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asm cpuidend;
给你找了一个,先声明不是我写的哦: cpu ID type TCPUID = array[1..4] of Longint; function GetCPUID : TCPUID; assembler; register; //得到CPU序列号 asm PUSH EBX {Save affected register} PUSH EDI MOV EDI,EAX {@Resukt} MOV EAX,1 DW $A20F {CPUID Command} STOSD {CPUID[1]} MOV EAX,EBX STOSD {CPUID[2]} MOV EAX,ECX STOSD {CPUID[3]} MOV EAX,EDX STOSD {CPUID[4]} POP EDI {Restore registers} POP EBX end; 更多内容请查看http://topic.csdn.net/t/20030826/09/2187564.html
Unit HardInfo; interface uses Windows,SysUtils,Nb30; const ID_BIT = $200000; // EFLAGS ID bit type TCPUID = array[1..4] of Longint; TVendor = array [0..11] of char; function IsCPUID_Available : Boolean; register; //判断CPU序列号是否可用函数 function GetCPUID: TCPUID; assembler; register; //获取CPU序列号函数 function GetCPUVendor: TVendor; assembler; register; //获取CPU生产厂家函数 function GetCPUInfo: string; //CPU序列号(格式化成字符串) function GetCPUSpeed: Double; //获取CPU速度函数 function GetDisplayFrequency: Integer; //获取显示器刷新率 function GetIdeSerialNumber: pchar; //获取IDE硬盘序列号函数 function MonthMaxDay(year,month:integer):Integer; //获取某年某月的最大天数 function GetAdapterMac(ANo:Integer):String; implementation function IsCPUID_Available : Boolean; register; asm PUSHFD {direct access to flags no possible, only via stack} POP EAX {flags to EAX} MOV EDX,EAX {save current flags} XOR EAX,ID_BIT {not ID bit} PUSH EAX {onto stack} POPFD {from stack to flags, with not ID bit} PUSHFD {back to stack} POP EAX {get back to EAX} XOR EAX,EDX {check if ID bit affected} JZ @exit {no, CPUID not availavle} MOV AL,True {Result=True} @exit: end; function GetCPUID: TCPUID; assembler; register; asm PUSH EBX {Save affected register} PUSH EDI MOV EDI,EAX {@Resukt} MOV EAX,1 DW $A20F {CPUID Command} STOSD {CPUID[1]} MOV EAX,EBX STOSD {CPUID[2]} MOV EAX,ECX STOSD {CPUID[3]} MOV EAX,EDX STOSD {CPUID[4]} POP EDI {Restore registers} POP EBX end; function GetCPUVendor : TVendor; assembler; register; //获取CPU生产厂家函数 //调用方法:EDIT.TEXT:='Current CPU Vendor:'+GetCPUVendor; asm PUSH EBX {Save affected register} PUSH EDI MOV EDI,EAX {@Result (TVendor)} MOV EAX,0 DW $A20F {CPUID Command} MOV EAX,EBX XCHG EBX,ECX {save ECX result} MOV ECX,4 @1: STOSB SHR EAX,8 LOOP @1 MOV EAX,EDX MOV ECX,4 @2: STOSB SHR EAX,8 LOOP @2 MOV EAX,EBX MOV ECX,4 @3: STOSB SHR EAX,8 LOOP @3 POP EDI {Restore registers} POP EBX end; function GetCPUInfo: string; var CPUID: TCPUID; I: Integer; S: TVendor; begin for I:=Low(CPUID) to High(CPUID) do CPUID:=-1; if IsCPUID_Available then begin CPUID:= GetCPUID; S:=GetCPUVendor; Result:= IntToHex(CPUID[1], 8) +'-'+ IntToHex(CPUID[2], 8) +'-'+ IntToHex(CPUID[3], 8) +'-'+ IntToHex(CPUID[4], 8); end else Result:='CPUID not available'; end; function GetCPUSpeed: Double; //获取CPU速率函数 //调用方法:EDIT.TEXT:='Current CPU Speed:'+floattostr(GetCPUSpeed)+'MHz'; const DelayTime = 500; // 时间单位是毫秒 var TimerHi, TimerLo: DWORD; PriorityClass, Priority: Integer; begin PriorityClass := GetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess); Priority := GetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread); SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess, REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS); SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL); Sleep(10); asm