呵呵~~我要~~clientdataset tips1.clientdataset的结构.DSIntf.pas 该单元定义一个接口,接口的实现由MIDAS.DLL完成.DSPropspDSIDXDesc{ Field Descriptor } pDSFLDDesc = ^DSFLDDesc; DSFLDDesc = packed record szName : MIDASNAME; { Field name } iFldType : Integer; { Field type } iFldSubType : Integer; { Field subtype (if applicable) } iUnits1 : Integer; { Number of Chars, precision etc } iUnits2 : Integer; { Decimal places etc. } iFldLen : Integer; { Length in bytes (computed) } iFldOffsInRec : Integer; { Offset to field in record buffer } iNullOffsInRec : Integer; { Offset to null flag (1byte) in record buffer } iFieldID : Word; { FieldID of this field } iFieldIDParent : Word; { FieldID of parent, if any (part of ADT or ARRAY) } bCalculated : LongBool; { Field is Calculated } iFldAttr : Integer; { Field attributes } iOptParameters : Integer; { Number of optional parameters for field } end; [red]2.每条记录都有自己的Cdsupdate.UpdateStatus,即可以判断该记录是否修改过. ClientData.StatusFilter: tupdatestatusset ClientData.UpdateStatus: tupdatestatus 3.可以过滤出未修改的记录, 已修改的记录, 新增加的记录, 已删除的记录, 这些都是未提交的数据. ClientData.StatusFilter = usUnmodified, usModified, usInserted, usDeleted .每条记录都有自己的Cdsupdate.UpdateStatus,即可以判断该记录是否修改过.[/red]