private { Private declarations } sbhp:byte; public { Public declarations } end;...procedure TForm1.StatusBar1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);var i,m,n:integer;begin with TStatusBar(Sender) do begin m:=0; for i:=0 to Panels.Count-2 do begin if (x>m) and (x<m+Panels.Width) then begin if sbhp<>i then application.CancelHint; sbhp:=i; Hint:='Panel'+inttostr(i+1); {显示你自己的hint} ShowHint:=true; exit; end; inc(m,Panels.Width); end; if (x>m) and (x<ClientWidth) then begin if sbhp<>i then application.CancelHint; sbhp:=i; Hint:='Panel'+inttostr(i+1); {显示你自己的hint} ShowHint:=true; end; end;end;