dw 310Fh // rdtsc mov TimerLo, eax mov TimerHi, edx end; Sleep(DelayTime); asm dw 310Fh // rdtsc sub eax, TimerLo sbb edx, TimerHi mov TimerLo, eax mov TimerHi, edx end; SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread, Priority); SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess, PriorityClass); Result := TimerLo / (1000.0 * DelayTime); end; function GetDisplayFrequency: Integer; // 这个函数返回的显示刷新率是以Hz为单位的 //调用方法:EDIT.TEXT:='Current DisplayFrequency:'+inttostr(GetDisplayFrequency)+' Hz'; var DeviceMode: TDeviceMode; begin EnumDisplaySettings(nil, Cardinal(-1), DeviceMode); Result := DeviceMode.dmDisplayFrequency; end; function GetIdeSerialNumber : pchar; //获取第一个IDE硬盘的序列号 //调用方法:EDIT.TEXT:='HardDriver SerialNumber:'+strpas(GetIdeSerialNumber); const IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE = 512; type TIDERegs = packed record bFeaturesReg : BYTE; // Used for specifying SMART "commands". bSectorCountReg : BYTE; // IDE sector count register bSectorNumberReg : BYTE; // IDE sector number register bCylLowReg : BYTE; // IDE low order cylinder value bCylHighReg : BYTE; // IDE high order cylinder value bDriveHeadReg : BYTE; // IDE drive/head register bCommandReg : BYTE; // Actual IDE command. bReserved : BYTE; // reserved for future use. Must be zero. end; TSendCmdInParams = packed record // Buffer size in bytes cBufferSize : DWORD; // Structure with drive register values. irDriveRegs : TIDERegs; // Physical drive number to send command to (0,1,2,3). bDriveNumber : BYTE; bReserved : Array[0..2] of Byte; dwReserved : Array[0..3] of DWORD; bBuffer : Array[0..0] of Byte; // Input buffer. end; TIdSector = packed record wGenConfig : Word; wNumCyls : Word; wReserved : Word; wNumHeads : Word; wBytesPerTrack : Word; wBytesPerSector : Word; wSectorsPerTrack : Word; wVendorUnique : Array[0..2] of Word; sSerialNumber : Array[0..19] of CHAR; wBufferType : Word; wBufferSize : Word; wECCSize : Word; sFirmwareRev : Array[0..7] of Char; sModelNumber : Array[0..39] of Char; wMoreVendorUnique : Word; wDoubleWordIO : Word; wCapabilities : Word; wReserved1 : Word; wPIOTiming : Word; wDMATiming : Word; wBS : Word; wNumCurrentCyls : Word; wNumCurrentHeads : Word; wNumCurrentSectorsPerTrack : Word; ulCurrentSectorCapacity : DWORD; wMultSectorStuff : Word; ulTotalAddressableSectors : DWORD; wSingleWordDMA : Word; wMultiWordDMA : Word; bReserved : Array[0..127] of BYTE; end; PIdSector = ^TIdSector; TDriverStatus = packed record // 驱动器返回的错误代码,无错则返回0 bDriverError : Byte; // IDE出错寄存器的内容,只有当bDriverError 为 SMART_IDE_ERROR 时有效 bIDEStatus : Byte; bReserved : Array[0..1] of Byte; dwReserved : Array[0..1] of DWORD; end; TSendCmdOutParams = packed record // bBuffer的大小 cBufferSize : DWORD; // 驱动器状态 DriverStatus : TDriverStatus; // 用于保存从驱动器读出的数据的缓冲区,实际长度由cBufferSize决定 bBuffer : Array[0..0] of BYTE; end; var hDevice : THandle; cbBytesReturned : DWORD; SCIP : TSendCmdInParams; aIdOutCmd : Array [0..