如下 c++如何转pascal,希望达人帮忙。(100)

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 yufeiguan
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#ifndef WEAKLEARNER_H#define WEAKLEARNER_H#include "global.h"//vectortypedef struct CORE_API Vec {public: //free memory void Free(); //set the length of vector, allocate memory void Set(int n); //get dimension of vector int length() const { return n; } //operator []: so you can use vec double &operator [](int i)const { return vector; } //get the raw vector data operator double* ()const {return vector;} /* double * getdata() const {return vector;} */ Vec(); Vec(int _n); virtual ~Vec();private: //dimension int n; //data double *vector; //flag bool isfree;}Vec;//matrixtypedef struct CORE_API Mat{public: //set the row&col of matrix, allocate memory void Set(int row, int col); //free memory void Free(); //Add a row vector to the matrix void AddRow(const Vec &feature); //operator []: so you can use matrix[j] Vec &operator[](int i)const { return matrix; } //get col of matrix int cols () const { return col; } //get row of matrix int rows () const { return row; } Mat(int _row, int _col); Mat(); virtual ~Mat(); private: //row int row; //col int col; //data Vec *matrix; //flag bool isfree; //iterator int _iterator;}Mat;class WeakLearner;/* simple threshold function h(x) on a feature x : h(x) = 1 if p.x < p.threshold h(x) = -1 othrewise where p is a parity to indicate the direction of the inequality*/class CORE_API DecisionStump{ friend class WeakLearner; public: DecisionStump(); ~DecisionStump(); // Perform a round training void RoundTrain(const Mat &mat1, const Mat &mat2, double* _weights); // Classify which is a simple threshold function const int Classify(double *feature, int n_input)const { return feature[_d] > _threshold ? _sign : -_sign; } private: // QuickSort Algorithm void QuickSort(double* values,int* indices,const int l,const int r); private : // The data dimension int _d; // The threshold double _threshold; // The sign of the classifier (+1 or -1) int _sign;};//a set of simple threshold function called weaklearnerclass CORE_API WeakLearner{public: WeakLearner(); ~WeakLearner(); // Allocate memory & intialise void Init(int num, double label1, double label2); // Free memory void Free(); // Add a stump-based weaklearner to WeakLearner-Pool void AddStump(const DecisionStump& stump, double _alpha); // Classify a feature vector double Classify(double * feature, int n_input); // Save data to a file void Save(FILE *f); // Load data from a file void Load(FILE *f);private: DecisionStump * decisionstump; double *alpha; //current number of weaklearner int _iterator; //max number of weaklearner int maxnum; // + label double positive_label; // - label double negative_label;};#endif //WEAKLEARNER_H