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unit SHA1; interface uses Sysutils, Tools; type TSHA1Digest= array[0..19] of byte; TSHA1Context= record Hash: array[0..4] of DWord; Hi, Lo: integer; Buffer: array[0..63] of byte; Index: integer; end; function SHA1SelfTest: boolean; procedure SHA1Init(var Context: TSHA1Context); procedure SHA1Update(var Context: TSHA1Context; Buffer: pointer; Len: integer); procedure SHA1Final(var Context: TSHA1Context; var Digest: TSHA1Digest); //****************************************************************************** implementation {$R-} function SHA1SelfTest: boolean; const s: string= 'abc'; OutDigest: TSHA1Digest= ($a9,$99,$3e,$36,$47,$06,$81,$6a,$ba,$3e,$25,$71,$78,$50,$c2,$6c,$9c,$d0,$d8,$9d); var Context: TSHA1Context; Digest: TSHA1Digest; begin SHA1Init(Context); SHA1Update(Context,@s[1],length(s)); SHA1Final(Context,Digest); if CompareMem(@Digest,@OutDigest,Sizeof(Digest)) then Result:= true else Result:= false; end; //****************************************************************************** function F1(x, y, z: DWord): DWord; begin Result:= z xor (x and (y xor z)); end; function F2(x, y, z: DWord): DWord; begin Result:= x xor y xor z; end; function F3(x, y, z: DWord): DWord; begin Result:= (x and y) or (z and (x or y)); end; //****************************************************************************** function RB(A: DWord): DWord; begin Result:= (A shr 24) or ((A shr 8) and $FF00) or ((A shl 8) and $FF0000) or (A shl 24); end; procedure SHA1Compress(var Data: TSHA1Context); var A, B, C, D, E, T: DWord; W: array[0..79] of DWord; i: integer; begin Move(Data.Buffer,W,Sizeof(Data.Buffer)); for i:= 0 to 15 do W:= RB(W); for i:= 16 to 79 do W:= LRot32(W[i-3] xor W[i-8] xor W[i-14] xor W[i-16],1); A:= Data.Hash[0]; B:= Data.Hash[1]; C:= Data.Hash[2]; D:= Data.Hash[3]; E:= Data.Hash[4]; for i:= 0 to 19 do begin T:= LRot32(A,5) + F1(B,C,D) + E + W + $5A827999; E:= D; D:= C; C:= LRot32(B,30); B:= A; A:= T; end; for i:= 20 to 39 do begin T:= LRot32(A,5) + F2(B,C,D) + E + W + $6ED9EBA1; E:= D; D:= C; C:= LRot32(B,30); B:= A; A:= T; end; for i:= 40 to 59 do begin T:= LRot32(A,5) + F3(B,C,D) + E + W + $8F1BBCDC; E:= D; D:= C; C:= LRot32(B,30); B:= A; A:= T; end; for i:= 60 to 79 do begin T:= LRot32(A,5) + F2(B,C,D) + E + W + $CA62C1D6; E:= D; D:= C; C:= LRot32(B,30); B:= A; A:= T; end; Data.Hash[0]:= Data.Hash[0] + A; Data.Hash[1]:= Data.Hash[1] + B; Data.Hash[2]:= Data.Hash[2] + C; Data.Hash[3]:= Data.Hash[3] + D; Data.Hash[4]:= Data.Hash[4] + E; FillChar(W,Sizeof(W),0); FillChar(Data.Buffer,Sizeof(Data.Buffer),0); end; //****************************************************************************** procedure SHA1Init(var Context: TSHA1Context); begin Context.Hi:= 0; Context.Lo:= 0; Context.Index:= 0; FillChar(Context.Buffer,Sizeof(Context.Buffer),0); Context.Hash[0]:= $67452301; Context.Hash[1]:= $EFCDAB89; Context.Hash[2]:= $98BADCFE; Context.Hash[3]:= $10325476; Context.Hash[4]:= $C3D2E1F0; end; //****************************************************************************** procedure SHA1UpdateLen(var Context: TSHA1Context; Len: integer); var i, k: integer; begin for k:= 0 to 7 do begin i:= Context.Lo; Inc(Context.Lo,Len); if Context.Lo< i then Inc(Context.Hi); end; end; //****************************************************************************** procedure SHA1Update(var Context: TSHA1Context; Buffer: pointer; Len: integer); type PByte= ^Byte; begin SHA1UpdateLen(Context,Len); while Len> 0 do begin Context.Buffer[Context.Index]:= PByte(Buffer)^; Inc(PByte(Buffer)); Inc(Context.Index); Dec(Len); if Context.Index= 64 then begin Context.Index:= 0; SHA1Compress(Context); end; end; end; //****************************************************************************** procedure SHA1Final(var Context: TSHA1Context; var Digest: TSHA1Digest); type PDWord= ^DWord; begin Context.Buffer[Context.Index]:= $80; if Context.Index>= 56 then SHA1Compress(Context); PDWord(@Context.Buffer[56])^:= RB(Context.Hi); PDWord(@Context.Buffer[60])^:= RB(Context.Lo); SHA1Compress(Context); Context.Hash[0]:= RB(Context.Hash[0]); Context.Hash[1]:= RB(Context.Hash[1]); Context.Hash[2]:= RB(Context.Hash[2]); Context.Hash[3]:= RB(Context.Hash[3]); Context.Hash[4]:= RB(Context.Hash[4]); Move(Context.Hash,Digest,Sizeof(Digest)); FillChar(Context,Sizeof(Context),0); end; end. 其中: unit Tools; interface uses Sysutils; type {$IFDEF VER120} dword= longword; {$ELSE} dword= longint; {$ENDIF} function LRot16(X: word; c: integer): word; assembler; function RRot16(X: word; c: integer): word; assembler; function LRot32(X: dword; c: integer): dword; assembler; function RRot32(X: dword; c: integer): dword; assembler; procedure XorBlock(I1, I2, O1: PByteArray; Len: integer); procedure IncBlock(P: PByteArray; Len: integer); implementation function LRot16(X: word; c: integer): word; assembler; asm mov ecx,&c mov ax,&X rol ax,cl mov &Result,ax end; function RRot16(X: word; c: integer): word; assembler; asm mov ecx,&c mov ax,&X ror ax,cl mov &Result,ax end; function LRot32(X: dword; c: integer): dword; register; assembler; asm mov ecx, edx rol eax, cl end; function RRot32(X: dword; c: integer): dword; register; assembler; asm mov ecx, edx ror eax, cl end; procedure XorBlock(I1, I2, O1: PByteArray; Len: integer); var i: integer; begin for i:= 0 to Len-1 do O1:= I1 xor I2; end; procedure IncBlock(P: PByteArray; Len: integer); begin Inc(P[Len-1]); if (P[Len-1]= 0) and (Len> 1) then IncBlock(P,Len-1); end; end.这是网上找到的sha1代码.这是使用 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var SHA1Context: TSHA1Context; SHA1Digest: TSHA1Digest; password:string; p:array [0..256] of char; begin password:='123456'; SHA1Init(SHA1Context); SHA1Update(SHA1Context, PChar(password), Length(password)); SHA1Final(SHA1Context, SHA1Digest); BinToHex(PChar(@SHA1Digest),p,strlen(PChar(@SHA1Digest))); ShowMessage(p); end; 得到我结果与原值不对我得到的是:942BD3EF0F4FC209F456C40131A323097A79286FP