(SizeOf(TSendCmdOutParams)+IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE-1)-1] of Byte; IdOutCmd : TSendCmdOutParams absolute aIdOutCmd; procedure ChangeByteOrder( var Data; Size : Integer ); var ptr : PChar; i : Integer; c : Char; begin ptr := @Data; for i := 0 to (Size shr 1)-1 do begin c := ptr^; ptr^ := (ptr+1)^; (ptr+1)^ := c; Inc(ptr,2); end; end; begin Result := ''; // 如果出错则返回空串 if SysUtils.Win32Platform=VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then begin// Windows NT, Windows 2000 // 提示! 改变名称可适用于其它驱动器,如第二个驱动器: '//./PhysicalDrive1/' hDevice := CreateFile( '//./PhysicalDrive0', GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 ); end else // Version Windows 95 OSR2, Windows 98 hDevice := CreateFile( '//./SMARTVSD', 0, 0, nil, CREATE_NEW, 0, 0 ); if hDevice=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Exit; try FillChar(SCIP,SizeOf(TSendCmdInParams)-1,#0); FillChar(aIdOutCmd,SizeOf(aIdOutCmd),#0); cbBytesReturned := 0; // Set up data structures for IDENTIFY command. with SCIP do begin cBufferSize := IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE; // bDriveNumber := 0; with irDriveRegs do begin bSectorCountReg := 1; bSectorNumberReg := 1; // if Win32Platform=VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then bDriveHeadReg := $A0 // else bDriveHeadReg := $A0 or ((bDriveNum and 1) shl 4); bDriveHeadReg := $A0; bCommandReg := $EC; end; end; if not DeviceIoControl( hDevice, $0007c088, @SCIP, SizeOf(TSendCmdInParams)-1, @aIdOutCmd, SizeOf(aIdOutCmd), cbBytesReturned, nil ) then Exit; finally CloseHandle(hDevice); end; with PIdSector(@IdOutCmd.bBuffer)^ do begin ChangeByteOrder( sSerialNumber, SizeOf(sSerialNumber) ); (PChar(@sSerialNumber)+SizeOf(sSerialNumber))^ := #0; Result := PChar(@sSerialNumber); end; // 更多关于 S.M.A.R.T. ioctl 的信息可查看: // http://www.microsoft.com/hwdev/download/respec/iocltapi.rtf // MSDN库中也有一些简单的例子 // Windows Development -> Win32 Device Driver Kit -> // SAMPLE: SmartApp.exe Accesses SMART stats in IDE drives // 还可以查看 http://www.mtgroup.ru/~alexk // IdeInfo.zip - 一个简单的使用了S.M.A.R.T. Ioctl API的Delphi应用程序 // 注意: // WinNT/Win2000 - 你必须拥有对硬盘的读/写访问权限 // Win98 // SMARTVSD.VXD 必须安装到 /windows/system/iosubsys // (不要忘记在复制后重新启动系统) end; function MonthMaxDay(Year,Month:Integer) : Integer ; //获取某年某月最大天数 begin Case Month of 1,3,5,7,8,10,12: Result:=31; //如是1、3、5、7、8、10、12则最大为31天 2: if (Year mod 4=0) and (Year mod 100<>0) or (Year mod 400=0) then Result:=29 else Result:=28; //如是闰年2月则29天,否则2月最大为28天 else Result:=30; //其它的4、6、9、11则最大天数为30天 end; end; function GetAdapterMac(ANo:Integer):String; //获取网卡的MAC地址 var Ncb:TNcb; Adapter:TAdapterStatus; Lanaenum:TLanaenum; IntIdx:Integer; // cRc:Char; StrTemp:String; begin Result:=''; Try ZeroMemory(@Ncb,SizeOf(Ncb)); Ncb.ncb_command:=Chr(NCbenum); NetBios(@NCb); Ncb.ncb_buffer:=@Lanaenum; //再处理enum命令 Ncb.ncb_length:=SizeOf(Lanaenum); cRc:=NetBios(@Ncb); if Ord(cRc)<>0 then exit; ZeroMemory(@Ncb,SizeOf(Ncb)); //适配器清零 Ncb.ncb_command:=Chr(NcbReset); Ncb.ncb_lana_num:=Lanaenum.lana[aNo]; cRc:=NetBios(@Ncb); if Ord(cRc)<>0 then exit; //得到适配器状态 ZeroMemory(@Ncb,SizeOf(Ncb)); Ncb.ncb_command:=Chr(NcbAstat); Ncb.ncb_lana_num:=Lanaenum.lana[aNo]; StrPcopy(Ncb.ncb_callname,'*'); Ncb.ncb_buffer:=@Adapter; Ncb.ncb_length:=SizeOf(Adapter); NetBios(@Ncb); //将mac地址转换成字符串输出 StrTemp:=''; For IntIdx:=0 to 5 do StrTemp:=StrTemp+IntToHex(Integer(Adapter.adapter_address[intIdx]),2); Result:=StrTemp; finally end; end; end.
