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我也是照着这样做的,可是还是cannot assign a TFont to a TFont。向Dll中传入Screen后,如果子窗体有Toolbar或StatusBar,那铁定出现cannot assign a TFont to a TFont,这使得不相带包编译,又想充分利用Screen对象都无法实现,以下是鬼佬的一个方法,我搞了,不行,不知哪里出了问题====================================================================经验共享: 主程序调用DLL窗体 cannot assign a TFont to a TFont 问题的彻底解决方案 在网上搜索N久,总结并实战出来的经验和大家分享 1、中国的网站链接大多建议的方案是 project-
options选项的packages标签页面勾选 'Buidl with runtime packages' 我个人在D7中测试确实能够解决问题。但是程序发布的时候需要带很多bpl包。 2、在国外网站搜索到另一种解决方案,就是通过修改系统的controls.pas和graphics.pas两个文件来彻底解决上述问题。 具体链接地址为:http://tengco.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!689EE398F7BFBE58!150.entry http://www.delphi3000.com/articles/article_4957.asp?SK= 下面是我的程序做法: 首先、把系统的controls.pas和graphics.pas拷贝到自己的工程目录,并做如下修改 第一步、在controls.pas 的声明部分加入 function GetControlAtom : pointer; 第二步、在controls.pas 的实现部分加入 function GetControlAtom : pointer; begin result := @ControlAtom; end; 第三步、修改graphics.pas的TCanvas.SetFont函数 procedure TCanvas.SetFont(Value: TFont); begin FFont.Assign(Value); end; 给上面的代码加上 try..except保护,编程如下: procedure TCanvas.SetFont(Value: TFont); begin try FFont.Assign(Value); except on Exception do; end; end; 第四步、在DLL工程中引入我们修改好的两个文件; 第五步、DLL工程的初始化 procedure myDllProc(dWseason: DWORD); var p:^word; begin case dWseason of DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: begin oldApp := Application; //保存DLL的Application oldScr := Screen; //保存DLL的Screen p := Controls.GetControlAtom; OldControlAtom := p^; CoInitialize(nil); //使用了ADO控件所以需要调用此方法 end; DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: begin p := Controls.GetControlAtom; p^ := OldControlAtom; application := oldApp; //恢复Dll的Application Screen := oldScr; //恢复Dll的Screen CoUninitialize(); //使用了ADO控件所以需要调用此方法 end; end; end; procedure InitDll(var app:tapplication; var scr:Tscreen; RealControlAtom:integer); var p:^word; begin p := controls.GetControlAtom; if scr 1
nil then screen := scr; application := app; p^ := RealControlAtom; end; library testdll; { Important note about DLL memory management: ShareMem must be the first unit in your library's USES clause AND your project's (select Project-View Source) USES clause if your DLL exports any procedures or functions that pass strings as parameters or function results. This applies to all strings passed to and from your DLL--even those that are nested in records and classes. ShareMem is the interface unit to the BORLNDMM.DLL shared memory manager, which must be deployed along with your DLL. To avoid using BORLNDMM.DLL, pass string information using PChar or ShortString parameters. } uses ShareMem, SysUtils, Classes, windows, Controls in 'Controls.pas', Graphics in 'Graphics.pas'; exports InitDll; begin DllProc := @myDllProc; myDllProc(DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH); //DLL入口初始化 end. 主程序调用示例: ... p := controls.GetControlAtom; InitDll(application,screen,p^);