Accepts file, folder or network paths.
' Rtns True for a relative path only if it exists in the curdir.
' (the name actually fits...)
Declare Function SHFileExists Lib "shell32" Alias "#45" _
(ByVal szPath As String) As Long
' Rtns a pointer to the string after first space in szPath.
' Rtns null pointer if szPath contains no space or no char
' following the first space.
' For the function to succeed, szPath should be null terminated
' and be allocated to MAX_PATH bytes (260).
' Does not check szPath for validity.
' (could be called "GetStrAfterFirstSpace")
Declare Function SHGetPathArgs Lib "shell32" Alias "#52" _
(ByVal szPath As String) As Long
' Fills szPath w/ it's DOS (8.3) file system string.
' If successful, rtns non-zero (sometimes is a pointer to szPath, sometimes not!)
' Rtns zero if path is invalid.
' szPath must be a valid absolute path.
' Rtns non-zero for a relative path only if it exists in the curdir.
' For the function to work correctly, szPath should be null terminated
' and be allocated to MAX_PATH bytes (260).
' (the name definately fits...)
Declare Function SHGetShortPathName Lib "shell32" Alias "#92" _
(ByVal szPath As String) As Long
' ======================================================
' A few slightly more familiar APIs...
' Maximun long filename path length
Public Const MAX_PATH = 260
Declare Function GetWindowsDirectory Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetWindowsDirectoryA" _
(ByVal lpBuffer As String, _
ByVal nSize As Long) As Long
Declare Function ExtractIconEx Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ExtractIconExA" _
(ByVal lpszFile As String, _
ByVal nIconIndex As Long, _
phiconLarge As Long, _
phiconSmall As Long, _
ByVal nIcons As Long) As Long
Declare Function DrawIconEx Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hDC As Long, _
ByVal xLeft As Long, _
ByVal yTop As Long, _
ByVal hIcon As Long, _
ByVal cxWidth As Long, _
ByVal cyWidth As Long, _
ByVal istepIfAniCur As Long, _
ByVal hbrFlickerFreeDraw As Long, _
ByVal diFlags As Long) As Boolean
' DrawIconEx() diFlags values:
Public Const DI_MASK = &H1
Public Const DI_IMAGE = &H2
Public Const DI_NORMAL = &H3
Public Const DI_COMPAT = &H4
Public Const DI_DEFAULTSIZE = &H8
Declare Function DestroyIcon Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hIcon As Long) As Long
' Terminates sPath w/ null chars making
' the return string MAX_PATH chars long.
Public Function MakeMaxPath(ByVal sPath As String) As String
MakeMaxPath = sPath & String$(MAX_PATH - Len(sPath), 0)
End Function
' ======================================================
' Wrappers for Path functions (see respective API description above):
Public Function GetExtension(sPathIn) As String
Dim sPathOut As String
sPathOut = MakeMaxPath(sPathIn)
If g_fIsWinNT Then sPathOut = StrConv(sPathOut, vbUnicode)
' Does not fill sPathOut w/ ext., just rtns ptr to ext
GetExtension = GetStrFromPtr(SHGetExtension(sPathOut), Len(sPathOut))
End Function
Public Function NormalizePath(sPathIn As String) As String
Dim sPathOut As String
sPathOut = sPathIn & vbNullChar
If g_fIsWinNT Then sPathOut = StrConv(sPathOut, vbUnicode)
SHAddBackslash sPathOut
NormalizePath = GetStrFromBuffer(sPathOut)
End Function
Public Function GetFileName(sPathIn As String) As String
Dim sPathOut As String
sPathOut = MakeMaxPath(sPathIn)
If g_fIsWinNT Then sPathOut = StrConv(sPathOut, vbUnicode)
GetFileName = GetStrFromPtr(SHGetFileName(sPathOut), MAX_PATH)
End Function
Public Function IsPathRelative(sPath As String) As Boolean
If g_fIsWinNT Then
IsPathRelative = SHPathIsRelative(StrConv(sPath, vbUnicode))
IsPathRelative = SHPathIsRelative(sPath)
End If
End Function
Public Function IsPathExe(sPath As String) As Boolean
If g_fIsWinNT Then
IsPathExe = SHPathIsExe(StrConv(sPath, vbUnicode))
IsPathExe = SHPathIsExe(sPath)
End If
End Function
Public Function FileExists(sPath As String) As Boolean
If g_fIsWinNT Then
FileExists = SHFileExists(StrConv(sPath, vbUnicode))
FileExists = SHFileExists(sPath)
End If
End Function
Public Function GetArgs(sPathIn As String) As String
Dim sPathOut As String
sPathOut = MakeMaxPath(sPathIn) ' sPathIn
If g_fIsWinNT Then sPathOut = StrConv(sPathOut, vbUnicode)
GetArgs = GetStrFromPtr(SHGetPathArgs(sPathOut), Len(sPathOut))
End Function
Public Function GetShortPath(sPathIn As String) As String
Dim sPathOut As String
sPathOut = MakeMaxPath(sPathIn) ' path could be longer...!
If g_fIsWinNT Then sPathOut = StrConv(sPathOut, vbUnicode)
SHGetShortPathName sPathOut
GetShortPath = GetStrFromBuffer(sPathOut)
End Function

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