function GetCPUInfo(InfoID: Byte): String;var _eax, _ebx, _ecx, _edx: Longword; i: Integer; b: Byte; b1: Word; s, s1, s2, s3, s_all: string;begincase InfoID of //获取CPU序列号 1: begin asm mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 mov _eax,eax mov _ebx,ebx mov _ecx,ecx mov _edx,edx end; s := IntToHex(_eax, 8); s1 := IntToHex(_edx, 8); s2 := IntToHex(_ecx, 8); Insert('-', s, 5); Insert('-', s1, 5); Insert('-', s2, 5); result:=s + '-' + s1 + '-' + s2; end; 2: //获取 CPU 频率 begin asm //execute the extended CPUID inst. mov eax,$80000000 //sub. func call db $0F,$A2 mov _eax,eax end; if _eax > $80000000 then //any other sub. funct avail. ? begin asm //get brand ID mov eax,$80000002 db $0F db $A2 mov _eax,eax mov _ebx,ebx mov _ecx,ecx mov _edx,edx end; s := ''; s1 := ''; s2 := ''; s3 := ''; for i := 0 to 3 do begin b := lo(_eax); s3:= s3 + chr(b); b := lo(_ebx); s := s + chr(b); b := lo(_ecx); s1 := s1 + chr(b); b := lo(_edx); s2 := s2 + chr(b); _eax := _eax shr 8; _ebx := _ebx shr 8; _ecx := _ecx shr 8; _edx := _edx shr 8; end; s_all := trim(s3 + s + s1 + s2); asm mov eax,$80000003 db $0F db $A2 mov _eax,eax mov _ebx,ebx mov _ecx,ecx mov _edx,edx end; s := ''; s1 := ''; s2 := ''; s3 := ''; for i := 0 to 3 do begin b := lo(_eax); s3 := s3 + chr(b); b := lo(_ebx); s := s + chr(b); b := lo(_ecx); s1 := s1 + chr(b); b := lo(_edx); s2 := s2 + chr(b); _eax := _eax shr 8; _ebx := _ebx shr 8; _ecx := _ecx shr 8; _edx := _edx shr 8; end; s_all := s_all + s3 + s + s1 + s2; asm mov eax,$80000004 db $0F db $A2 mov _eax,eax mov _ebx,ebx mov _ecx,ecx mov _edx,edx end; s := ''; s1 := ''; s2 := ''; s3 := ''; for i := 0 to 3 do begin b := lo(_eax); s3 := s3 + chr(b); b := lo(_ebx); s := s + chr(b); b := lo(_ecx); s1 := s1 + chr(b); b := lo(_edx); s2 := s2 + chr(b); _eax := _eax shr 8; _ebx := _ebx shr 8; _ecx := _ecx shr 8; _edx := _edx shr 8; end; if s2[Length(s2)] = #0 then setlength(s2, Length(s2) - 1); result:= s_all + s3 + s + s1 + s2; end else result:= ''; end; 3: //获取 CPU厂商 begin asm //asm call to the CPUID inst. mov eax,0 //sub. func call db $0F,$A2 //db $0F,$A2 = CPUID instruction mov _ebx,ebx mov _ecx,ecx mov _edx,edx end; for i := 0 to 3 do //extract vendor id begin b := lo(_ebx); s := s + chr(b); b := lo(_ecx); s1:= s1 + chr(b); b := lo(_edx); s2:= s2 + chr(b); _ebx := _ebx shr 8; _ecx := _ecx shr 8; _edx := _edx shr 8; end; result:=s + s2 + s1; end; else result:='错误的信息标识!';end;end;procedure TzcFM.FormShow(Sender: TObject);var s:array[0..128] of char; i:DWord;begin i:=128; GetComputerName(s,i); Edit3.Text:=s; edit2.Text:=GetCPUInfo(1); // GetCPUInfo(2),GetCPUInfo(3) edit4.Text:=datetostr(now);end;